Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 961 Afraid of not being able to afford it?

Chapter 961 Afraid of not being able to afford it?

"It wasn't there before, but now it is." Lu Yuchen kept looking into her eyes, with a serious face, and his voice was a little low.

now have...

After hearing this, An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, then suddenly understood, and said in shock, "Could it be that I'm pregnant?!"

Lu Yuchen took a panoramic view of the joy on her face, remained silent, and just nodded.

Seeing this, An Qiaoran was already overjoyed, "I'm pregnant, now Jiayi is not alone, she has a younger sister and younger brother."


Seeing An Qiaoran so happy, Lu Yuchen felt very uncomfortable.

"An Qiaoran, are you so happy when you're pregnant?"

"Of course I'm happy. I've always hoped that Jiayi would have a younger brother. I hope that this child will be a son. If this is the case, I will have both sons and daughters."

An Qiaoran was thinking happily, not noticing Lu Yuchen's gloomy expression at all.

Seeing her so happy, the gloom in Lu Yuchen's eyes swept away, "Then what if it's a daughter?"

"It's fine if it's a daughter, what do you think about two phoenixes?" An Qiaoran finally looked at Lu Yuchen.

"I don't care." Lu Yuchen said.

He originally hoped to have a daughter when he didn't have Jiayi, but after having a daughter, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.

A daughter has already occupied half of An Qiaoran, and if there is another one, if that doesn't occupy all of it, then what else does he have?
Also, he really didn't want to see the pain of her childbirth.

"It doesn't matter?" An Qiaoran was a little stunned when he heard Lu Yuchen's indifferent attitude. Only then did he realize that his face was a little ugly, and he couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"What can I do?" Lu Yuchen asked back.

"I see you are very unhappy." An Qiaoran looked at him and said, "What's the matter? Are you unhappy to be a father again?"

What is there to be happy about?Lu Yuchen opened his mouth subconsciously, but then he thought, if he said that, would she be very angry?
So, he changed his words, looked at her, and asked seriously, "An Qiaoran, why do you like children?"

An Qiaoran didn't expect Lu Yuchen to ask this strange question suddenly, he was a little stunned, but he answered anyway.

"Because it's me and your child!" An Qiaoran said, "We have Jiayi, and I feel the feeling of being a mother. This feeling is wonderful and beautiful."

"But for you, having a child is equivalent to killing half of your life." Lu Yuchen looked at her with a serious and serious expression.

"It took half my life, but happiness comes after the pain. I created a little life, isn't it very happy?"

An Qiaoran also happily asked Lu Yuchen.


Are you happy?He doesn't think so.

However, since she likes it, forget it!But he promised that after giving birth to this child, there will be no more births.

He reached out to touch the shampoo on her forehead, and said in a very low voice, "An Qiaoran, this is the last time. In the future, we won't have children, okay?"

"What? Are you afraid that you won't be able to support them?" Seeing Lu Yuchen's serious face, An Qiaoran couldn't help but tease.

"Yes! What if I go bankrupt and leave you and so many children behind, what if I can't support you?"

"A lot of kids... poof..."

An Qiaoran couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Lu Yuchen's words, "I'm not a livestock, how did I grow so many?"

"So, no more births." Lu Yuchen said.

"Don't worry! No matter whether it's a boy or a girl, there will be no more babies."

Don't say he doesn't want to, even if he wants to have a baby, she won't be able to.

(End of this chapter)

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