Chapter 984 Don't let her appear...

He naturally knew that his younger sister, the most precious, had been given the name Yun Mo had given her, and she was about to change her name.

Because of this incident, everyone couldn't eat anymore, and Nade led them to watch TV.

Mrs. Qiao Zeqiao and Qiao Feng were absent-minded and in a bad mood because they were worried about Qiao Yu, but Lan Yan and Yun Mo acted as if they had nothing to do with themselves.

Lan Yan didn't like that cousin in the first place, and now that she has made so many mistakes, she deserves it, and it's too late for her to be happy!
She followed Lu Yuchen to the renovated children's room on the third floor, saw An Qiaoran and An Qiaoli who were changing Jiayi's clothes, and walked in.

"Sister Ran Ran."

Hearing the voice, An Qiaoran raised his head to look at her, smiled slightly, "Come and sit down!"

Lan Yan walked in and looked around the room layout of the children's room. There was a warm pink children's bed, a pink wardrobe, and the floor was covered with blue carpets. The whole room was full of warmth.

The room is very big, playing on one side and sleeping on the other side, the pink wallpaper is covered with many stars and moons, it is very cute.

"Sister Ran Ran, this children's room is too warm, I like it so much, I'm so envious!"

Lan Yan grabbed a white bunny doll on the ground, feeling uncontrollable excitement in her heart.

How can people without children be indifferent when they see such a children's room?

"My bunny!" Jiayi, who was sitting on the bed and was getting dressed, saw the doll in Lanyan's hand, and quickly reached out to grab it.

"It was my fault, I'll give it to you right away." Lan Yan looked at Jiayi like this, and gave her the rabbit, "Hold it tight!"

Little Jiayi hugged the rabbit tightly, as if holding some precious baby.

An Qiaoran looked at her daughter, shook her head, and looked up at Lu Yuchen. Thinking of what he said to Qiao Yu just now, she couldn't help being a little shocked.

"Where's Qiao Yu? Are you really planning to put her in salt water?" She was a little impulsive when her daughter was almost beaten, but now she suddenly thought about it, Lu Yuchen's treatment of Qiao Yu was a little too much.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Lu Yuchen glanced at her, reached out to pick up Jiayi who was holding the rabbit, and straightened her messy hair.

"Don't tell me that your daughter was almost beaten and you still have to sympathize with the real murderer."

Before An Qiaoran could figure out how to speak, Lu Yuchen spoke again, with a careless voice, but sounded a little angry.

"Of course I won't." An Qiaoran said.

He shouldn't think of her as if she didn't care about the child at all. She was also very worried when the child was almost beaten.

"I just think that if she just came here, don't you want to bruise her all over? It's not good for so many people to see it tomorrow."

Many people will come tomorrow to congratulate Jiayi on her second birthday. Seeing Qiao Yu covered in injuries, what should they think?
"I won't let her show up tomorrow." Lu Yuchen continued to look at Jiayi, and gently pinched her tender face with his hand, it felt good.

don't let her show up...

An Qiaoran was taken aback, then nodded, "That's fine, anyway, it was her fault first, it was just father and Qiao Feng's side."

"It's okay, Sister Ran Ran, whatever you say is what Lu Shao meant, they won't say anything more." Lan Yan said, "They won't get upset over such a trivial matter."

Hearing what Lan Yan said, An Qiaoran didn't know what to say, but just nodded.

Thinking of what happened at that time, I couldn't help but glance at An Qiaoli who was beside me, "Lily, go and see Ah Heng! His face was severely beaten, so give her some medicine."


An Qiaoli nodded, got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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