Chapter 936 Want to Sleep with Dad

An Qiaoran stood there until she helped Barbie get dressed, then patted her on the shoulder, "Jiayi?"

When Xiao Jiayi heard the voice, she turned around quickly. The moment she saw An Qiaoran, her face was filled with a smile, "Mom!"

An Qiaoran looked down at her smiling face, and was about to hug her when she saw Lu Yuchen behind An Qiaoran, and then bypassed An Qiaoran and ran in front of Lu Yuchen.


An Qiaoran: "..."

This child really relied on Lu Yuchen as always.

Lu Yuchen looked down at the child, then bent down and hugged her, pinched her cheek, "Have you eaten yet?"

It was rare for Lu Yuchen to treat his daughter with such a gentle tone, which made An Qiaoran a little stunned, and even An Qiaoli's eyes changed a lot when she watched this scene.

"Eat." Xiao Jiayi replied happily.

"Then go back to the room and sleep?" Lu Yuchen stated his purpose without hesitation.

Xiao Jiayi looked at him blankly as if she didn't understand what he said.

Seeing that she didn't understand, Lu Yuchen put her down, "If you're not sleepy, keep playing. Your mother and I are going up to rest."

As Lu Yuchen said, he pulled An Qiaoran over and walked towards the stairs.


Xiao Jiayi watched her parents leave, and shouted hastily.

Lu Yuchen's footsteps stopped, he turned around and looked at his daughter who was standing by the table and looked at him, without opening his mouth.

Xiao Jiayi glanced at Lu Yuchen twice, then ran over with small steps, stood at Lu Yuchen's feet, reached out and grabbed the corner of his trousers, looked up at Lu Yuchen, and spoke childishly.

"I want to sleep with Mom and Dad."

As soon as Xiao Jiayi's words came out, An Qiaoran was stunned for a moment, then smiled, squatted down to look at Xiao Jiayi, and spoke gently.

"Okay! Mom hasn't slept with Jiayi for a long time."

The child has always slept in the nursery, and there are professional maids to take care of her. Except that sometimes An Qiaoran and Lu Yuchen ran to the nursery because of some trivial matters, the child has never really slept with them.

An Qiaoran readily agreed, but Lu Yuchen's face gradually darkened, and he looked at An Qiaoran displeased.

"An Qiaoran, have you forgotten what you said to me in the office?"

Hearing this, An Qiaoran stood up and turned to look at him, "I haven't forgotten!"

Wasn't that the punishment he was talking about?She has not forgotten.

"Then you promised to let her sleep with us?" How can the punishment be carried out?Can he still sleep well?
An Qiaoran felt very helpless after hearing his words, "Lu Yuchen... can we talk about this matter later, the child has already said so, so it's hard to refuse?"

The child is still so young, she can't be disappointed and sad!
"I don't care, I don't agree anyway." Lu Yuchen said dissatisfiedly, looking at his daughter, his tone was not as gentle as before, "Go back to your room."

Xiao Jiayi listened to Lu Yuchen's words, looked at him with a pair of round eyes, and the circles of her eyes gradually turned red.

"Jiayi..." Seeing the child like this, An Qiaoran had a bad feeling.


As soon as Xiao Jiayi closed her eyes, she burst into tears and cried, "I don't want to sleep alone, I want to sleep with my dad, I want to sleep with my dad, woo woo woo."

After Xiao Jiayi cried, An Qiaoli, who was chatting with Ah Heng on the sofa, hurried over.

Seeing Jiayi crying so sadly, she was flustered, and wiped her tears distressedly, "My little niece, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

"I want to sleep with Dad." Xiao Jiayi continued to cry, and her eyes soon turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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