Chapter 888 Anonymous Express

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's eyes were full of deep thought, but he still shook his head, "It can't be him, he's been going around with me all afternoon, it's not him."

not him?
"Who would that be?"

An Qiaoran asked subconsciously, because after Jiayi disappeared, the first person she thought of was Lu Feng, and she couldn't think of anyone other than Lu Feng.


Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but complex emotions were hidden in his deep eyes, and his brows were tightly frowned.

An Qiaoran was lying in his arms, and suddenly shivered from the cold, Lu Yuchen immediately looked at her nervously, "Is it cold?"

Although An Qiaoran shook his head, Lu Yuchen still knew that she was really cold, so he hugged her even tighter, and covered her neck with the quilt, "Is this better?"

"Much better." An Qiaoran said.

Just be comfortable.

Lu Yuchen just hugged her like this, kissed her forehead, and said, "You rest first, don't think about those things anymore, I will take care of everything, huh?"

"it is good."

An Qiaoran nodded in his arms, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

With Lu Yuchen by his side, all problems are not a problem, no matter how flustered he is, as long as he is there, he can feel at ease.

So An Qiaoran fell asleep quickly that night, sleeping peacefully in Lu Yuchen's arms, never waking up once.

When she woke up the next day, she was also in Lu Yuchen's arms, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a pair of eyes staring deeply at her.

"It's great to see how you feel when you wake up." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, and said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait for you to wake up from now on?" Lu Yuchen still stared at her, without joking at all.

An Qiaoran smiled, did not speak, turned over and sat up, and Lu Yuchen also sat up.

"You..." An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen, and was about to say something when there was a knock on the door of the room, and a kind voice came from outside the door.

"Master, there is a courier for you."

"Express delivery? When did you learn to shop online?" Before Lu Yuchen could speak, An Qiaoran asked in doubt.

As far as she knew, Lu Yuchen would not buy anything online, and now a courier was delivered, what could it be?
"I didn't buy anything, where did I get the express delivery?" Lu Yuchen was also puzzled, got out of bed, walked to the door, and opened it.

Nade handed him a packaged package, "Master."

Lu Yuchen glanced at it, took it, and walked towards the sofa while looking at the sender's information on the box. The recipient had it there, but the sender's had nothing, it was empty.

"Anonymous courier?" An Qiaoran came behind him at some point and saw the blank space on the package.

Hearing the sound, Lu Yuchen turned his eyes to look at her, and when he saw the low-cut pajamas she was wearing, his whole face darkened immediately.

"Go change your clothes." He said with a frown.

An Qiaoran felt baffled, but when she saw Nade's intentionally avoiding eyes, she also felt a burst of embarrassment, and turned and went into the cloakroom.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Yuchen raised his eyes and looked at Nade in front of him, and said displeasedly.

Nade lowered his head and did not speak.

Lu Yuchen stared at the package of the package for a moment, then opened the package and took out the contents.

Inside was an envelope. Lu Yuchen opened the envelope and saw a bunch of photos. The person in the photos was none other than Lu Jiayi, the daughter of him and An Qiaoran...

(End of this chapter)

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