Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 892 Can't Exchange Herself For Her Daughter?

Chapter 892 Can't Exchange Herself For Her Daughter?

The young lady and the wife disappeared one after another, and the villa has become a mess. There is no peace in the whole villa, and they are all busy looking for someone.

On the other side, An Qiaoran and Chen Lanyu sat facing each other in a gazebo on the back mountain of Lu's house.

Behind him was a dense bamboo forest. The cold wind blew through, making the bamboo leaves in the forest rustle, and the dead leaves that fell on the ground were also blown up by the wind, flying all over the sky.

The breeze blew up An Qiaoran's fine hair on her forehead, but she looked at Chen Lanyu across from her and didn't speak for a long time.

Chen Lanyu was also sitting there upright, looking at An Qiaoran, with a faint smile in the corner of her eyes, and a sarcasm in the corner of her mouth.

"You came looking for me purely as a self-inflicted trap." She said calmly, full of sarcasm.

An Qiaoran looked at Chen Lanyu, who was full of sarcasm, and suddenly felt that the person in front of her was not the Chen Lanyu she knew, and she was really scary now.

"I just came to see my daughter, where is my daughter? What did you do to her?"

From the first second he saw the photo, An Qiaoran recognized Chen Lanyu's hand, and what Nade said.

The person who kidnapped Jiayi was not Lu Feng, then only Chen Lanyu.

Although An Qiaoran didn't believe it when she first realized this, but the hand holding the dagger in the photo really made her believe it.

So, she took Lu Yuchen's cell phone, found the phone number in her memory and dialed it. When she came here, she met Chen Lanyu.

"Don't worry, your daughter is with Lu Feng now, as long as you are obedient, she will be fine!"

Chen Lanyu looked at An Qiaoran, and spoke slowly, although his tone was neither fast nor slow, but there was an invisible sarcasm and threat.

Hearing what Chen Lanyu said, An Qiaoran couldn't believe her ears.

"I want to see her." An Qiaoran said bluntly.

She came here recklessly, just to replace her daughter and protect her daughter.

"Meet her?"

Chen Lanyu laughed as if hearing a joke, "An Qiaoran, don't worry, even if you don't speak, I will let you see her. If you have finished speaking, I can take you now Go see her."

"I want to take her away." An Qiaoran emphasized.

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability!" Chen Lanyu said innocently, "You still want to go out here, do you really think I'm stupid?"

"Then what do you want?" An Qiaoran looked at her and asked.

"Of course I want you mother and daughter to be reunited. Do you want me to separate you? That's okay too!"

Chen Lanyu said it calmly, but it contained many meanings, and An Qiaoran couldn't accept them all.

"You mean, even if I were to exchange my daughter, it wouldn't work?" Although Chen Lanyu's words were clear enough, An Qiaoran still asked unwillingly.

"Did I promise you?" Chen Lanyu asked back.

"But you..."

"You came here by yourself, and I didn't promise you anything." Chen Lanyu interrupted her and said.

The Chen Lanyu in front of her really made An Qiaoran not know what to do, so she looked at her helplessly.

"Sister, why did you become like this? Why did you do this?"

An Qiaoran asked herself that she hadn't offended her, she had disappeared for so long before she got any news, but before she went to find her, she had already arrested her daughter, which really couldn't be justified.

What happened to her over the past year or so that made her become what she is now?

(End of this chapter)

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