Chapter 982 The slap of the fan is returned ten times

The Qiao family present looked at An Qiaoran who was so angry, and wanted to speak up for Qiao Yu, but they knew they were wrong, so they didn't say much.

Besides, Lu Yuchen was furious. After all, Qiao Yu almost hurt his daughter. How could he not be angry?

Everyone was aware of this and stood there silently without saying a word, even Qiao Feng, who always loved Qiao Yu the most, didn't dare to say more.

Not to mention Lan Yan, she didn't even have any good feelings for this cousin, she was domineering all day long, and she never liked her.

This time she offended Lu Yuchen, she wanted to see what would happen to her, she leaned against Yun Mo's arms, ready to watch the show.

"What? Sister, you said she beat Jiayi?" Hearing An Qiaoran's words, An Qiaoli hurried to An Qiaoran's side, looked at Qiao Yu who was in a panic on the ground, and shook her head in fear.

"It's really scary. You woman is too vicious. It doesn't count if you hit me indiscriminately, but this time you want to beat the child? What a vicious person!"

An Qiaoli said, and looked at Lu Yuchen who was surrounded by anger, "Brother-in-law, Jiayi is so scared, what do you think?"

In fact, she originally wanted to drive her out directly, but after thinking about it, Qiao's family is still here. If she said it so bluntly, it would probably be offensive, so she could only say this.

And she believed that, judging by how much her brother-in-law loved Jiayi, his brother-in-law would not let this woman go.Don't talk about being driven out, even if there is another punishment, it's not sure.

Sure enough, An Qiaoli guessed right.

Lu Yuchen looked at Qiao Yu coldly, his anger was very strong, and his tone was extremely cold and angry, "Tie this woman up to me, receive fifty lashes, and then throw it into the salt water! The slap she slapped just now returned ten times to her. !"

If he dared to beat his daughter, he would make her pay ten times the price!His little princess is not even willing to touch him, what a thing she is, she dares to do something to his daughter!
Hearing Lu Yuchen's words, Qiao's couple and Qiao Feng's expressions changed drastically, as if they didn't expect Lu Yuchen to be so cruel.

Qiao Yu's face turned pale, and her face was suddenly filled with fear.Fifty whips, ten slaps, soaked in salt water...

How could she stand it?Just thinking about the picture of her being beaten to pieces and her wounds being corroded by salt water, her heart couldn't take it anymore.

Her face was filled with fear, she shook her head crazily, she crawled to Lu Yuchen's feet, looked up at him.

"I was wrong, Young Master Lu. Don't treat me like this. I can't stand that. You can't treat me like that."

Lu Yuchen looked at her and felt disgusted, so he raised his foot and kicked her hard, so hard that Qiao Yu was kicked so far that his chest was bruised.

"Lu Yuchen..." Seeing such a violent scene, An Qiaoran couldn't help but said, "The child is still watching!"

If you scare the child again, it will be over. The child cannot bear to be scared.

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen thought of something just now, subconsciously glanced at Jiayi in his arms, his face changed slightly.

Hearing An Qiaoran's words, Qiao Yu thought she was going to plead for her, so she quickly looked at her and begged, "Ran Ran, please help me, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't be so impulsive, I don't want to be Hit!"

Looking at Qiao Yu's pale face, if it was normal, An Qiaoran might sympathize with her, but...

She almost hurt her daughter today, the daughter she never had the heart to touch was almost hurt by her, she really couldn't feel sorry for this woman.

She didn't intend to say more, but just wiped her daughter's tears, as if she hadn't heard her prayer, with a blank expression.

(End of this chapter)

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