Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 922 The Origin of Lu Yuchen's Disease

Chapter 922 The Origin of Lu Yuchen's Disease

"Heart disease?"

An Qiaoran was a little stunned when he heard this, Lu Yuchen had a heart attack?Why doesn't she know?
Seeing An Qiaoran's blank face, Nade realized that she didn't know.

Nade glanced at Lu Yuchen on the bed, then turned around, "Young Madam, follow me."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the bedroom, An Qiaoran froze for a moment, and followed closely behind.

When he came to the corridor outside the door, something seemed to come to An Qiaoran's mind.

"Lu Yuchen's heart disease is what you told me a long time ago, is it that Lu Yuchen falls asleep once a month for no reason?"

"Yes." Nade nodded, "Before I met you, young lady, the young master fell asleep once a month and woke up the next day. However, after you were with the young master, the young master fell into a coma The symptoms have decreased a lot, and almost disappeared once, but..."

"But what?" An Qiaoran asked hastily.

"However, with the passage of time, the young master's illness seems to have become more serious, so severe that... it has extended to the nerves of the body."

Nade said with a sad face.

Nerves that extend the body...

When An Qiaoran heard this, he understood, "That is to say, he will not only fall asleep now, but also experience inexplicable pain in his body, just like today's headache, until he passed out?"

Nade nodded heavily.

"How could this happen?" An Qiaoran felt inconceivable, "How did he get this disease?"

About this illness, Lu Yuchen never mentioned it to her. Even when he was ill, she only saw him faint in the study and call her little braid once.After that, it seems to be gone.

Therefore, she really didn't know anything about Lu Yuchen's illness.

Nade glanced at the direction downstairs, then raised his head, as if remembering, and spoke.

"I remember that the young master didn't have this disease when he was a child. It was only a month after the death of the old lady, that is, the young master's parents, that he had such symptoms."

"To be precise, the young master started to suffer from this disease after meeting you."

After meeting her?An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment before realizing that Nade was talking about his childhood.

"Does this have anything to do with him meeting me?" An Qiaoran didn't understand that Lu Yuchen fell ill after meeting her?Could it be that she was infected?Then she didn't?

"It has a lot to do with it," Nader said.

"I remember the young master fell asleep for the first time, watching the computer in the study. At that time, IE was in a period of sluggishness. In order to revive IE, he worked hard day and night."

"When he's tired from work, he just looks at the painting on the desk, which is the one you saw in the young master's study last time."

An Qiaoran expressed his understanding, "And then?"

"Then one day, when I was delivering food to him, I saw him fainted on the desk. I thought he was asleep, so I didn't care, because the young master woke up the next day."

"However, in the second month, when he was arguing with his uncle, he suddenly passed out. I was frightened, and I went to check him immediately, and found that there was nothing abnormal about him. "

"I thought it was very strange, because people fainted, but no cause could be found."

An Qiaoran didn't speak, but quietly listened to Nade's narration, and as he listened, he felt more and more frightened.

Lu Yuchen's illness really made people worry uncontrollably.

"I found out that you were the cause of his illness, and it came from a rainy night." Nade began to fall into memories.

"On that rainy night, I heard the young master talking to himself in the study, chanting the name 'little braid' non-stop. I was puzzled, and opened the door gently, and saw the young master holding The picture he drew by himself is crying..."

(End of this chapter)

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