Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 912 Threatening her with a child...

Chapter 912 Threatening her with a child...

Hearing this, Lu Feng's face became completely stiff, "What? Are you really going to kill me? Kill your uncle?"

"You say you are my uncle now, but all the things you do have nothing to do with this title, so in this matter, calling this thing will not save you." Lu Yuchen said, glanced at the bodyguard, "take away!"


The bodyguard pressed Lu Feng to leave, and Lu Feng scolded Lu Yuchen all the way.

"Master..." Nade looked at Lu Yuchen, wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

"Tomorrow, you will personally send him on the road." Lu Yuchen looked at Nade and said coldly.

"But young master, if you really kill him, how will you explain to the old lady?" This is what Nade is worried about. If Lu Feng is killed, the old lady will probably collapse.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen frowned and looked at him displeasedly, "When did I say I was going to kill him?"

Hearing this, Nade was at a loss for a while, "Didn't you say to send him on the road?"

Could it be that he misunderstood, didn't mean that?
"I'm talking about country T." Lu Yuchen gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, Nade understood.

Country T is a notoriously inhuman country. It is extremely remote, and people who go there are either starved to death or beaten to death. All the food comes from wild animals. There is no trading market there, and the living conditions are competition.

Sending Lu Feng there is nothing like purgatory on earth. If he goes there, even if he wants to, he will never come back.

If you are strong, you may be able to survive for a few years. If you are weak, you will become someone else's food within a day.

Needless to say, this made him feel worse than dying.

"Lu Yuchen."

A male voice sounded outside the gate, Lu Yuchen looked up, and saw Ke Sheng walking towards here, holding a child in his arms.Ah Heng walked behind him expressionlessly.

Ke Sheng came to Lu Yuchen, hugged the child tightly, looked around the living room, and finally saw Chen Lanyu standing next to the pillar.

Seeing the injury on her face, he hurried over, "Lan Yu, your face..."

"Why are you here?" Chen Lanyu looked at Ke Sheng who suddenly appeared, and was a little stunned. When she saw the child in his arms, her face changed drastically.

"Why did you bring him here?" Chen Lanyu looked at Ke Sheng and asked in an unstable tone.


Ke Sheng's face was a little unnatural, looking at the wound on her face that was still bleeding, his heart was filled with anger.

In the next second, he walked up to Lu Yuchen again, looked at him angrily, and asked, "Lu Yuchen, you told me you wouldn't hurt Lan Yu, tell me clearly, what's the matter with her face?"

"She hurt An Qiaoran in the same way, shouldn't I cut her too?" Lu Yuchen looked at him and said calmly.


Hearing this, Ke Sheng was a little stunned, "Ran Ran also..."

"Ran Ran wasn't called by you!" Lu Yuchen said coldly, and glanced at the boy in his arms, "If you hadn't come late, An Qiaoran wouldn't have been injured!"

When Lu Yuchen said this, Ke Sheng also felt a little guilty. He didn't want to hurt An Qiaoran and Chen Lanyu.

So, when Lu Yuchen approached him and told him that Chen Lanyu had captured An Qiaoran, he agreed to Lu Yuchen's plan to threaten Chen Lanyu with the child.

However, he was so hesitant that he came late, not only An Qiaoran, but also Chen Lanyu...

"Everything is over now, it's useless for you to come, but..." Lu Yuchen said, glanced at the boy, then looked at Chen Lanyu beside the pillar, and said.

"Chen Lanyu put An Qiaoran in danger this time, causing her to be almost disfigured. I don't intend to let you take her away so easily. Just in time, you can tell me how I should deal with her."

(End of this chapter)

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