Chapter 891 My wife is gone!
Nade couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, "Young master is now looking for Ke Sheng, he may not know the whereabouts of Chen Lanyu either!"

"Who said I was looking for Chen Lanyu's whereabouts?" Lu Yuchen glanced at him, "I have my own plan."

After Lu Yuchen said that, Nade naturally didn't dare to say anything more, and nodded in agreement, "I understand, young master, I'll go right away."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Lu Yuchen put the photo in his hand on the table, looking at his daughter in the photo, he felt very uncomfortable.

He got up, walked to the computer desk, turned on the computer, and tapped his fingers on the keyboard very quickly, at a frighteningly fast speed. After a while, a small cell monitor appeared on the computer screen.

He shook the mouse again, tapped the keyboard, the grid on the screen became larger, and a monitoring section appeared.

From the screen, it looks like a mountain, which is exactly the monitoring of the back mountain of the Lu family.

When he was in Lu's house, he was fighting with Lu Feng for power. Because he felt insecure, he installed invisible cameras on the mountains near Lu's house.

No one knew about this matter except himself, not even Nade.

It was originally just a way to protect himself, but now it has become an important tool to save his daughter.

With this monitoring, things are much easier.

Lu Yuchen looked at the computer screen with heavy eyes, held the mouse with his fingers, and focused all his attention on the monitor screen on the computer.


At twelve noon, Nade walked into his study, "Master, I have found Ke Sheng. He is in a hotel at the foot of the mountain. I specifically told him to wait for you there."

Hearing his voice, Lu Yuchen raised his eyes to look at him, "Call Chen Lanyu now, and do everything possible to delay the time!"

"Master, do you have any action?" Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, Nade was puzzled for a while.

"The only way now is to be on Chen Lanyu's body. No matter what, I won't let Jiayi suffer any harm!"

Lu Yuchen answered irrelevant questions, got up and walked out, walking quickly.

He left directly, so he didn't see the thin figure that suddenly appeared on the monitor...

Nade looked at Lu Yuchen's leaving back, very puzzled.

All along, no matter what happens, he has a clear idea of ​​what the young master has planned, but now he has no idea what he is going to do.

He always had an intuition that the young master must be hiding something from him.

Nade didn't think about it anymore, and was about to call Chen Lanyu after leaving the study, but just as he took out his mobile phone, a maid hurried over.

"Butler De, it's not good, my wife is gone!"

When Nade heard this, he almost lost his grip on the phone. He glanced at the maid, then turned and walked to the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, there was no one in the room, and a gust of wind blew by. At first glance, the window was wide open, but not closed, and a long rope made of bed sheets could be seen extending out of the window.

Apparently... she jumped out of the window and ran.

Nade was stunned by the scene in front of him, and then looked at the maid beside him, "She must not have run far, so let someone find her! Search the whole mountain!"

"Yes, Steward De."

The maid nodded and turned to leave the room, and Nade also ran out. He, who had seen the world, was a little flustered at this moment.

Isn't the young lady missing at this time just to cause trouble for the young master and make him worry?The young master was already very worried when the young lady was arrested, but now the young lady has also left secretly without a trace. If the young master knows, he doesn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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