Chapter 905 Impossible to Watch Her Leave
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa , don't shoot. I don't want him to die so easily."

Although the two men were angry, after hearing what Lu Feng said, they didn't continue. They held the kicked abdomen with one hand and continued to hold An Qiaoran with the other.

Seeing the two people in front of him like this, Lu Yuchen became even more resentful, gritted his teeth, and said fiercely, "Touch her again, believe it or not, I'll chop off your hand!"

Although the two men were very confident and thought that Lu Yuchen would not dare to do anything, but seeing the hatred in his eyes, their hands trembled in disbelief, and they stopped grabbing An Qiaoran.

"come over."

Lu Yuchen glanced at the two interesting men before looking at An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was about to start her steps, but Lu Feng suddenly stood in front of her, between An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen narrowed his eyes and looked at him holding back his anger.

Seeing the resentment in his eyes, Lu Feng just smiled, but ignored it.

"Lu Yuchen, I just want to ask you, in your heart, is An Qiaoran more important? Or is IE more important?"

Lu Feng asked purposefully, looking at Lu Yuchen with wrinkled eyes, extremely serious, but a little funny.

"What's your problem?" Lu Yuchen saw through his purpose at a glance. After all these years, his ambition has not changed.

"What I mean is very simple, that is, if you give me IE, I will let you and An Qiaoran go." Lu Feng looked at him and said without hesitation.

"I just said, what you want is IE." Lu Yuchen laughed sarcastically, then reached into his pocket, ready to take out something.

Seeing this, the bodyguards on the side quickly became vigilant, "What are you going to do? Don't move!"

Seeing this, Lu Yuchen laughed, took out a piece of A[-] paper and pen from his pocket, and handed it to Lu Feng.

Lu Feng looked at his behavior with a blank face, "What do you mean?"

"Request." Lu Yuchen said, "You write the content of the contract, I sign it, and I will give you all the IE."

Hearing this, Lu Feng looked at him in shock, "You promised so readily?"

Lu Yuchen was silent for a second, then hooked his lips into a chuckle, "Now An Qiaoran and I are in your hands, if I don't give you IE, will you let An Qiaoran go?"

Hearing this, Lu Feng thought for a while, took a deep look at Lu Yuchen, and found that there was nothing wrong.

"That's right, An Qiaoran is in my hands, even if you are alone and holding a child, you can't do anything!"

"Then you write it quickly. I'll send you the file to Ah Heng. When it's published online, the IE will be yours." Lu Yuchen looked at him and said.

When Lu Feng heard this, he couldn't care less about anything else, he was only happy, "Okay! I'll write now."

After speaking, he turned around and sat on the sofa.

"Lu Feng..."

Seeing Lu Feng's happy look, Chen Lanyu was very helpless, and hurried to his side, "Lu Feng, Lu Yuchen is very cunning, don't be fooled by him."

Lu Feng was thinking about the conditions, and being disturbed by Chen Lanyu, he pushed her aside impatiently, "Go away! Don't bother me."

Chen Lanyu was pushed back a few steps, looking helplessly at Lu Feng who was blinded by interests.

If you don't listen to her, you deserve to be cheated!

However, if Lu Yuchen really gave him IE and signed his contract, would Lu Fengfeng really let An Qiaoran go?
She managed to get An Qiaoran, how could she just watch her leave?Absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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