Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 911 Can't be so soft-hearted anymore.

Chapter 911 Can't be so soft-hearted anymore.

The extremely sharp dagger pierced Chen Lanyu's face like this, and it could be seen from Lu Yuchen's expression how hard he was.

However, Chen Lanyu just frowned, other than that, she didn't have any other expressions. She looked at Lu Yuchen with a pair of eyes and sneered mockingly.

How stupid was she to fall in love with such a ruthless man?Now, she was hurt so badly that she had done it on her own.

Lu Yuchen pierced Chen Lanyu's face viciously, his movements were deliberately slowed down, and the pain bit by bit penetrated into Chen Lanyu's heart. Even so, no one in her cried out for the pain.

Looking at this scene, Nade's bodyguards and Lu Feng realized even more that Lu Yuchen was really ruthless. At the same time, they also understood that no one could touch An Qiaoran.

Finally, after the long pain passed, Lu Yuchen threw the dagger casually, and seeing Chen Lanyu's knife marks from the corner of his eyes to his chin, the anger in his chest subsided a lot.

"Lu Yuchen, you might as well kill me with one knife!" Chen Lanyu was bleeding from half of her face, the pain corroded her heart, she stared at Lu Yuchen and shouted.

"An Qiaoran may still have a trace of guilt towards you. You are not worthy of killing you and making her miss you for the rest of your life!"

Lu Yuchen said cold and heartless words, turned around, and looked at Lu Feng, his master looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"Lu Yuchen, you are so despicable!" Lied to him again and again!

"That's because you're stupid." Lu Yuchen said lightly, but there was a deep sense of disdain between his words.

He walked over and sat down on the sofa opposite him, a pair of cold eyes fell on him.

"Originally, I didn't intend to get rid of you, because you are my uncle after all, but you were dishonest and insisted on competing with me for IE. You designed me first. I imprisoned you, which is self-defense."

"Hmph! You still know that I'm your uncle?" Lu Feng looked at Lu Yuchen and snorted coldly.

"Before Chen Lanyu rescued you, I thought about letting you go free, because anyway, you helped me find An Qiaoran."


Lu Feng turned his head to Lu's side and didn't respond, he was not that kind!
"But..." Lu Yuchen's voice suddenly changed and became harsher, "You put An Qiaoran in danger time and time again, you hurt her time and time again, and made her afraid, I don't want my child When I grow up, I will not be peaceful, so I shouldn't be so soft-hearted anymore."

"What are you going to do?" Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, Lu Feng felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Lu Yuchen didn't answer his words, but stood up, looked at Nade, walked to his side, and whispered something in his ear.

After Nade finished listening, he looked at Lu Yuchen in shock, "Master, do you really want to do this?"

Lu Yuchen didn't speak, but looked at him with faint eyes, without words, he could kill Nade with his eyes.

What else can Nad say?I could only agree, "Okay, master."

After finishing speaking, he gestured to the two bodyguards who grabbed Lu Feng with his eyes. The bodyguards understood, grabbed Lu Feng and stood up.

"Let go of me! Lu Yuchen, what are you doing? You can't kill me!" Lu Feng didn't know how Lu Yuchen was going to deal with him, he just shouted desperately.

However, no matter how much he yelled, the bodyguard still grabbed him firmly.

When passing by Lu Yuchen's side, Li Shu raised his eyes, glanced at him contemptuously, and reminded "well-intentioned", "When you get to the other side, you can take care of yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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