Chapter 887 What Should She Do Now

After An Qiaoran finished yelling, her entire face turned red, "Open the door quickly!"

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, the bodyguard was stunned for a moment, and then realized after a while, "Miss is missing?"


Seeing that An Qiaoran was so nervous, the two bodyguards were also in a dilemma, wondering if they should let her out.

After thinking about it, they decided to ask Lu Yuchen.

So, the two looked at each other, and then one of them took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Lu Yuchen.

However, as soon as he took out his mobile phone, An Qiaoran suddenly reached out and snatched the pistol from his pocket.

Because of the swift action, the two bodyguards didn't mind for a while, but it was too late when they found out, and the pistol had already fallen into An Qiaoran's hands.

Seeing An Qiaoran put the muzzle of the gun against his head, the two bodyguards suddenly became nervous, "Madam, don't be impulsive, give me the gun!"

"Open the door." An Qiaoran said coldly.

"Madam..." The bodyguard looked embarrassed.

An Qiaoran directly pressed the safety of the gun, "Open the door!"

The two bodyguards were completely terrified by An Qiaoran's appearance. They didn't know how he learned to use a gun, and they were afraid that she would accidentally fire.

Helpless, he had to take out the key to open the door.

A bodyguard opened the door, and another bodyguard tried to communicate with An Qiaoran.

"Ma'am, don't be impulsive, give me the gun, this thing can still be dangerous."

But An Qiaoran didn't care at all, his eyes were on the other bodyguard's key.

The bodyguard didn't know what was going on, so he took the key and inserted it into the lock. After twisting it for a long time, he still couldn't open the lock. An Qiaoran was very impatient, "Hurry up!"

"It will be ready soon." The bodyguard said, the lock was unlocked, and the bodyguard opened the door, "Madam, please."

An Qiaoran put down his hand holding the gun, and strode out.

However, just as she stepped out of the iron gate with one foot, she was suddenly hit hard on the neck. She immediately lost all strength, closed her eyes, fainted, and the gun in her hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry ma'am."

One bodyguard supported her, and the other bent down to pick up the gun on the ground and put it in his pocket.

"Is this really good? What if the wife wakes up and blames us?" The bodyguard looked at An Qiaoran who was unconscious, and asked worriedly.

"It's better to blame than die." Another bodyguard who was supporting An Qiaoran said.

Mr. Lu had ordered that no matter what, the wife should not be allowed to go out, otherwise the two of them would lose their heads.

They all knew that their wife had a good temper and would not blame others so easily, so under the three balances, they still chose to offend his wife and not to offend Mr. Lu.


At one o'clock in the morning, An Qiaoran woke up in a thunderstorm, looked around the room, and found that it was his bedroom.

The memories of Xiewan broke into her mind, Jiayi disappeared, she wanted to go out, but the two bodyguards at the door knocked her out... She has been sleeping until now.

Outside the window was already heavy rain with lightning and thunder, and the wind was blowing and the bean-heavy rain was beating against the glass, making a terrifying sound.

An Qiaoran sat up from the bed, glanced at the big clock on the wall, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and Lu Yuchen hadn't come back yet...

Had something really happened to him?Jiayi disappeared, he didn't come back, and Nade also went out. Apart from the maids, she was the only one left in the whole villa. What should she do now?
An Qiaoran sat on the bed, listening to the sound of rain outside, suddenly felt sad and helpless...

She bent her knees, lowered her head, hugged herself in her hands, and cried silently.

With a "bang", the bedroom door was opened, and the maid rang in the bedroom with a joyful voice.

(End of this chapter)

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