Chapter 958 An Qiaoran... I Love You
Even if An Qiaoran didn't hear her, she understood that he was just comforting her, but in fact, he was in pain.

Thinking about it, her heart ached, she hugged him again, and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly, "I just want to hold you, I hold you tightly, is this better?"

Seeing that An Qiaoran was so worried about him and felt sorry for him, Lu Yuchen also felt that he was going too far, so he said softly, "It's much better."

Hearing this, An Qiaoran subconsciously wanted to let go of him, but Lu Yuchen hugged her tightly, and his voice sounded magnetic.

"Don't be sad next time, at least don't be sad in front of me, even if it's because of me, it's not okay."

He saw her eyes were red just now, and knew that she was feeling uncomfortable, so his heart also ached. Coupled with the thunderstorm, it hurt for a while.

"Is it because I'm sad that you are sad?" In fact, even if she didn't ask, she knew it, and she must have said that her heartache just now caused his heartache.

"Don't think about what you have all day, I will be fine, as long as you are by my side, I will be fine."

This heart disease has accompanied him for more than ten years. Before An Qiaoran, he was fine. Now that he has her, he will be fine.

"Well, I will always be by your side, and I will never leave you."

His and her lives were tied together, she couldn't do without him, and he couldn't do without her.

After An Qiaoran finished speaking, Lu Yuchen hugged her even tighter, with his chin resting on her forehead, with a hoarse voice, "An Qiaoran... I love you."

Hearing Lu Yuchen's sudden confession, An Qiaoran's body froze.

Between these six words, there was a long sigh and silence, and finally Lu Yuchen said the three words "I love you".

It is enough to see how much he cherishes her, loves her, and loves her.

He doesn't say these three words often, An Qiaoran can't remember whether it is the first time Lu Yuchen said these three words to her, but no matter how many times, every time he hears these three words from him A single word will shock her heart.

This feeling can be said to be the beginning of love, because she was very happy when she heard Lu Yuchen's confession.

She hugged him tightly, and said in a soft voice, "I love you too."

Similarly, after An Qiaoran said this, she could feel Lu Yuchen's body froze for a moment, and then returned to normal after a moment.

It was extremely quiet inside the ward, but it was raining heavily outside, especially heavy.

An Qiaoran was lying in Lu Yuchen's arms, listening to the thunder, rain, and wind outside, the sound of the wind blowing the raindrops on the glass.

The outside is so messy, but her heart is unusually peaceful.

Normally, even if she was not afraid of thunder, she would be inexplicably startled when she heard a loud thunder or a sudden thunder.

But at this moment, leaning in his arms, listening to his strong heartbeat, I found that I no longer have any perception of the outside world, and I no longer feel afraid of anything.

With the sound of thunder, An Qiaoran would also hug Lu Yuchen very tightly, for fear that his heart would hurt again. She really didn't want to see his heart hurt, really didn't want to.

An Qiaoran sat by the bed, leaning against Lu Yuchen's arms, listening to the sound of rain outside, Lu Yuchen also hugged her.

Neither of the two people spoke, and the time passed by like this.

I don't know how long it took, the rain outside the window finally stopped, and the thunder also stopped, leaving only the ticking sound of raindrops falling on the balcony.

(End of this chapter)

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