Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 890 Jiayi is An Qiaoran's Life

Chapter 890 Jiayi is An Qiaoran's Life

"No matter what, you must rescue her safely."

An Qiaoran choked up and said, "My Jiayi is still so young, why doesn't he just let her go? He has a grudge against us, so he should come at us, why is he still so cruel to my Jiayi?" ?”

At the end, An Qiaoran's tears fell uncontrollably.

Seeing her crying, Lu Yuchen felt even more uncomfortable, "Don't cry, I promise you, I will rescue her safely, and I will not let anything happen to her."

"Then go find a way!" An Qiaoran said.

"Okay, I'll find a way, don't be too sad, go to rest first, don't worry too much, I have everything."

After Lu Yuchen finished speaking, An Qiaoran remained silent.

Seeing that she didn't continue to cry, Lu Yuchen picked her up, put her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

"You have a good rest, don't think too much, I'm going to discuss countermeasures now, don't worry me, you know?"

An Qiaoran looked at him, nodded, and said with a serious face, "If there is anything wrong with Jiayi, my conscience will be condemned."

"I know, but An Qiaoran..." Lu Yuchen looked at her seriously, "No matter what the result is, I want you to be well."

An Qiaoran looked at him, didn't speak, just closed his eyes.

Lu Yuchen knew that she was too tired, not physically, but mentally. Looking at her, he lowered his head, kissed her on the forehead, and stroked her face with his big palm.

After staring at her deeply, he stood up, walked to the table, picked up the photos and letters on the table, glanced at Nade, and then left the bedroom, Nade followed closely behind.

The second the bedroom door was closed, An Qiaoran who was lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and looked at Lu Yuchen's black suit on the sofa...


Nade followed Lu Yuchen to the study room, looked at Lu Yuchen who was sitting on the sofa, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Master, now that the young lady is in Lu Feng's hands, what should I do?"

"An Qiaoran is in a panic, are you too?" Hearing Nade's flustered voice, Lu Yuchen couldn't help but glared at him, and said displeasedly.

Nade lowered his head and did not speak.

Lu Yuchen lowered his eyes and looked at the photos in his hand again. The more he looked, the more he frowned.

"Jiayi must have been taken away by Chen Lanyu." Lu Yuchen looked at these photos and said.

The hand holding the dagger in the photo looks like a woman's hand.

"If it's really Chen Lanyu, what exactly does she want?" Nade asked, frowning.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stared coldly at the hand in the photo, the more he looked, the more terrifying his eyes became.

If it was Lu Feng, there might still be room for negotiation, because he knew what he wanted, but now it is Chen Lanyu...

"Chen Lanyu must be holding a grudge against you. Now that she has tied up Miss, I'm afraid she will harm Miss, young master..."

Nade thought about Lu Yuchen's holding back before, but didn't think he still had concerns now.

"I know!" Lu Yuchen said in a low voice, "Jiayi is An Qiaoran's life, without her life, everything is meaningless to her."

If he didn't do anything to Chen Lanyu because he was afraid that she would know about Chen Lanyu's child and was angry with him before, then now that he, Chen Lanyu, has tied up Lu Yuchen's daughter, he will definitely not let her go!

Lu Yuchen had a stern expression on his face, and looked up at Nade, "Find Ke Sheng's whereabouts, I want to see him!"

(End of this chapter)

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