Chapter 985 Never Forgive Him

After An Qiaoli left, An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen who was holding the child, and said, "Jiayi said she is hungry and wants porridge, you can take her to eat some!"

"When did she say that?" Lu Yuchen frowned and asked her.He has been holding the child, and he has not seen her making trouble.

Hearing this, An Qiaoran was about to answer when Jiayi, who was being hugged by Lu Yuchen, suddenly said, "Daddy, I'm hungry."

Jiayi is really great!
"Look!" An Qiaoran looked at Lu Yuchen.

Lu Yuchen looked at Jiayi in his arms, with a very ugly expression on his face.

An Qiaoran obviously wanted to dismiss him by saying this, but Jiayi also said that she was hungry and was helping her.

OK, she's great!
Lu Yuchen glanced at An Qiaoran resentfully, then glanced at Lan Yan indifferently, then turned around and left.

The door of the children's room was closed, Lan Yan couldn't hold back for a moment, covered her mouth and laughed, "Young Master Lu is really funny."

She couldn't forget the way he looked at her before he left just now, and she wanted to laugh when she thought of the back of him leaving with the child in his arms.

When Lan Yan smiled like that, An Qiaoran couldn't help laughing, and patted Lan Yan's shoulder, "I said...should you change your name?"

Lan Yan stopped laughing and looked at An Qiaoran, "Change your brother-in-law?"

"if not?"

Lan Yan nodded, "It really should be changed."

"Yeah! Otherwise, it would be weird to scream like that." Lu Shao Lu Shao said all day long, it was very strange.

"Well, I will change it." Lan Yan nodded obediently.

"Speaking of which, my daughter is two years old, and I still have one in my stomach. It's been so long. Why aren't you and Yun Mo married yet?"

This is what An Qiaoran has been wondering in her heart. She and Yun Mo have no less relationship than she and Lu Yuchen. Why aren't they married yet?
Hearing her mention this, Lan Yan's face changed slightly, she pursed her lips, and remained silent.

"What's the matter? Is it because of Yunmo's father?" An Qiaoran asked seeing that her expression was wrong.

"That's right!" Lan Yan was silent for a long time before saying this.

"Is it?" An Qiaoran didn't understand clearly, "Do you still mind his father's opinion?"

Yun Mo's father has always disapproved of Lan Yan, whether she is from Qiao's family or not, he does not agree with her. Before, it was because Lan Yan's origin was unknown, so what about now?And why?
"Of course I mind." Lan Yan said here, with a serious tone, "His father once killed my child, and I will never forgive him."

That was her and Yun Mo's first child, and she would never forget the pain of losing her child.

An Qiaoran looked at Lan Yan's hateful eyes, and felt a little helpless.

"You didn't marry him because you hated his father? Of course, it was also because his father didn't agree?"

Lan Yan nodded.

"But if his father disagrees, will you and Yun Mo continue to get along in this relationship?"

After all, Lan Yan is her own sister, and she has witnessed the relationship between her and Yun Mo, so she naturally hopes that they will have a happy ending.

Lan Yan pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Didn't Yunmo fight for it? He also has no solution?" An Qiaoran's heart was raised, and they were too worried.

"He thought about obtaining a marriage certificate against his father and me and announcing the marriage, but I don't want to." Lan Yan finally spoke, with some sadness in her words.

"Why don't you want to?" An Qiaoran couldn't understand, "Yan'er, since Yunmo is willing to put down everything to be with you, you should cherish her. Why are you still not willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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