Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 952 This disease exists because of her

Chapter 952 This disease exists because of her

Seeing such details, An Qiaoran turned aside, and hurriedly leaned over to look into his eyes, "Lu Yuchen, are you awake?"

His eyelashes are moving, and his brows are frowning. This is a sign that he is about to wake up!Will a miracle happen?

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen nervously, without blinking, for fear of missing the moment when he woke up.

Lu Yuchen, who was sleeping, seemed to hear her voice, and his eyelashes moved again. Then, Lu Yuchen's eyelids lifted, and he opened his eyes.

An Qiaoran, who saw this scene, finally showed a smile on his face, and tears fell, "You're awake, you're still awake after all."

Lu Yuchen opened his eyes. Hearing An Qiaoran's excited voice, he turned to look at her. Seeing her red eyes and tears on her face, she felt a little distressed.

Stretching out his hand, wiping her tears, his voice was hoarse, "Why are you crying? I'm not dead."

"Don't say that word!"

An Qiaoran was so angry and laughed that he knocked off his hand, crawled on his chest, choked up and said, "Do you know how scared I am, I really can't bear your drowsiness."

What Nade said was that his heart disease was getting worse and worse. She was really afraid that one day he would pass out for no reason and then never wake up again. She was really scared.

He always passed out without warning, she was very scared...

Looking at An Qiaoran who was crying so hard, Lu Yuchen felt very sad. He sat up and looked at An Qiaoran whose eyes were full of tears, with complicated eyes.

"Dad told you all?"

"What?" An Qiaoran was still in grief, and didn't realize what he said for a moment.

However, when she saw Lu Yuchen's eyes staring at her, she knew what he was asking, and her face darkened.

Nodded, "Yes, Housekeeper De has already told me everything, Lu Yuchen, I'm sorry."

I'm really sorry, if she hadn't caught a cold and lost her memory back then, he wouldn't have this inexplicable disease, the root cause of his disease was her!
Hearing her apology, Lu Yuchen's heart ached, he stretched out his hand, hugged her into his arms, and put his chin against her forehead.

"Silly woman, you didn't do anything wrong, what are you apologizing for?"

"I made you suffer so much, don't you hate me, don't you blame me?"

All his drowsiness is because of her. It's been more than ten years. Hasn't he really been tired of this disease?

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Lu Yuchen smiled wryly, "If I really hate you, really don't care about you, really don't feel anything for you, then do I still have this disease?"

Lu Yuchen's words stunned An Qiaoran's body for a second, and he raised his head to look into his eyes, "You mean, if you don't love me anymore, you won't be in pain? Your illness will heal without treatment." gone?"

Lu Yuchen looked at her asking seriously, and there was some complexity in his deep eyes, so he just looked at her without saying a word.

His illness exists because of her, and because he cares about and loves her in his heart, he falls asleep in pain.

If there is no care, no love, everything will cease to exist.

An Qiaoran didn't get his answer, and she had already acquiesced, and asked instead, "Then it stands to reason that you would wake up the next day after you fell asleep, why did you wake up so quickly?"

"I'm going to ask you this." Lu Yuchen said.

"Ask me?" An Qiaoran was at a loss, not knowing what he meant.

Seeing her confused face, Lu Yuchen hugged her even tighter, "Tell me, what do I see every time I fall asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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