Chapter 937 Threatened him?
When An Qiaoli heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lu Yuchen subconsciously, and found that he was frowning tightly, not intending to compromise at all, but impatient on the contrary.

Based on what she knew about her brother-in-law, she probably knew what was going on, so she had no choice but to comfort Xiao Jiayi.

"Jiayi don't cry, my aunt will take you to sleep, okay?"

"I don't want it, I want my father!" Xiao Jiayi reluctantly took a step back and refused.

Seeing the child like this, An Qiaoli felt helpless.

The daughter of her sister's brother-in-law's favorite person is her brother-in-law, but her brother-in-law only likes her sister.

So, it wasn't the first time that the child cried because of Lu Yuchen. Every time, she had no choice but to leave it to Lu Yuchen.

She wiped away the tears from the corners of Jiayi's eyes, then stood up, looked at Lu Yuchen and An Qiaoran, and spread her hands helplessly, "I have nothing to do, you can figure it out yourself! I'm going to rest first."

After speaking, she turned around, went up the stairs, came to her room, and closed the door.

Downstairs, the child was still crying, An Qiaoran felt distressed when he saw it, and quickly hugged the child.

"Jiayi stop crying, mom will take you to sleep with dad, be good."

"Really?" Xiao Jiayi stopped crying and asked aggrievedly.

"Well, mom won't lie to you, mom will take you to the bedroom right now."

As An Qiaoran said, she turned her eyes to look at Lu Yuchen, who still had an ugly face, leaned close to him, pressed her lips next to his ear, and said warningly.

"If you make Jiayi cry again, don't even think about getting into my bed!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen glared at her dissatisfied for a moment, and was about to say something, but heard An Qiaoran say again, "It's best to let Jiayi, otherwise, let alone you can't get into bed, you don't even want to enter the door."

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, he gave him a meaningful smile, and then went upstairs with the child in his arms.

Lu Yuchen stood there, thinking about what An Qiaoran said just now, his whole face completely darkened.

He was threatened by An Qiaoran?He didn't even say a word?what is this?When did he become so useless?

They're all children. Since having a child, An Qiaoran hasn't fully focused on him, and now he's even threatening him because of the child!
After thinking about it, he became even angrier. He really didn't know why she had to give birth to this child in the first place.

The more Lu Yuchen thought about it, the more he felt unbalanced. Just as he was thinking of punishing An Qiaoran like this, An Qiaoran's voice suddenly came from upstairs.

"Lu Yuchen, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

From the words of her words, An Qiaoran was caring about people, but the tone of her words was full of warnings and threats.

Lu Yuchen expressed dissatisfaction with her tone of voice, and raised his head to look at An Qiaoran behind the railing on the third floor.

Gritting his teeth, he said sternly, "An Qiaoran, threaten me? You've grown up!"

An Qiaoran just smiled lightly at Lu Yuchen's anger, "How dare I threaten you Mr. Lu? I just kindly remind you that if Jiayi is still crying tonight, I will definitely have a good talk with you."

"..." Lu Yuchen looked at her with heavy eyes.

"Jiayi is clamoring for your hug! Come up quickly!" After saying this, An Qiaoran disappeared behind the railing.

Lu Yuchen's face was extremely gloomy, and he kicked the stairs angrily.

Although he was dissatisfied and angry, he was still very afraid that An Qiaoran would run into the baby's room to hide. After all, he still didn't know where the key to the baby's room was.

In the end, Lu Yuchen had no choice but to go upstairs with a hundred big reluctances.

(End of this chapter)

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