Chapter 989 The Rebellious Daughter
An Qiaoran looked at Qiao Yu who was suffering in the pool, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, and turned to look at Ah Heng who stood up.

"Let her go, and let Nade show her the wound."


Ah Heng knew that An Qiaoran must have come here for this matter. He knew that she would soften her heart, but he did not expect that her heart would soften so soon, and she would let this woman go so soon.

"Let her go! No matter how much the soaking continues, I'm afraid her body will be overwhelmed, and my father will feel distressed when he sees it."

"But madam, she..."

"A Heng." A Heng's voice was interrupted by An Qiaoli, who stood up and looked at A Heng, "Listen to my sister, let her go!"

Seeing that An Qiaoli had already spoken, Ah Heng couldn't say anything more, so he nodded, "Okay!"

His eyes pointed to the bodyguard who was watching Qiao Yu on the shore. The bodyguard understood, went into the water to untie the rope for Qiao Yu, and dragged her up.

Qiao Yu, who was dragged in front of An Qiaoran by the bodyguards, had already passed out from the pain.

"Take it to Steward De and let him see the wound. It's best not to have any life-threatening." An Qiaoran looked at the bodyguard and ordered.


The bodyguard dragged Qiao Yu away. Qiao Feng and his wife looked at An Qiaoran and said with a smile, "Thank you, Ran Ran."

They talked to Lu Yuchen for a long time just now, and begged for a long time, no matter what, Lu Yuchen did not let go of his attitude, and had no choice but to beg An Qiaoran.

"It's okay." An Qiaoran shook his head and looked at Yu Huan, "Go and rest quickly! It's cold at night."


The two nodded, turned and left.

An Qiaoran also turned to look at A Heng, and said, "If Lu Yuchen punishes you afterwards, you can let him come to me."

She knew that if Lu Yuchen knew that Qiao Yu was let go, he would definitely be very unwilling, and she was afraid that he would embarrass Ah Heng.

"Don't dare."

A Heng said with a blank face, he still couldn't figure out the matter of An Qiaoran letting Qiao Yu go, and he was panicked.

"There is nothing to dare, I can tell him directly."

An Qiaoran said, glanced at An Qiaoli, and then left.

An Qiaoli looked at An Qiaoran's back, and then at A Heng who was beside her. Seeing that his face was cold, she knew that he was angry because An Qiaoran let Qiao Yu go, and he was unwilling.

She sighed, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't think too much, my sister has her difficulties, and I also think it's a bit cruel to treat a woman like this."


When Ah Heng heard this, his eyelashes trembled, and he turned to look at An Qiaoli, "Lily, do you think I'm cruel?"

"It's not cruel!" An Qiaoli said, "That's all I'm saying, this woman did it on her own, I don't mean to blame anyone, Ah Heng, don't think too much about it."

Ah Heng looked at her, but didn't speak for a while. After a while, a gust of wind blew by, messing up An Qiaoli's hair, and she shivered.

"Go back! It's cold outside." Ah Heng said.



When Lu Yuchen knew that An Qiaoran had let Qiao Yu go, he was very unwilling and very angry, but facing An Qiaoran who was pregnant, there was really nothing he could do.

Besides, the daughter who has always liked him has betrayed him and started to help An Qiaoran.

As long as he spoke a little louder to An Qiaoran, she would cry loudly while sitting on the sofa playing with a rabbit doll, and there were no tears...

Regarding this, Lu Yuchen had no choice but to not argue with An Qiaoran about Qiao Yu's matter.

(End of this chapter)

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