Chapter 906 For You, I Will Be Happy

Chen Lanyu stood there, secretly plotting a plan.


Seeing Lu Feng's excited look, Lu Yuchen sneered.

"Lu Yuchen..."

A soft and boneless hand suddenly grabbed his arm, Lu Yuchen lowered his eyes and saw An Qiaoran with a worried face.

"Don't you...give him the IE for me?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen worriedly, bit her lip, and asked.

Looking at her like this, Lu Yuchen knew that she really believed it. Although helpless, he still nodded and admitted it.

"You must also want to know the question that Lu Feng asked me just now, right?" Lu Yuchen asked her after admitting it.


Lu Yuchen, I just want to ask you, in your heart, is An Qiaoran important?Or is IE important?


An Qiaoran remembered the question Lu Feng asked Lu Yuchen just now, and was stunned for a moment without answering.

Indeed, she was also curious, but she felt that it was not very important.

"Fool." Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran's silence, smiled helplessly, and pinched her face lovingly.

"Everything is inferior to you, how can you still be a dead thing?" Lu Yuchen looked at her seriously.

Nothing compares to you...

An Qiaoran only listened to this sentence, she always felt that Lu Yuchen's words of love could really shake her heart.

The confession of thousands of words is mixed into such a sentence, which is the sweetest love words.

"Originally everything was created for you, for you, it doesn't matter if you lose it." Maybe it was for Lu Feng to hear, Lu Yuchen said this sentence a little loudly.

But An Qiaoran didn't realize it, she looked at Lu Yuchen with watery eyes, "Although this is the case, but..."

An Qiaoran glanced around, then lowered his voice, and said, "Is there really nothing you can do? This time, you really want to give him the IE that has been in business for so many years? Are you willing?"

Seeing that An Qiaoran in front of him believed so much, Lu Yuchen couldn't say anything, so he could only follow her words, "For you, I will be willing."

When An Qiaoran heard this, the tears in his eyes almost fell, he reached out and beat his chest with a hoarse voice, "You hate it, can you stop saying such nasty words?"

She wouldn't be able to bear it. Now that he wants to save her, he will give his whole life's hard work to others. How can she feel better?

"It's not nasty, An Qiaoran, I'm telling the truth." Lu Yuchen grabbed her thumping hand, looked at her with dark eyes, and spoke seriously.

Even if he didn't really give IE to Lu Feng, but for her smile and happiness, he would pay any price.

"Stop talking." An Qiaoran covered her ears, resisting his words.

The more he said now, the more uncomfortable she felt and blamed herself. He was about to lose everything because of her, and she couldn't calm down.

Seeing An Qiaoran like this, Lu Yuchen had no choice but to purse his lips and say nothing more.

Chen Lanyu at the side looked at the two of them like this, his eyes changed, and he walked to An Qiaoran's side and said.

"You, Lu Yuchen, don't hesitate to give everything to your uncle for An Qiaoran. Lu Yuchen, you love An Qiaoran enough."

Lu Yuchen looked at this woman and frowned.

"You love An Qiaoran too much, you love her out of your heart, you love her very much, so An Qiaoran is still the number one in front of IE who has worked so hard. But I want to know, in front of your children, An Qiaoran Where is Ran ranked?"

(End of this chapter)

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