Chapter 3

fourteen (1)
After Jia Shan saw Wu Man leaving the farewell note, he calmly threw it back to its original place, but he didn't put the medicine bottle on the note again.He didn't have any premonition that Wu Man would really leave him.It seemed that the note he read just now was Wu Man's last letter before committing suicide, and he would not believe that Wu Man would die.He felt that knowing his wife was like knowing his left hand.But Wu Man left, it really brought a desolate feeling to this house.At this time, Jia Shan thought of going downstairs to Wang Yi's. He knew that Wu Man would greet Wang Yi before he left, and this could be his reason to visit her.Before this, Jia Shan had never looked for any reason to create an opportunity to talk to Wang Yi.If you have a more than average liking for a woman, and you feel that other characteristics of your wife are also in line with your ideals, then perhaps you will not often find excuses to visit this woman, but would rather not see her. After an argument with your wife or when you are alone, imagine her.Jia Shan felt that he had such feelings for Wang Yi, and he was relieved of the safety of such feelings.If Yin Chushi was here, it would not be difficult to say goodbye after a few words, he thought.

Yin Chushi is not there.Wang Yi's enthusiastic attitude immediately made Jia Shan understand that Wang Yi not only knew about Wu Man's departure, but also wanted to express sympathy for Jia Shan, because now in Wang Yi's view, Jia Shan has become a victim.Before that, Jia Shan could often feel that Wang Yi's sympathy was on Wu Man's side.He thinks that Wang Yi is sometimes too childish, and he is also too kind. This is the cuteness of a woman, but if such a woman marries a bad man, this cuteness will also become her fatality.Is Yin Chushi a bad man?As soon as this thought flashed through Jia Shan's mind, Wang Yi put the hot tea by his hand.

Jia Shan hoped that Wang Yi could speak first, so that he, the uninvited guest, would be more comfortable.

Wang Yi lived up to his expectations.She said that Wu Man came to her place before walking.Jia Shan smiled, as if Wu Man's farewell before leaving was a grand ceremony.

"What are you laughing at?" Wang Yi asked him.

"Nothing." Jia Shan suppressed his smile and shook his head.

"You want to open some, she will come back." Wang Yi said.

Jia Shan didn't answer, he was thinking about what was behind Wang Yi and Yin Chushi's peaceful married life, maybe it wasn't love.

"I said, are you okay?" Looking at Jia Shan's pensive face, Wang Yi was a little worried. "As for being so sad?" Wang Yi's words were somewhat ironic, she wanted to make Jia Shan feel more relaxed.

"I'm fine, I'm not so sad." Jia Shan said with a smile. "But it's still sad."

"Are you sorry she's gone?"

"Not all." Jia Shan thought for a while and said, "She wanted to leave a long time ago, to see the wonderful world outside and those boring men, but she has never chosen a suitable crutch. Go, sooner or later. I am sad Yes, she's leaving me and I'm the last to know about it. It makes me sad."

Wang was not interested in Jia Shan's words, she found that Jia Shan was a very self-centered man.A woman is leaving him, why must he be the first to know?
"It's natural." Wang Yi said.

"You think that's natural?"

"Of course. If she tells you first, maybe she can't leave."


"No courage? Who knows."

"All marriages are the same because all women are the same." Jia Shan changed the subject with a smile.

Wang Yi laughed too, and she asked Jia Shan why he thought all marriages were the same?
"All marriages have problems, that's why they're the same. One in a hundred couples may have no problems, and the problem with this one is that one of this particular couple must be dead, so there's no problem. "

"It sounds bloody," Wang Yi said.

"It's very cruel." Jia Shan started to be surprised by his boastful talk in front of Wang Yi, but he couldn't stop, "As long as different men get married, they will have the same fate."

"Nonsense." Wang Yi smiled.

"How are you and Lao Yin?" Jia Shan asked Wang Yi suddenly, but he asked casually.

