Chapter 954
"If I tell you, will you believe it?" Lu Yuchen couldn't help asking as he looked at her expectant expression.

"I definitely believe you." An Qiaoran nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"Because you're not by my side." Lu Yuchen looked at her, watching the changes in her face, not letting go of any clues.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned. Sure enough, was it because she was not by his side?However, is this directly related to his heartache?

"On a thunderstorm day, as long as I hear the thunder, I can only see the scenes under the osmanthus tree in my mind, but I am awake, so my mind will be mixed with your current factors."

"But you are not by my side, mixed with the scene under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, I will be inexplicably worried about your safety, and then I will be in pain."

An Qiaoran understood what Lu Yuchen said, even if she didn't understand it very well, she pursed her lips tightly and didn't speak, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Do you know why my heart is obviously in pain, but the hospital can't find the result?"


This was also what An Qiaoran was curious about.

Obviously she saw him in terrible pain, but the hospital checked that he was in good health.

"Because I'm not really heartbroken." Lu Yuchen looked at her and said.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran didn't understand again, "What do you mean?"

"My pain is caused by all the emotions I have towards you for more than ten years, including worry and miss. In fact, my heart does not hurt. I just think of worrying about your safety when I saw my childhood. My memory nerves will worry about you. That kind of pain spreads to my brain, so I feel excruciatingly painful."

Lu Yuchen spoke very seriously, but An Qiaoran didn't quite understand.

"I still don't know what kind of experience it is."

It seemed very complicated, a feeling that she didn't understand.

Seeing that she still didn't understand, Lu Yuchen gave a very simple example.

"This situation is like a dead fish with its head cut off, but its body can still move, because its memory nerves are still alive, so it can move."

"What I said is the same as this. Although my heart doesn't hurt, the memory nerves transmit this pain to my brain. I say that, do you understand?"

An Qiaoran may not understand other things, but Lu Yuchen uses the phenomenon of being a fish to explain this matter, and An Qiaoran knows it no matter how stupid he is.

She killed fish and she knew what he said.

So, she nodded, "I see, it turns out that you had this experience before you fainted."

Living on the edge of fantasy and reality.

Illusion is under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in dreams, not to mention reality.

Before he passed out, he wasn't very worried, it was just because seeing the scene under the osmanthus tree triggered all the emotions in his heart towards her, which caused him to faint with heartache.

For more than ten years, he has been suffering in this way, and he will do this every thunderstorm season.

Thinking of this, she felt distressed and wanted to ask him another question.

"It's been like this for a long time, don't you know the reality?"

After a night of coma, living in his own beautiful illusion, after waking up, he found that everything was empty. Didn't he not be able to distinguish reality?

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Lu Yuchen looked at her and asked.

"Of course it's the truth." Otherwise, why would she ask him?Are you listening to lies?

"The truth is, it has happened and it has never happened." Lu Yuchen said.

"What do you mean?" An Qiaoran was puzzled by his answer.

"The heartache before going to sleep is because I can't distinguish reality, which leads to insanity. As for waking up after falling asleep, I have never had it."

(End of this chapter)

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