Chapter 990 I Love You Silently Forever
That night, after Qiao Yu's troubles, An Qiaoran didn't take a shower until around twelve o'clock and fell asleep.

The next day, An Qiaoran was awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone.

He opened his eyes in a daze, stretched out his hand and fumbled for the ringing phone with blurred vision, clicked randomly, put it to his ear, and a weak voice sounded, "Hello?"

"Ran Ran." There was a male voice with a cool voice on the other side of the phone, very pleasant to hear.

"Who is it?" An Qiaoran was so sleepy now that he didn't realize who the person on the other end of the phone was.

Lying next to him, Lu Yuchen was also awakened by the ringing of the phone. Listening to the male voice on the phone, he snatched the phone from An Qiaoran's hand excitedly, clicked on the speakerphone, and then put it back in An Qiaoran's hand.

"It's me, Ran Ran." The male voice on the phone was still so pleasant, "I'm Sun Xu."

"Well, what's the matter?" An Qiaoran was so sleepy that she couldn't react. Suddenly, she froze.

Sun Xu...

She hurriedly grabbed the phone excitedly, glanced at the phone number, and then asked in shock, "Are you Sun Xu?"

"It's me, Ran Ran." The voice became a little depressed.

"Sun Xu, why did you think of calling? Are you... all right?"

Suddenly receiving a call from Sun Xu, An Qiaoran was still a little shocked. He went to a country and didn't know how he was doing.

Lu Yuchen sat on the side, staring at the phone coldly, wishing he could grab the phone and drop it right now.

But An Qiaoran was pregnant and couldn't be infected by bad emotions, so he endured it.

"I'm fine." Sun Xu said, "I called you specially today to congratulate you."

"Congratulations?" An Qiaoran was stunned for a second, unable to react.

"Isn't today your daughter's second birthday? I think you are going to hold a banquet. I can't come, I can only congratulate you."

Sun Xu's voice spread throughout the bedroom through the phone, and Lu Yuchen's face turned ugly when he heard it.

"Thank you, Sun Xu."

Unexpectedly, at this time, he still remembered Jiayi's second birthday.

"Ran Ran, I've heard too much thank you in my life, and I don't want to hear it anymore. This time, please allow me to tell you, I'm sorry."

"Sun Xu..."

Sun Xu's sudden apology made An Qiaoran feel overwhelmed and didn't know what to say for a while.

My friend who was so good before, my friend who I have nothing to say, has become so alienated after going through so many things.

"Ran Ran, I'm the one who's sorry for you. I'm sorry for making that choice at that time. I also regret it. Why did I provoke you in the first place?"

"I clearly know about your relationship with Lu Yuchen, and I know that it's a self-indulgent relationship with no future, but I still can't help but fall in love with you. This is my own fault."

Sun Xu's deep and hoarse voice came from the phone, and An Qiaoran sat there holding the phone without speaking.Lu Yuchen was also looking at the phone, with his thin lips pursed into a line, listening to Sun Xu's voice, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Although I regret provoking you, I have never regretted falling in love with you. Ran Ran, if I were given another chance, I would still choose to fall in love with you, but I will no longer expect to be loved by you, nor will I I will do anything to hurt you for the sake of love, and I will love you silently forever."

If there is an afterlife, he is willing to be a person who only loves and does not think about getting love. He will bury the person he loves in his heart, guard the heart that loves her, and live through this life.

(End of this chapter)

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