Married and sweet love, Lu Shao spoils his wife without limit

Chapter 998 My Daughter Is Not What You Can Point To

Chapter 998 My Daughter Is Not What You Can Point To
Lu Yuchen's face became even darker, and he glared at Zhao Qiaoqiao, "My daughter will always have only one mother, not even a godmother!"

Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at him without speaking.

She's just kidding!
For Lu Yuchen's serious look, An Qiaoran expressed helplessness, so he had no choice but to say, "The high-level executives of the company are here, you go to entertain, I'll go and see Qiao Qiao's birthday present for my daughter first."

After finishing speaking, before Lu Yuchen could answer, she dragged Zhao Qiaoqiao to the room where the gifts were placed.

Mrs. Qiao Zeqiao, Qiao Feng Yu Huan, and Yun Mo Lanyan all followed An Qiaoran to the gift room. Of course they were all there to give gifts.

Jiayi was still playing outside, she didn't know what she was playing.

Lu Yuchen didn't know how to manage those high-level officials, so he also went to the gift room.

In the gift room, the people inside took out a gift box one by one, big and small, the biggest one was in the hands of Jiang Hao, and the smallest was in the hands of Mrs. Qiao.

Jiang Hao put the gift box on the cabinet. The gift box was very tall, almost as tall as An Qiaoran.

An Qiaoran was very curious, and was about to reach out to open it, but Zhao Qiaoqiao stopped her, "I gave it to me..."

Zhao Qiaoqiao originally wanted to say that she was a goddaughter, but when she saw Lu Yuchen behind An Qiaoran, she changed her words.

"I gave it to Jiayi, not you, so Jiayi has to open it herself."

"Then according to what you say, I can't even read theirs?" An Qiaoran asked.

"Yes! We all gave them to Jiayi, and Jiayi has to unwrap them herself." After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he put all the gifts on the cabinet, and the others put them down together.

Well, she couldn't read it anymore. According to the situation, she could only read it at night when Jiayi opened the presents.

She was really curious about what it was, but it must have been children's favorites.

A group of people turned around and left the gift room. There was a loud noise outside, and then a maid ran in.

"Sir and wife, it's not good. Miss was pushed to the ground by a young master, and the two young masters started fighting."


Hearing her daughter being pushed to the ground, An Qiaoran's heart tightened, and she hurried to the scene of the accident.

Jiayi was sitting on the ground crying, Jiang Yanbin on the other side was pushed to the ground by Xiaoxi, stood up quickly, and rushed towards Xiaoxi.

"Yanbin!" Zhao Qiaoqiao stepped forward and pulled her son back, looked down at him, and asked, "What's going on?"

Jiang Yanbin was obviously fighting with Xiaoxi. He was only two years old, and Xiaoxi was almost seven years old. He had no advantage in height, let alone strength. Therefore, Jiang Yanbin's hands were severely grabbed, and his clothes were also caught. If it's messy, let alone messy hair.

The scene was chaotic, surrounded by many people. Jiayi was still crying. When she saw her parents coming, she quickly stood up and ran to Lu Yuchen's feet, "Dad, someone is bullying me."

Lu Yuchen heard her daughter crying again, glanced at Jiang Yanbin and Xiaoxi, then bent down and picked her up.

Thumb wiped her daughter's tears, and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The scene was instantly quiet because of Lu Yuchen's voice, and everyone quietly watched the scene of Lu Yuchen hugging his daughter.

Listening to her father's voice, Jiayi pointed at Xiaoxi who was hiding behind her aunt, and said naively, "She snatched my candy, pushed me, and took my crown."

"Nonsense, I didn't. Your crown is clearly on your head." Xiaoxi pointed at Jiayi and denied it.

"Take your hand away from me, my daughter is not something you can point to." Lu Yuchen looked coldly at Xiaoxi pointing to Lu Jiayi's hand, and said in an extremely low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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