Chapter 898 This time, what do you want?
Since Lu Feng thought of locking people there, he must have done something. He would not do anything until he was sure about An Qiaoran's safety.

"Yes, sir."

Nade nodded, walked up to some people, and repeated what Lu Yuchen said just now.

Lu Yuchen looked at Ah Heng, "When will Ke Sheng arrive?"

Hearing this, Ah Heng glanced at his watch, and then replied, "It is estimated that there is still more than an hour."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen pursed his lips, turned to look at the rows of bodyguards standing beside the car, "Everyone get in the car!"

After the words fell, all the standing bodyguards got into the car and closed the windows.

Lu Yuchen walked to the iron gate, and was just about to reach out to ring the doorbell, when an arrogant voice rang from the roof.

"I didn't expect you, Lu Yuchen, to be so anxious. However, it saves me from waiting any longer. I threw away everything on you and came in alone!"


Nade was about to make a sound when he saw Lu Yuchen throw the gun and dagger in his pocket to the ground, the corner of his mouth was full of coldness.

"Excellent! Come in!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, the iron door voluntarily opened, and Lu Yuchen walked over with a cold expression.

"Mr. Lu, you must be careful." Seeing Lu Yuchen's back as he entered, Ah Heng couldn't help exhorting.

Lu Yuchen didn't answer, and walked straight into the living room of the villa.

Nade was very worried, but what he had to do now was to rescue the young lady and the young lady, so that the young master would not have any worries.

The door of the living room was closed, Lu Feng had already seen the young master, Nade also started to act, called some people out of the car, and went downstairs from the other side of the mountain.

He knew the exact location of the study, so he found it quickly. A dozen people stood under the wall and raised their heads. The window with the curtains on the second floor was the study, and the young lady and the young lady were inside.

Since Lu Feng went to see the young master so reassuringly, there must be something in the room, so he can only stay here and stay put.


When Lu Yuchen walked into the living room of the villa, he saw Lu Feng coming down the stairs, but Chen Lanyu did not come down.

Realizing this, Lu Yuchen's gloomy eyes flashed nervously.

Only one Lu Feng came down, which means that Chen Lanyu is still in the study...

"Lu Yuchen, my good nephew, we finally meet again." Lu Feng sat down on the sofa not far from Lu Yuchen, raised his legs and put them on the table, looking relaxed.


Lu Yuchen sneered, wasting no time with this person at all.

"This time, what else do you want? Shares?" Lu Yuchen looked at Lu Feng contemptuously and asked disdainfully.

"If I say I want more, will you give it to me?" Lu Feng looked at him with a sneer.

Lu Yuchen looked at him without speaking, every expression on his face was full of disdain.

Seeing him like this, Lu Feng was not angry, but just spoke leisurely.

"Don't worry, I don't intend to embarrass you this time, I don't want those fake things."

Lu Yuchen looked at him and didn't speak.

Lu Feng said, stood up slowly, and walked towards Lu Yuchen.

All the way to him, looking at the gauze wrapped around his head, he couldn't help but "tsk tsk", "What's wrong with your head? Is it because you can't see An Qiaoran, are you masturbating yourself?"

Lu Yuchen looked at him contemptuously, and didn't bother to speak.

Faced with Lu Yuchen's repeated silence, Lu Feng suddenly became angry.

His face suddenly turned hard, and he swung his fist to punch Lu Yuchen in the face.

When his fist was about to land on Lu Yuchen's face, he suddenly reached out and caught Lu Feng's fist firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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