If Wang Yi is in a normal state, he will also casually say something perfunctory, "It's okay", "It's the same as usual" and so on.But she's too sensitive right now.She called Yin Chushi's unit, but no one knew where he was.She also called Dai Qiao's work unit, and it was said that Xiao Qiao had asked for leave.All this seems too obvious, Yin Chushi and Xiao Qiao are together.She felt that these ruthlessly shattered the tacit understanding that Yin Chushi built with warmth that night.Then she blamed herself for being sad. He didn't promise to see the woman again, and he didn't ask for it, but she still couldn't bear it.

"What have you heard?" Wang Yi asked Jia Shan calmly.

Jia Shan didn't expect that his unintentional questioning would lift the lid on Wang Yi's life.At this time, he took a careful look at Wang Yi, only to find that her complexion was not good.

"Want to hear the truth?" Jiashan said.

"of course."

"I haven't heard anything, but I expected something to happen."

"Why?" Wang Yi asked.

"Because I know your husband. Don't forget that we are college classmates, or in the same class and dormitory."

"Is he a big villain?" Wang Yi asked with a smile.

"No, he's not that bad. Maybe the opposite. If he'd been a little bit 'bad', he wouldn't have caused pain to others."

"What do you mean?" Wang Yi started to get serious. She knew a thing or two about Yin Chushi's college life, but she always felt that Yin Chushi was hiding something from her.Before Xiao Qiao's incident, she didn't feel that it bothered her. She felt that everyone had the right to keep a little privacy, and it might not do much harm to married life.But now she doesn't think so.

"I don't mean anything. I always thought Lao Yin was a strange man."

"What do you mean?" Wang Yi asked.

Jia Shan smiled, and he waved his hand in compromise.

"Maybe you can really give me some pointers." Wang Yi said seriously.

"I don't know what you want to know." Wang Yi's words made Jia Shan a little uneasy. It is always unwise to interfere in other people's family life, no matter how much you like the mistress. "You know Liu Qian, right?" But Jia Shan still couldn't help expressing his views on his old classmates.

"I know, isn't it the girl who got along with Lao Yin at school?"

"Yes. Do you know why they broke up?"

"I heard that it's because their personalities don't match, Chu Shi said." Wang Yi said.

"That's right. Liu Qian has a good relationship with me." Jia Shan said, "Before graduation, she told me once about the reason why she broke up with Lao Yin."

"What is it?"

"She said that she always felt that her happiness with Lao Yin was attached to another woman's misfortune."

"Another woman?"

"Yes, Lao Yin's girlfriend at the Youth Point, she returned to the city before Lao Yin, and died in a car accident just after returning to the city. They were supposed to get married."

The switch of Wang Yi's distrust of Yin Chushi was flipped. She had never heard Yin Chushi talk about his young girlfriend, and she didn't know that this woman was dead.

"That woman is very poor. Her parents died long ago, and her brother is still in prison. For her, Lao Yin is her only hope in life. Liu Qian said that whenever she and Lao Yin feel happy, this happiness You will definitely be disturbed by Lao Yin's ensuing sadness. Once Liu Qian asked Lao Yin why it was like this! Lao Yin said that he didn't understand why he could get happiness while that woman couldn't. He said that the poor woman was better than He needs happiness more, but God doesn’t give it to her. She thinks it’s unbelievable. Liu Qian thinks that Lao Yin is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, so she proposes to break up with Lao Yin. Guess what Lao Yin said? He said he sure I don't love that woman anymore, maybe I didn't love that deeply at the time. He just sympathizes with that woman, and he can't help but think about that woman's misfortune, maybe because he is still kind. Then he told Liu Qian that if she felt that she couldn't understand Everything, then it was the right choice for them to break up, no matter who they are. In the end, the breakup became that Yin Chushi left first. When Liu Qian told me this, Lao Yin already knew you. Liu Qian still emotionally She misses Lao Yin very much, but she understands that it will be more painful to marry Lao Yin, because he is too kind. Or too tender."

"What's wrong with being kind?" Wang Yi felt that the switch of distrust towards Yin Chushi had been turned back to the original position.She thought she would trust a good man despite the pain it would bring.

"But for men, kindness has another meaning."


