Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 921 More and more serious heart disease

Chapter 921 More and more serious heart disease
"Go away! I don't need you!" Lu Yuchen glared at An Qiaoran and yelled, with bursts of anger on his pale face.

Lu Yuchen's sound was loud, and Ah Heng and Na De who were in the living room heard the sound and ran out quickly.

He came to Lu Yuchen's side, supported the unstable Lu Yuchen, and looked at An Qiaoran, who also had an ugly face.

"Young Madam, what happened? What's wrong, Master?"

An Qiaoran didn't answer, but just looked at Lu Yuchen worriedly.

He seemed to be in pain, with his hands firmly pressed against his head, and it seemed as though fine sweat was dripping from under the gauze.

Lu Yuchen has never been in such pain, he must be in the kind of pain that he can't bear no matter what, because usually, all his pain will not be written on his face, but now...

Seeing the pain on his face, An Qiaoran couldn't help but stepped forward, wanting to stroke his head.

Unexpectedly, just as his hand reached mid-air, it was struck down by a powerful palm. Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuchen's furious voice yelled at her.

"I said you don't need to be hypocritical, get out!"

He said that he agreed to the divorce without hesitation, that he had already given up on him, and that he was no longer wanted, so why are you caring about him now?
What a hypocritical woman!

Seeing Lu Yuchen's attitude towards An Qiaoran, Nade and Aheng were stunned at the same time.

After the two stared blankly at each other for a second, Nade looked at Lu Yuchen, "Master, she is the young lady! Why are you talking to her like that?"

He had never spoken loudly to An Qiaoran before, why is he still yelling now?You were not there when you were in the living room just now, why did you become like this in a blink of an eye?What the hell happened?
"Young madam? Heh!" Lu Yuchen sneered, "It won't be soon."

"what does it mean?"

Neither Na De nor A Heng understood very well, and when they were about to ask, they saw Lu Yuchen grabbing his head again, as if in pain.

"Master... Do you have a headache again?"

Facing Nade's questioning, Lu Yuchen was in so much pain that he couldn't explain it. After struggling for a long time, he finally closed his eyes and passed out.


"Mr. Lu!"

Nade and Aheng were shocked at the same time, they quickly supported Lu Yuchen and walked into the house.

An Qiaoran stood where she was, looking at Lu Yuchen who was supported by Ah Heng and Nade into the living room, her body froze for a second, then she hurried forward and ran up.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Lu Yuchen was lying on the bed, while Nade was examining Lu Yuchen with a stethoscope.

During An Qiaoran's long wait, Nade finally took down the stethoscope.

"What's wrong with Lu Yuchen?" An Qiaoran looked at Nade and asked quickly.

Nade glanced at the unconscious Lu Yuchen, then at An Qiaoran, and then spoke slowly.

"The young master himself was too angry, which caused him to faint. Don't worry about the young lady, the young master is fine."

As Nade said, he turned around and looked at Chen Lanyu, who was holding the child, and Ke Sheng, "Master needs to rest, Ah Heng, let's send them down first!"

Hearing this, Ah Heng stepped forward, Chen Lanyu and Ke Sheng glanced at Lu Yuchen, then turned and left.

The door of the room was closed, and only An Qiaoran, Nade, and Lu Yuchen who was in a coma were left in the bedroom.

"There is no one else here now, butler De, just tell me! What happened to Lu Yuchen?"

What he said just now was incomplete, and he pushed people away again. An Qiaoran knew that he had something to say to himself.

Nade looked at An Qiaoran, sighed, and said, "Recently, the young master's heart disease seems to be getting worse."

(End of this chapter)

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