Chapter 999 Must give him an explanation

As soon as Lu Yuchen said this, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became cold and severe, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

Lu Yuchen loves his wife and daughter and wears them all over the company. Now that his daughter is being bullied by this child, and in front of so many people, he probably won't let it go so easily.

Lu Yuchen's voice was too harsh, and his eyes were too terrifying, Xiao Xi was so frightened that he hid behind his aunt, not daring to take another look.

The aunt could see the child's fear, so she couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid there may be a misunderstanding, so I'd better check it out first, Xiao Xi would never do something like that."

"Yes, Mr. Lu, Xiaoxi has always been very good, so she shouldn't be like this." An Yi also stood up for her child.

An Qiaoran comforted her daughter without saying a word.

With cold eyes, Lu Yuchen looked at Jiang Yanbin who was being hugged by Zhao Qiaoqiao, and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Zhao Qiaoqiao also realized that Lu Yuchen was really angry, and told her child, "Yanbin, tell us, what happened just now? Why did you fight with him?"

Jiang Yanbin glanced at his mother, then looked at Xiaoxi who was hiding, and said, "He just robbed her of candy, she robbed him, he pushed her to the ground, and took her crown, I put He snatched the crown and put it on her, and he started a fight with me."

Although Jiang Yanbin's verbal expression ability is very strange, but there is no one who can't understand.

"Then he scratched these wounds on your hands?" Zhao Qiaoqiao looked at the scratches on the child's hands and asked.


Seeing this, Zhao Qiaoqiao's anger surged into her chest, but there were so many people present, she couldn't get angry, so she had to look at Lu Yuchen, expecting his fate.

"What else do you have to say?" Lu Yuchen looked coldly at his aunt and Xiaoxi behind her, and said coldly.

"What else can you do besides complaining?" Seeing Jiang Yanbin complaining, Xiao Xi boldly said something, and then quickly hid behind her aunt.

"You can't completely blame Xiaoxi! It's normal for children to fight and fight. Besides, no one was injured, right?"

It was obviously Xiaoxi's fault, but the aunt still blindly favored her grandson, and she said it with certainty.

"It's normal for children to play and fight, but how old is Xiaoxi? How old are Yanbin and Jiayi?"

An Qiaoran saw her aunt blindly favoring indiscriminately, so she couldn't help but said, "You said you didn't hurt anything, then look at the backs of Jiayi and Yanbin's hands, they were all scratched with blood. For a child, isn't that considered hurt?"

"That's right!" Seeing An Qiaoran's voice, Zhao Qiaoqiao also began to defend her child. "Yanbin didn't cry like Jiayi when he couldn't stand the pain, but not crying doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain."

As Zhao Qiaoqiao said, Nade, Aheng, and An Qiaoli also rushed over. Looking at the chaos at the scene, they guessed what was going on for a while.

It is said that there are three women in one drama, but in fact the three children are the same, there must be a fight.

Lu Yuchen hugged the child and sat down on the chair, looking at the scratches on her daughter's hands, her face became extremely cold.

"These injuries, you Anjia must give me an explanation!"

Lu Yuchen sternly said, the scene was extremely quiet, everyone on the An's side showed embarrassment, and stood still.

When Nade heard the wound in Lu Yuchen's mouth, he hurried over to check it. When he saw the scratches on his hands, his face was a little shocked, "How did you get hurt like this?"

"Is it serious?" An Yi quickly stepped forward to try it out, and when she saw the scratches on the back of Jiayi's hand, her face was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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