Chapter 907
Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned, turned her eyes, and looked at Chen Lanyu beside her dissatisfiedly, "What question did you ask?"

"I have made it very clear." Chen Lanyu said, "Lu Yuchen sent out the entire group for you. I really want to see if he can throw out his own children for you."

An Qiaoran was speechless after hearing her words, "This has nothing to do with you."

"Aren't you curious?" Chen Lanyu asked back, "Lu Yuchen has done this for you, do you think there is anything else you can't do?"

"So?" An Qiaoran asked.

What does she mean by saying so much?
"So..." Chen Lanyu paused, glanced at Lu Yuchen who was completely out of shape, and felt ruthless.

"So, I want you to die!" Chen Lanyu suddenly snorted coldly.

The next second, she suddenly strangled An Qiaoran from behind An Qiaoran's neck, dragged her back a few steps, and hid behind a marble pillar, blocking An Qiaoran who was strangled by her neck in front of.

"Let go of me! What are you going to do?" An Qiaoran choked up as his neck was strangled extremely uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?" Chen Lanyu's eyes hardened, and the arm around her neck tightened even more, "Of course I want you to die!"

"An Qiaoran, do you know how heartbroken and jealous I am seeing you and Lu Yuchen together, but no matter how jealous I am, he still doesn't see me in his eyes!"

"Love can't be forced, do you know that?" An Qiaoran tried to speak, but it irritated her even more.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Chen Lanyu scolded coldly, and then amplified her voice.

"Lu Yuchen! I want you to pay for all the things you did today! I'm going to strangle her now! To avenge my child."

Lu Yuchen stood there, looking at An Qiaoran's painful face, his whole face was gloomy, his thin lips turned white, he glanced at the second floor, and then looked at the big clock on the wall.

With just one glance, he looked behind the pillar and warned viciously, "If you touch even a single hair of An Qiaoran, I will never let you go!"

"Sounds so nice, when did you let me go?" Chen Lanyu strangled An Qiaoran severely, only resentment remained in his eyes, his eyes were wide open, and there was some mist in them.

"Lu Yuchen, from the very beginning, you didn't take me seriously. I became a vegetable in pursuit of your favor, but you married the culprit, An Qiaoran! You just ignored me and treated me like this!"

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking, she took out a fruit knife with the other hand, and stuck the tip of the knife on An Qiaoran's delicate face. With a little force, An Qiaoran's tender skin would bleed...

"Don't you just like An Qiaoran's face? I want to see it today. After I scratch her face, do you still love her? Do you want her?"

After Chen Lanyu finished speaking fiercely, she was ready to make a move. Lu Yuchen noticed this scene, her heart tightened, her eyes hardened, and she hurried forward.

Suddenly, "Ah!" a cry of pain made his footsteps suddenly stop.The body froze in place.

This voice...belongs to An Qiaoran...

That woman actually moved her hand!

Thinking about it, Lu Yuchen's face was immediately covered with haze, thousands of years of glaciers and anger welled up in his eyes, staring at the figure behind the pillar, anger spewed out from his chest.

"Give me a hand!"

Following Lu Yuchen's loud roar, there was a "bang", the doors and windows on the second floor were suddenly kicked open at the same time, and dozens of bodyguards headed by Nade rushed down like a flood, and everyone went downstairs together. Fast and furious.

The people in the living room suddenly panicked, looking at the people rushing down one after another, they were so panicked that they were at a loss.


Another scream belonged to a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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