Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 903 I Can't Help With Your Emotions At That Time

Chapter 903 I Can't Help With Your Emotions At That Time
Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's eyes flashed an imperceptible uneasiness, and when he was about to answer, An Qiaoran said again.

"I just want to tell the truth, Lu Yuchen, tell me the truth."

There was unprecedented persistence in An Qiaoran's voice, which put Lu Yuchen under great pressure.

She keeps saying she wants to tell the truth, but if she tells the truth, will she still be so persistent?Or, would she be so angry that she would file for divorce, thinking that he was cruel?

Just like what Chen Lanyu said, putting her own child to death, isn't she the one who hates him like that?
Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran and pondered for a long time, then reached out and stroked her face, "Do you really want to tell the truth?"

"En." An Qiaoran nodded.

Chen Lanyu looked at the scene of the two in front of him and sneered silently.

Lu Yuchen gently stroked her face with his palm, brushed a strand of fine hair from her forehead behind her ear, and then a low voice sounded.

"I couldn't do anything about your emotions at that time."

Although Lu Yuchen didn't give an obvious answer, such an answer can be regarded as an acknowledgment.After receiving his answer, An Qiaoran's body froze again.

It turned out that Lu Yuchen really took away Chen Lanyu's child.

So, she became like this?No wonder, she changed after she came back.

The former Chen Lanyu who didn't care about worldly affairs disappeared, and she was completely blackened without a child.

So, everything she does now is revenge.

An Qiaoran knew that Chen Lanyu had always loved Lu Yuchen very much, not to mention how that child was obtained, as long as it belonged to Lu Yuchen, she would cherish it very much.

However, Lu Yuchen took away her child, which was equivalent to taking away half of her life. It's not surprising that she became like this.

However, she didn't expect that Lu Yuchen actually went to kill Chen Lanyu's child. This was so shocking, it was also his child!How could he do it?
Seeing An Qiaoran remain silent, Lu Yuchen's heart tightened suddenly, and he asked nervously, "An Qiaoran, are you blaming me?"

Hearing his voice, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, and finally looked up at him. Looking at the tension in his eyes, she knew why he hadn't told her for more than a year.

It turned out that he was just afraid that she would get angry with him if she found out.

From Chen Lanyu's point of view, she should be angry, but he is doing it for her, so it is unreasonable for her to be angry.

It's just... the child in Chen Lanyu's womb is also his. For her, is he really ruthless?That is a life!

An Qiaoran was still thinking about it, but Lu Yuchen suddenly raised her chin, and said in a very low voice with a serious face, "An Qiaoran, I don't allow you to be angry, everything I do is for you, you can't Angry at me, you can't divorce me!"

Although Lu Yuchen's tone was very low, but after removing those domineering tone, what was left was only helplessness and a little bit of pleading and fear.

Perhaps, he was really afraid that she would divorce him because of this matter, maybe because of Jiayi, so he would think so.

But, she won't...

An Qiaoran took the hand that raised his chin, and met his soft eyes, "Let's not talk about it, shall we?"

"I need your promise." Lu Yuchen said persistently.

He had to ask her to promise himself that she would not be angry, otherwise, he was worried.

"In this scene, I can't make promises to you." An Qiaoran glanced at Chen Lanyu from the corner of her eye and said.

The client is here now, how can she say anything about him?

(End of this chapter)

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