"I think a man must be decisive first when dealing with women, and then be kind. Letting a woman who shouldn't love you always suffer for you, can this be considered kind?"

"I can't distinguish between the kindness of a man and the kindness of a woman. I think they are all the same. Kindness is kindness, and not kindness is not kindness." Wang Yi said.

"So you are suitable to live with Lao Yin. I have always admired Lao Yin's charm. Even women who have been hurt by him still say that he is a good man. This is not what every man can imagine."

"I don't know what you mean." Wang Yi said sensitively.

"For example Liu Qian." Jia Shan didn't want to be questioned by Wang Yi following this line of thought, otherwise he would be very embarrassed.He didn't know how many other women Yin Chushi had, but he knew at least one of them, and he was sure that the one he knew would not be the protagonist of the current matter. "What message did Wu Man leave?" Jia Shan didn't even want to know what happened to Yin Chushi and Wang Yi.He didn't want to lie to Wang Yi, but he didn't want to tell her the truth either, he wanted to leave.

"It's nothing, we want to take care of you."

Wang Yi was a little upset when Jia Shan suddenly changed the subject.The result of this is to make her feel that men and men are natural enemies and natural allies, especially when facing women.

"Well, I think I should go." Jia Shan said, "Actually, no matter what happens, the best way to deal with it is to believe that it will pass, good and bad are the same, just like people can't stay As good as it is, it can't keep the pain. Look farther away."

Jia Shan's last sentence was very meaningful, full of concern for Wang Yi.

"Thank you." Wang Yi said.

"I said something, don't misunderstand and don't be unhappy, okay?" Jia Shan asked.

"Go ahead."

"I'm sure there are plenty of men who not only like you, but look up a woman like you as their idol."

When Jia Shan said this, he felt strangely flustered, he felt that he was expressing himself.But Wang Yi lacked due sensitivity in this regard, and she did as Jia Shan asked: she was neither unhappy nor misunderstood.

"Thank you for your reassurance," she said.

"It's not consolation, it's the truth. Well, I'm leaving, I've said enough today. Don't tell Lao Yin that I've been here, or he will break into my house and kill me."

Whether Jia Shan's words were said as a joke, no one knew; Wang Yi took it as a joke, and she felt that Jia Shan would not care that Yin Chushi knew about it, but she did not mention Jia Shan's visit to Yin Chushi.Although she joked when Jia Shan left, she would tell Yin Chushi the truth.She found that getting to know her husband through other men was a special thing.

Although he had no appetite, Wang Yi ate dinner by himself symbolically.During the time before Xiaoyue's evening self-study, she watched TV alone.The phone rang twice during this period, but she didn't answer it.Whether it's Yin Chushi or Kang Xun, whether it's a greeting to go home later tonight or a kind inquiry, she doesn't want to hear it.When the phone rang, she assumed it was one of the two men, not thinking that it was someone else calling.After Xiao Yue came back, she took care of Xiao Yue for dinner.As usual, Xiao Yue talked about other people in the school, and then went to her room. She said that there was going to be a quiz, and she was not sure yet, so she had to read the book again.Wang Yi told Xiao Yue that she wanted to go out for a walk, and don't open the door if anyone knocks.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Yue asked.

"What are you doing?" Wang Yi asked Xiao Yue in surprise.

"If my dad comes back and wants to find you, how can I guide him?"

"Don't worry, your dad won't look for me. Maybe he won't come back."

"Where will he sleep if he doesn't come back?" Xiao Yue asked.

"I don't know." Wang Yi's answer was thoughtless.

"Did you quarrel?" Xiao Yue asked.

"No." Wang Yi began to take his daughter's inquiry seriously. "He might be in the darkroom."

"Poor old man."

After Xiao Yue finished speaking, he closed the door of his room.Wang Yi looked at the closed door, and the voice in his heart was: Poor child.

