Chapter 897

Thinking about it, Nade was still a little shocked, his hands were shaking a little, and the potion almost fell to the ground.

"Get out of here if you can't bandage!" Lu Yuchen looked at him for a long time and didn't fix it, and his patience was exhausted.

"Master, don't get angry, otherwise, the wound will not heal, and the blood will not stop."

Nade didn't know how to deal with Lu Yuchen's irritable temper, so he could only speed up his movements.

After taking the medicine, he wrapped it with gauze, and just after wrapping it up, Lu Yuchen stood up impatiently and walked outside.

"Mr. Lu!"

Seeing the back of Lu Yuchen leaving, Ah Heng couldn't help but make a sound, but it was useless.

"The young master must have gone to the Chen's house, and I guess the young lady also went to the Chen's house to find Chen Lanyu." Nade closed the medicine box, said a word, and then went out, followed by Ah Heng.

Mrs. Lu had traveled abroad half a year ago, and the butler Nianhua followed her. At this time, the Lu family was empty, so Lu Feng hid in the Lu family.

Lu Yuchen, Ah Heng, and Na De got out of the car, came to the iron gate of Lu's house, and looked at the villa floor inside.

At this time, the door of the villa was closed, the curtains were drawn, and there was no place to see the inside. From the outside, the scene inside could not be seen at all.

"Computer." Lu Yuchen stretched out his hand towards Ah Heng.

Ah Heng immediately took the computer from the bodyguard and handed it to Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen took it, holding the computer in one hand, and typing on it with the other.After a while, a series of video surveillance appeared on the computer screen.

Lu Yuchen glanced over it quickly, sliding his finger over and over again, and the monitoring picture on the screen also changed accordingly.

At this time, Lu Yuchen's face slowly became serious, and the winding head did not reflect his concentration at all.

Aheng and Nade on the side looked at each other when they saw him like this, not understanding what he was doing.

After Lu Yuchen repeated these actions for about 5 minutes, his eyes stopped on a spot on the screen.

The monitor on the screen was enlarged, and the picture in the monitor became clearer and clearer. Lu Yuchen stared fixedly at the screen without blinking.

Finally, the surveillance screen was enlarged enough, Lu Yuchen's pupils shrank, and he stared at the scene on the screen.

Realizing that Lu Yuchen was wrong, Nade quickly leaned over to look at it, and when he saw the picture above, he made a joyful voice.

"It's Young Madam and Miss!"

The video on the surveillance was the study room where An Qiaoran and Xiao Jiayi were.Lu Yuchen called out the hidden surveillance there.

Nade looked at the study room and began to be lost in thought.

If he remembered correctly, this study room belonged to Master Lu back then, that is, Lu Yuchen's father, and it was also Master Lu's golden house.

Since it was the Golden House, it was a room isolated from the outside world, and it was very mysterious, even he had never entered it.

I really don't know how Lu Yuchen found the surveillance camera there.

At this time, all Lu Yuchen's attention was on the screen.

In the surveillance screen, An Qiaoran was sitting on the sofa holding Jiayi who was already asleep, drowsy, and his complexion seemed not very good.

Lu Feng did something to her?She looked a little pale, and her hair was a little messy, and it seemed that she had been wronged.

Thinking of this, his heart tightened suddenly, and his eyes suddenly became fierce.

Suddenly, he looked up at Nade, and ordered in a cold voice, "I'll go find Lu Feng later, and you take someone downstairs to this room, but without my permission, you are not allowed to act rashly. "

(End of this chapter)

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