Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 953 Under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree when I was a child

Chapter 953 Returning to the Osmanthus Tree of My Childhood
What do you see every time after falling asleep?What else can you see after falling asleep?
An Qiaoran was wondering, but Lu Yuchen had already started to talk.

"Every time after I fell asleep, I would go back to the osmanthus tree in Zhongshan in my dreams. A tall boy was leaning against the tree, and beside him was a little girl who kept talking in his ear."

"It's very strange. It's obvious that the boy is very impatient with this girl and dislikes her, but in the face of her nagging, he has no intention of driving her away. Instead, he really wants to hear her voice deep in his heart. After leaving , I miss her voice very much."

An Qiaoran listened to Lu Yuchen talking endlessly about the scene he saw after he fell asleep, the more she listened to it, the more familiar it became, and after a second thought, she remembered it.

"You mean you and me, right?" An Qiaoran raised her eyes to look at Lu Yuchen, and asked without hesitation.

"Yeah! It's me and you." Lu Yuchen stared into her eyes and said, "That's why I fell asleep during the thunderstorm, because what I saw after I fell asleep was the thunderstorm."

Moreover, the scene in the dream is the most important and precious scene in his life.

Of course, he would not tell An Qiaoran this sentence.

Listening to Lu Yuchen's words, many mysteries have been solved, and An Qiaoran also expressed his understanding, but...

"You said so much, but still didn't tell me why you woke up so early today."

This is what An Qiaoran found strange. This time Lu Yuchen fell asleep because of the thunderstorm, so why did he wake up so early?
"That's because I heard your voice, and most importantly..."

Lu Yuchen stopped in the middle of speaking, and looked at her with deep eyes, with a smile hidden in his eyes.

"What is it?" An Qiaoran was looked at by him, feeling weird and uncomfortable.

"I heard you say that you love me, and that you love me no less than me."

An Qiaoran: "..."

What kind of supernatural power is it that you can still hear her words when you are asleep?
"I heard your passionate confession to me, so I was excited and woke up."

Lu Yuchen spoke calmly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him, but An Qiaoran was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Although she knew about Lu Yuchen's mental illness, it was the first time she had heard him talk about him being able to hear outsiders talking after he fell asleep.

When she heard Nade say that Lu Yuchen fainted for no reason, and his condition worsened, she felt nervous for a moment, and she wanted him to wake up.

She originally just wanted to comfort her guilty heart, knowing that it was impossible for him to wake up, but she still wanted to talk to him and deceive herself.Unexpectedly, he actually woke up.

"Lu Yuchen, do you always go back to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree when you were a child every time you fainted?" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen and asked seriously.

"Yes." Lu Yuchen nodded.

"Aheng said that you seemed to be in pain before you fainted, with cold sweat on your head. What is it because of it? Is your heart hurting?"

Although she didn't know how painful his heart was, she had seen him in pain with her own eyes.If his fainting this time was really caused by heartache, what caused his heartache?

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen's face changed slightly, his brows were frowned, "Ah Heng said?"

"Yeah! You tell me, what's going on?"

Thinking of the scene of his heartache last time, she was still very nervous and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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