Wang Yi went to the forest park again, and she walked towards the depths of the park, avoiding the old people who were doing various sports, especially those who were dancing.She thought, is it appropriate to keep this secret from Xiao Yue?The child already has the ability to judge, maybe she should tell her about the things between her parents.Yin Chushi didn't want his daughter to know that he wanted to maintain his image in front of her daughter. Wang was a little angry when he thought of this, although she could understand Yin Chushi's mood.If you really care about the image in front of your daughter, why do you do things that destroy the image?A man casually walked past Wang Yi, and then stopped a few steps in front of her. Zhu Wang was startled by this man's behavior, and she quickly turned to a side road.After walking away for a while, she turned around and found that the man who stopped was just lighting a cigarette.When Wang Yi looked back at him, he had already moved forward again. The red light from the cigarette butt flickered for a while, then dimmed.This smoking man interrupted Wang Yi's thoughts just now, but it also attracted new ones. Wang Yi thought, if he was in danger at this moment, where would his husband be? Maybe he was in the arms of another woman.Thinking of this, Wang Yi finally burst into tears.What Jia Shan said was not important to Wang Yi, what made her feel fatal was that Yin Chushi went to see that woman again today.In Wang Yi's mind, this is no longer speculation, but an iron-clad fact.She felt hopeless.

Yin Chushi came back very late, and Wang Yi lay on the bed and listened to the noise he was trying to be careful but still made.He would go to his bath, she thought; and he did so first.She thought he'd check to see if she was asleep when he came in, which he did.When he found Wang Yi lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he thought she was asleep.He went to bed, leaned over and turned off the bedside lamp on Wang Yi's side.Wang Yi didn't cry anymore, but she felt the indifference in her heart spreading.She opened her eyes in the dark, and found that she was facing reality on the one hand, and fantasy on the other.She fantasizes that Yin Chushi took the initiative to end his relationship with another woman.This fantasy contradicts with the reality that appeared after their agreement. The reality is that Yin Chushi went to find that woman again.Wang Yi, caught between the two, felt that she was in a vacuum, and she couldn't breathe.

When Yin Chushi's slight snoring came, Wang Yi got up gently.She came to the kitchen and turned on the light, and she took the bamboo basket of dirty clothes from the balcony to the kitchen.She picked up the shirt that Yin Chushi had just thrown in, and looked at the collar.If it is normal, Yin Chushi will wear this shirt for another day or two, and now he throws it into the dirty clothes basket.Wang Yi suddenly thought, there is no need for others to tell you whether your husband is having an affair, you only need to see that his shirts are changed more frequently than before, and you can draw a conclusion.She threw Yin Chushi's shirt back into the basket, found a sleeping pill, and returned to the bedroom after taking the medicine. Yin Chushi was still asleep.

The next morning, Wang Yi felt a severe headache. She boiled the milk, knocked on Xiao Yue's door, and lay back on the bed.Yin Chushi asked her if she was not feeling well, and Wang Yi said unkindly, "How do you know I'm not feeling well!"

"You have a bad complexion." Yin Chushi spoke as if he was wronged.He got up and took care of Xiao Yue to eat.When Xiao Yue was about to go out, he told Xiao Yue to think about whether he had forgotten anything.After the father and daughter said goodbye, Yin Chushi returned to the bedroom, his inquiring eyes were timid, and Wang Yi didn't want to look any further, so he said, "It's nothing, I have a headache."

Yin Chushi went to find medicine without saying a word.When Wang Yi saw the painkiller Yin Chushi found for her, he decided not to take the medicine.She said that after a while, she wanted to go back to sleep, and the headache would go away after a good night's sleep.

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Yin Chushi asked.

Wang Yi didn't speak.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"What did you wake you up for?"

"Maybe you want to talk." Yin Chushi said as he opened the closet, looking for clothes to wear when going out.This move of his made Wang Yi very angry, she wanted to quietly see what kind of coat he would wear.

"What are you doing today?"

When Wang Yi asked Yin Chushi, he was taking a set of beige gray suits out of the cabinet, with the tie still clutched in the other hand.Wang Yi discovered that he had chosen a silver-gray tie that he didn't usually wear, and it was his best tie.

"Go to work first to order a dick, and then a friend is getting married today." He didn't say that Xiao Qiao would also attend the wedding.

