Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 960 Pregnancy may not be a good thing

Chapter 960 Pregnancy is not necessarily a good thing
The doctor was taken aback by Lu Yuchen's reaction, but he still replied, "It's been more than a month, maybe the symptoms are not particularly obvious, but you still need to pay more attention to minor illnesses and pains."

After the doctor finished speaking, he turned and left the ward, but Lu Yuchen still stood there stiffly, without any response.

An Qiaoran is pregnant, she is pregnant...

Hearing this news, he didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

When An Qiaoran gave birth to Jiayi last time, the pain she endured was far beyond his imagination. Now that she is pregnant again, he really doesn't know what to do.

He stood there looking at An Qiaoran on the hospital bed, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his brows were furrowed.

"Master, it's a good thing that the young lady is pregnant! Why do you..."

Nade on the side saw that Lu Yuchen's expression was not right, he didn't look happy, so he couldn't help but be puzzled.

"Pregnancy may be a good thing, but for her, it may not be." Lu Yuchen looked at An Qiaoran, and said something lightly, but it was full of many complicated emotions.

Hearing what he said, Nade didn't understand even more, but seeing Lu Yuchen's face, he wanted to ask but gave up.

After a while, the doctor came with some hanging bottles, gave An Qiaoran an infusion, and finally gave Lu Yuchen some advice.

"It is very taboo for pregnant women to get sick. If you are not careful, it will affect the child. During this period, it is best not to let her know the truth."

Lu Yuchen sat on the edge of the bed and looked at An Qiaoran, without saying a word, as if he didn't hear him.

"Understood, we will pay attention, thank you doctor." Nade sent the doctor out, returned to Lu Yuchen's side, glanced at An Qiaoran, and then spoke.

"Master, you haven't eaten for a long time, I'll bring you some food, and young lady."

Lu Yuchen didn't respond, and Nade didn't care whether he heard it or not, he turned and left after speaking.

When the ward became quiet, Lu Yuchen stared at An Qiaoran with complicated eyes, and reached out to touch her red cheeks, his movements were extremely gentle.

She has already suffered once, is she going to suffer again?

"An Qiaoran..." Lu Yuchen held An Qiaoran's hand tightly and looked at her with trembling lips.

An Qiaoran woke up after the infusion was completed, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

"Are you awake?" As soon as she opened her eyes, Lu Yuchen, who had been sitting by the bed, looked at her quickly, "Is there any discomfort? Are you dizzy? Are your feet cold?"

Seeing Lu Yuchen so worried about him, and seeing his hand with the needle inserted, An Qiaoran felt very strange.

"Am I sick?"

An Qiaoran stroked his dizzy head and sat up, leaning on the bed, still a little dizzy.

"You have a cold, and you still have a little fever, so I gave you an infusion."

Lu Yuchen watched her talking and the doctor came in, took off the needle for An Qiaoran, and stretched out his hand to test An Qiaoran's forehead.

"The fever is gone and he is recovering very well. Just pay special attention to diet and rest, and maintain a good physical condition so as not to affect the child."

After the doctor gave these instructions, he left, but An Qiaoran was stunned when he heard what the doctor said just now.

"Affect the children? What does my illness have to do with Jiayi?"

An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen very strangely, not understanding the meaning of the doctor's words.

Seeing her bewildered face, Lu Yuchen really didn't know whether he should tell her the truth or not.

After being silent for a long time, he still spoke, "It's not Jiayi she's talking about."

"Not Jiayi? Who is that? Do we have other children?" An Qiaoran became even more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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