Chapter 983 She Was Blind
Seeing An Qiaoran's indifferent expression, Qiao Yu had absolutely nothing to intercede with her, and her face turned even paler.

She was silent for two seconds, then she turned her eyes to the worried Qiao Ze, "Uncle, you must save me, please intercede for me! Such a punishment is really too cruel."

At Qiao's house, she had seen many maids who had been whipped. Every inch of her was torn apart and looked painful. She didn't want to be like that.


After all, she was his own niece, and Qiao Ze couldn't bear to see her suffer. Seeing An Qiaoran was about to ask for it, An Qiaoran said.

"Lily, help me take the baby back. I'll wash her face and change her clothes." She was pregnant and couldn't hold her.

"Good sister." An Qiaoli took the child from Lu Yuchen's arms, and left the restaurant with An Qiaoran.

Looking at the back of An Qiaoran leaving, Qiao Ze also understood that she knew he would let her plead with Lu Yuchen, but she didn't want to, so she left with an excuse.

Once she left, how could Lu Yuchen listen to his pleading?But no matter what, he had to give it a try.


"Aheng!" Lu Yuchen spoke first when he spoke, and his words were harsh, "Take her down! After being tortured, send her to the pool behind and send someone to watch her. What should I do? , you should understand!"

"Understood!" Ah Heng nodded, stepped forward and grabbed Qiao Yu and left. Even though Qiao Yu was unwilling, she still couldn't struggle and was caught out.

"Uncle, save me!" Qiao Yu's screams sounded outside the door, Madam Qiao couldn't take it anymore.

"Yuchen, although Yu'er has gone too far, she is just ignorant, and she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, so she can't stand whipping at all, so please let her go!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen glanced at her displeasedly, his eyes were cold, which made people feel scared.

"Leave her lightly? She violated my bottom line and made a mistake. It's not too much for me to use your Qiao family's family law to deal with her?" Lu Yuchen looked at Mrs. Qiao with cold eyes, and his tone was frivolous and ruthless.

"But Yu'er..."

"Mother, don't worry about her, she's doing it on her own." Lan Yan interrupted Mrs. Qiao's words, and Mrs. Qiao lowered her head and fell silent.

"She has made mistakes here no less than twice. Boss Lu has only dealt with her now, so he has spared her a lot."

Lan Yan continued to speak, her tone was contemptuous, not flirtatious, "Boss Lu and Sister Ran Ran love this daughter the most. Qiao Yu is blind herself, she must not know how to praise, if it is not blocked by others, it is estimated that Sister Ran Ran's The child has already fainted, and if it is serious, it may cause sequelae such as concussion, which she cannot afford."

Qiao Ze and Mrs. Qiao originally planned to intercede, but when Lan Yan said this, they knew they were wrong, and they didn't have the courage anymore, so they all lowered their heads and didn't speak.

"Yu'er, stop saying a word!" Qiao Feng looked at his younger sister and couldn't help but said.

Hearing his 'Yu'er', Lan Yan couldn't help frowning, "Brother, didn't you agree to call me Yan'er? If you can't remember anymore, you can just call me younger sister."

Although she returned to Qiao's house, she was still unwilling to give up the name 'Lan Yan'.

"No matter how much you don't like it, it's the name your parents gave you, just accept your fate!" Qiao Feng looked at her and said involuntarily.

"If you don't want to, don't call me." Lan Yan raised her head, looked at him arrogantly, and said stubbornly.

In this regard, Qiao Feng could only helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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