"Who is getting married?"

"You don't know him. It's Liu Jianzhong from the photo agency."

"I want to talk to you." Wang Yi said.

"This..." Yin Chushi looked distressed.

"Just a few minutes is enough." Wang Yi said.

"What's the matter?" Yin Chushi asked when he was considering whether it was appropriate for both himself and Xiao Qiao to go to this person's wedding, even though they pretended to be acquaintances.

"Let's separate completely." Wang Yi said.

"What happened?" Yin Chushi was taken aback.

"What else do you want to do?" Wang Yi asked.

"I'm not going." Yin Chushi threw the suit back into the cabinet.

"You'd better go. I want to stay here alone."

Tears welled up in Yin Chushi's eyes.He knew that this moment could not be avoided, if he did not separate from Xiao Qiao.But he didn't expect it to be so soon.Facing the mirror, he slowly put on his suit, tears streaming down his shirt.

Wang Yi also saw the tears, but he didn't cry with him anymore.She felt that his tears were beginning to lack the power to move her because of what he had done.

fifteen (1)
In the afternoon, if the weather is fine, even if there is a slight breeze, it is a wonderful time, especially on campus. At this time, most students are studying in classrooms or libraries, and the entire campus is immersed in silence.People say that such an atmosphere can stimulate people's whimsy, and the sun is like a warm and active catalyst; it can also improve a person's painful mood, make the painful feeling weaker, and make the sun closer to the soul.

Both of these things are happening on campus right now.Wang Yi left the teaching building where the Chinese Department was located, passed by the library, the Department of Mathematics, and the first student cafeteria, and had already turned around the western part of the campus.She felt as if her mood was much lighter.The sun followed her warmly. If she walks like this forever, her view of life will change sooner or later, although she doesn't know what will be better.From the front of the graduate school building, she walked through a small young pine forest, and she wanted to keep walking until the campus was noisy again.She left the young pine forest and turned eastward, unknowingly approaching the boiler room of the campus.To the north of the boiler room is the International Student Building.She remembered that she could also see the huge chimney of the boiler room from Kang Xun's room.At this time, she couldn't look past the boiler room to see Kang Xun's window.She thought for a while, Kang Xun would be in the room, because he said that he usually stays in his room to study in the afternoon.Unfortunately, if she can see Kang Xun's window, she will find that Kang Xun is standing in front of the window and looking sadly at the distance not blocked by the chimney.

A white envelope was swayed by the breeze from a high place, and it touched Wang Yi's head in an instant.When Wang Yi covered his head, the envelope fell to the ground.Wang Yi picked up the envelope, and there were three eye-catching pen characters on the envelope: "Open and read".Wang Yi didn't open or read it, she wanted to know whose order this letter that seemed to drop from the sky was about to convey.She looked up, her neck ached, and she saw someone standing a short distance from the top of the chimney.The man waved to her as a greeting.

When the white envelope fell in mid-air, Kang Xun, who was standing in front of the window, also saw it.He was surprised that people could throw envelopes so high.He poked his head out of the window, looked up, and saw the man, but the man didn't notice him, so naturally he didn't wave his hand.Kang Xun rushed downstairs.

As soon as Wang opened the envelope, the only page inside said: "Please call the leaders of the school office and student office, otherwise, I will jump down."

Wang Yi's hands trembled immediately, she looked around, but there was no one there.She looked up at the man again, and the man waved again.Wang Yi panicked, she didn't know what to do, she went to the school office immediately to find someone, or waited for someone to come over before going.She felt that she could not leave the man on the chimney here alone.At this time Kang Xun arrived.When Wang Yi saw Kang Xun running over, he almost cried.Kang Xun put his arms around her shoulders, as if the person standing on the chimney was Wang Yi's relatives. "Don't worry, I'm here." Kang Xun said softly to Wang Yi.

"You stay here, I'll go find someone." Wang Yi raised the letter in his hand and ran away.

"Be quiet and pay attention to the vehicles." Kang Xun shouted to Wang Yi's back in English.His words really made Wang Yi much more stable. Every time she came to a crossroad, she carefully checked to see if there was a car approaching.

