Chapter 904 Take your trotters away!

Although An Qiaoran's gaze was not very obvious, Lu Yuchen still had an idea, pursed his lips, and did not speak.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at the sleeping daughter in An Qiaoran's arms, something flashed in his deep black eyes.

After a while, he leaned down and said something next to An Qiaoran. An Qiaoran was surprised, "Why do you..."

"Shh!" Lu Yuchen made a silent movement, An Qiaoran subconsciously glanced at Chen Lanyu, then shut up, his eyes couldn't calm down the astonishment.

"Are you finished talking?"

Lu Feng, who had been sitting on the sofa without making a sound, finally spoke, stood up, walked to Chen Lanyu's side, hooked Chen Lanyu's neck, and brought her into his arms, with skillful and natural movements.

"You guys are done talking, now it's time for me to talk." Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran, and said.

Seeing Lu Feng hooking Chen Lanyu, An Qiaoran didn't know what expression to make.

As Lu Yuchen's uncle, Lu Feng is already in his 50s, and Chen Lanyu should only be around 27 years old.

The action in front of him seemed really strange.

Lu Yuchen directly ignored the domineering Lu Feng, looked at An Qiaoran who was holding the child the whole time, and reached out to her.

"Why?" An Qiaoran looked at him inexplicably.

"Are your hands sore? I'll hold it for a while." After speaking, Lu Yuchen took the child from An Qiaoran's arms regardless of An Qiaoran's willingness or not.

It's been a while since An Qiaoran was hugged, and her hands have always been numb. Even though the child is only so old, she actually already weighs more than 20 kilograms.

With his hands released, An Qiaoran moved his hands, and told Lu Yuchen, "Be gentle, don't wake the child up."

"will not."

Lu Yuchen responded casually, but his movements were very gentle, without any rude movements at all.

Lu Feng, who was completely ignored, looked at the two people in front of him, his expression turned completely cold, "You guys are still so leisurely when you are about to die?"

An Qiaoran looked at him and didn't intend to pay attention at all. Lu Yuchen also looked at him without saying a word.

On the surface, he was looking at Lu Feng, but in fact, he was just looking at the big clock on the wall through Lu Feng.

In another 5 minutes, everything can be over, give him another 5 minutes to be arrogant.

"After you met, there was no sense of crisis at all. It seems that I should do something to remind you of where this is and what's going on."

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he looked around and said in a not too loud voice, "You all come out to greet Mr. Lu."

As soon as these words came out, the doors of all the side hall restaurants were opened at the same time in the next second, and a dozen people in black clothes ran out from inside. In almost three seconds, An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen were surrounded by a human wall.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

Before she could react, the two men in black closest to her suddenly walked towards her, each grabbed her hand, restrained her, pulled her aside and stood there.

Lu Yuchen looked at the hands of those two people grabbing An Qiaoran's shoulders, his eyes sharpened, and he growled sharply, "Take your trotters away!"

The two men in black didn't speak. Wearing sunglasses, they still supported An Qiaoran and stood expressionlessly, as if they didn't hear Lu Yuchen's words.

"court death!"

Lu Yuchen was ignored, his whole black eyes were covered with anger, and he stared at those two hands.

The next second, he suddenly walked over, raised his foot, and kicked the two of them violently.

The movement was so fast that the two men in black didn't have time to hide, they were kicked to the abdomen, Lu Yuchen used a lot of force, the two were kicked back several steps, if they hadn't practiced, they would have fallen to the ground.

"Damn it!" Because of being kicked, the expressions of the two of them were not much better. After cursing, they stood up straight and pointed their guns at Lu Yuchen, as if they were about to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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