chapter 910
Lu Yuchen's footsteps stopped, his body became stiff for a second, then he turned to face her, saw her frowning, and asked, "The wound still hurts?"

An Qiaoran shook her head, stood up and walked in front of him, raised her head, and looked at him seriously, "I'll go down with you."

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned, "You need to rest now, can't talk too much, so as not to hurt your wound."

"It's okay." An Qiaoran shook his head, raised his hand, and gently touched half of his obviously swollen face, "Aren't you hurt too?"

"I'm different from you." Lu Yuchen frowned, "Anyway, you stay here, don't go down."

After speaking, he turned around again, left without hesitation, and closed the door deliberately.

An Qiaoran looked at the closed door with complicated emotions.

She is not stupid, how could she not know, he just looked at the wound on her face and was so angry that he went to find Chen Lanyu.

He was angry, but she wasn't angry at all. In any case, she and Lu Yuchen were responsible for her current appearance, but it was no big deal if she scratched half of her face.

Lu Yuchen's anger just now must have been ruthless. If she didn't go down, someone might die.

Thinking about it, An Qiaoran didn't think too much, and went straight to the door. Unexpectedly, the door was locked by Lu Yuchen, and she couldn't open it at all...

Downstairs, the fight that lasted for more than ten minutes finally stopped, and the people on Lu Feng's side fell to the ground one by one, and Lu Feng was also suppressed by two bodyguards and sat on the sofa.

Chen Lanyu, who was hit by the handle of the knife, was also suppressed by two bodyguards. He stood there with death-like despair on his face.

In the end, she was defeated.

Lu Yuchen walked down, stood in the middle of the mess, glanced at Lu Feng, and the wailing bodyguards lying on the ground, and finally fixed his eyes on Chen Lanyu.

He started his steps, walked over, stood in front of her, looked at her ashen face, and the dagger that fell under her feet, his black eyes flashed coldly.

Chen Lanyu looked into his eyes, but without any emotion, she just curled up her mouth and smiled sarcastically.

"Things have come to this point, what you want to do, just do it!"

Lu Yuchen looked at her with cold eyes, seeing that she didn't care so much, he sneered.

"Give me the dagger." He glanced at Nade beside him and said.

Nade was stunned for a second, but thinking of the knife that An Qiaoran had just been slashed, he stopped hesitating, stepped forward, and handed the dagger to Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen took it, and stared at the extremely sharp dagger with black eyes, with an expression of indescribable horror.

"I said, if you touch An Qiaoran, I will never let you go. Now you not only moved, but also scratched her face. Do you think you can sit back and relax after doing all this?"

Lu Yuchen's thin lips parted slightly, and a faint voice came out of his mouth, with a dangerous aura.

Looking at the dagger in his hand and listening to his words, Chen Lanyu knew what he was going to do, her face froze for a moment, and then she gave a wry smile.

"You don't need to tell me so much, I know, I scratched An Qiaoran's face, you must also scratch my face. But it doesn't matter, scratch it! I don't really care."

Chen Lanyu's tone was calm and breezy, and she didn't respond to Lu Yuchen's cold expression.

"Heh!" Lu Yuchen sneered when he heard her words. Suddenly, his smile disappeared instantly, his face turned hard, he picked up the dagger, and stabbed her in the face without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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