When Wang Yi arrived by car with a vice-principal, leaders of the school office, and leaders of the student office, many people had already gathered under the chimney.Kang Xun is trying his best to keep everyone quiet and reduce the uneasy psychological factors of the people above.The vice-principal and his party squeezed into the crowd, took the microphone handed over by the director of students, he shouted upwards, and the rest of the entourage asked everyone to stand back.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" Just as the vice-principal shouted, another white envelope fell down.

"Did you report to the police?" Kang Xun asked Wang Yi in a low voice.

"No." Wang Yi replied.

"Why not?" Kang Xun was anxious.Wang Yi signaled him to be quiet, and leaned over to read the letter by himself:
Dear leaders:
I am a student majoring in engineering and economics in the Department of Economics. My name is Liu Fangsheng.If the head of the school pledges his reputation not to expel me because of my girlfriend's accident, I will go down, and I will accept any punishment other than expulsion.If not, I will jump from here and end my life.It didn't matter to me whether I lived on after being expelled from school.I took the college entrance examination twice, and I have today.If I lose the current learning opportunity, then I would rather go with this opportunity.I am eager to learn.Please lead me well and give me a chance to finish my studies.

Liu Fangsheng,

The vice-principal didn't know about Liu Fangsheng, so he quickly asked the director of the student office for details.The director said that Liu Fangsheng's family is from the countryside, and he had a girlfriend in his hometown when he was in high school.After Liu Fangsheng entered school, he didn't write many letters to his girlfriend, but he didn't find another girlfriend. In short, his attitude was relatively cold.This woman couldn't think about it for a while, and wanted to drink pesticides to scare Liu Fangsheng and let him go home after graduation to marry her.If you drink too much pesticide, you will die.The woman's parents reported to the school, and the school held a meeting to study and decided to expel Liu Fangsheng.

"I was in Shenzhen when this happened, right?" the vice principal asked to himself.

Everyone who came with the vice-principal was right.Wang Yi didn't know the vice principal, nor did he know about it.But she believed that the vice-principal could handle the matter properly, because the old man had a very peaceful face.He lifted the microphone to his lips with difficulty.

"Student Liu Fangsheng, listen carefully." His voice was steady, like a speech at a celebration meeting, "I am not the principal. The principal is not here. I am the vice principal. Please believe me today. On behalf of the principal, please come down safely. , we agree to your request."

There was no answer, but a white envelope fell down.The vice-principal took the envelope, opened it, and wrote on it: "Did you trick me into going down, and then expel me?"

The vice principal raised the microphone again, and he said, "If you don't trust a vice principal, then I ask you to trust a 59-year-old man. I assure you, Liu Fangsheng."

Kang Xun walked up to the vice-principal, he wanted to say something, but was stopped by the vice-principal.He said: "I know what you're going to say, and please believe me in the same way. A young life is more precious than all others."

Everyone was moved by the old man's words. "He's down." Someone in the crowd shouted.Kang Xun immediately asked the man to be quiet.The vice principal also motioned for everyone to be quiet.But people still chattered, "It's all right, everyone is down." "I will climb the chimney if I have something to do in the future." Kang Xun raised his index finger to his mouth again and again, reminding the people around him not to talk.

People finally quieted down, and everyone looked up at Liu Fangsheng who was slowly moving down.He moves very slowly, sometimes stopping in one place for a long time.Kang Xun suggested to the principal to find ambulance personnel and not let him climb down alone.At this time, Liu Fangsheng started to move again.Wang Yi didn't understand why the school needed such a tall chimney.People watched quietly, and suddenly the silence was broken by a mournful cry, followed by a heavy muffled sound: Liu Fangsheng fell on the roof of the boiler room.

