Chapter 959 Pregnant?
The storm outside the window finally calmed down, and the woman who was leaning on Lu Yuchen's arms also fell asleep quietly, leaning against his arms, without any movement.

Lu Yuchen looked down at An Qiaoran who had her eyes closed, with a smile on her lips, picked her up and let her lie flat on the bed.

After covering her with the quilt, he stood up, got out of bed, and went into the bathroom next to her.

Although the dark clouds had dissipated, the sky outside was almost dark, and the lights in the hospital had been turned on.

When Lu Yuchen took a shower, changed his clothes and came out, the woman on the hospital bed still didn't wake up.

Still awake, are you going to spend the night in the hospital?
Lu Yuchen shook his head helplessly, then walked to the bed, leaned down and kissed her on the lips, then reached out to touch her face, "It's time to wake up, An Qiaoran."

An Qiaoran didn't respond to his call.

What a lazy pig!

Lu Yuchen helplessly stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, not wanting to wake her up, so he lifted the quilt, ready to hug her up.

However, when his hand touched her bare leg, his body froze.

Why are her feet so cold?
Lu Yuchen secretly felt bad, and reached out to touch her forehead to test her temperature.

However, as soon as his hand touched her forehead, he quickly took it back.

It's so hot?
Lu Yuchen's heart tightened suddenly, he turned around and ran out of the ward.

Nade, who had been guarding outside the door, looked at Lu Yuchen who suddenly appeared, and was a little stunned, "Master..."

"Hurry up and call the doctor!" Lu Yuchen looked at him and growled.

Although Nade didn't understand what happened, but seeing Lu Yuchen's nervous face, he ran away without asking anything.

Lu Yuchen returned to the hospital bed, looking at An Qiaoran who was still sleeping, feeling very nervous.

It rained so much, she wore a knee-length dress with short sleeves, no wonder she didn't have a fever!
She is really desperate!The more Lu Yuchen thought about it, the angrier he became. He stood by the bed and looked at An Qiaoran, very worried.

"Master, the doctor is here."

There was a sound of footsteps, and Nade's voice sounded.

Lu Yuchen turned his eyes and saw a male doctor approaching. Lu Yuchen moved away from his seat and glanced at An Qiaoran, "She may have a fever."

Hearing this, the male doctor walked to the bed and was about to touch An Qiaoran's forehead with his hand, but before he reached halfway, he was hit hard by a big palm.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Yuchen looked at the male doctor coldly, and said coldly.

The male doctor's hand was beaten by Lu Yuchen, it was not light, and he was asked coldly by Lu Yuchen, a little confused.

"I just want to test her temperature." The male doctor said blankly.

"No need." Lu Yuchen said, looking at Nade, "Go and call another female doctor."

He didn't want An Qiaoran to be touched by other men even if he was sick, not even on the forehead!

Butler Nade didn't know that the young master would be so picky, but he also expressed his understanding, nodded, turned and left.

The male doctor also left, looking at Lu Yuchen with complicated eyes.

What a strange man!Does medical treatment depend on gender?

Not long after that, Nade found a female doctor. Lu Yuchen asked the doctor to check An Qiaoran without further ado. pulse.

After finishing all this, the female doctor looked at Lu Yuchen and spoke in a fair manner.

"This lady's fever is not high, it's not serious, she just catches a cold and has a little cold."

"A little cold? Then why is her forehead so hot?" Lu Yuchen asked.

"That's because she's pregnant. A minor cold will be relatively serious, but there's nothing wrong with it. Just one or two bottles of fluid will do."

As soon as the female doctor's words fell, Lu Yuchen's body was completely stunned.

Looking at the doctor in shock, he asked in disbelief, "What did you say? She's pregnant?"

(End of this chapter)

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