In Kang Xun's room, Wang Yi sat on Kang Xun's chair, and Kang Xun sat on the bed opposite her.Wang Yi looked down at the coffee cup in his hand and didn't speak for a long time.She watched the coffee with milk slowly cool, and the milk formed a film on the surface.This afternoon forced her to know too many things.She felt very confused.But a prominent and strong idea kept hitting her: human life is also unreliable, and you can never know when it will end, 50 years later or tomorrow.Man is dominated by this uncertain fate.Even when you don't want to die and climb down the chimney with one mind like Liu Fangsheng, life will suddenly disappear.Under such power, Wang Yi feels that what can a human being really grasp?There is nothing but this moment, this moment.Any time other than now is nothingness.She raised her head slowly, Kang Xun was like her, holding a coffee cup in both hands, the difference was that he was looking at Wang Yi.For the first time, his gaze became so blank.As soon as Wang put down the cup, Kang Xun also put down the cup.Wang Yi walked up to Kang Xun and asked Kang Xun to hug him gently.

"People are so fragile." Wang Yi said softly.

"I understood it in prison. But if you choose to live, you can't see it that way, even though it's true."

"You mean by spirit."

"Nothing is truly your own but your spirit."

"What about love?"

"Love is also spiritual."

"My heart is empty." Wang Yi said.

"I've had times like this too, when it doesn't matter if I'm alive or not tomorrow."

"Yes. I'm no longer surprised if I die in 1 minute."

Kang Xun hugged Wang Yi vigorously.After a while, he said, "It's been a minute and we're both alive, maybe we should celebrate that."

As soon as Wang left Kang Xun's arms, she looked into his eyes, there was not much tenderness in his eyes today, but more tranquility.Kang Xun met Wang Yi's gaze calmly, which gave Wang an instant illusion: as if they had fallen in love many years ago.

"I love you." Kang Xun seemed to be saying an ordinary everyday language, and he said it cutely in Chinese.

"Say it again."

"I love you." He said in English.

"Say it again, okay?"

"I love you." He said in French.


"I love you." He said in German.

"I love you." He said in Spanish.

Wang Yi's tears rolled down along the ending of the Spanish "I love you".Love is so beautiful, even when you are desperate, you can still feel its beauty.

Kang Xun took out his handkerchief and handed it to Wang Yi. He put one hand on Wang Yi's head, stayed there for a while, then got up and stood in front of the window, looking out.As soon as Wang wiped away her tears, she felt that Kang Xun's mood and her own had the same rhythm, and their mutual feelings deepened through understanding in the passing minutes and seconds.After leaving the deceased, Kang Xun never hugged her warmly.She felt that they once again understood without talking, no, now, the young life that was just taken away lay between her and Kang Xun's souls, as if the heavens were telling them to comprehend, not indulge.

Wang Yi also stood beside Kang Xun, and she said to the chimney, "Can I love you too?" Her words were extremely inconsistent with her age and knowledge, but she did say them seriously.After a long time, Wang Yi discovered that only love can make a young woman innocent again.

Kang Xun turned to face Wang Yi, he smiled but didn't speak.Wang Yi left the window and returned to the chair.She said: "Can I, I can't." She felt the need to explain to Kang Xun.

"Why can't you? Because you have a husband?" Kang Xun asked.

"No. Because my husband has another woman," she said.

"I guessed it a long time ago, but it's his business."

"However, you can also think of it this way. The husband has another woman, so the wife also finds another man."

Kang Xun didn't answer right away as Wang Yi expected, he sat on the window sill and stroked his lips with a thumb.Wang Yi thought, she must leave here immediately, but she couldn't move.She thought of the student named Steve.She felt herself frozen in embarrassment.Kang Xun left the window sill, squatted down in front of Wang Yi, and put his warm hands on Wang Yi's lap.

"You like me?" he asked.

Wang nodded.

"Before you know about your husband, right?"

Wang Yi nodded again.Kang Xun's smile filled his whole face, and he said, "I don't care about this at all, do you understand?"

Wang Yi shook his head.

"Before and after, I don't care. I don't care why you like me." He stopped suddenly, looked at Wang Yi, and said, "As long as you are with me."

Wang Yi stroked along the wrinkles on Kang Xun's forehead with his fingers a few times. "I may not make others happy."

"You don't know yourself at all."

"No, I know myself. I'm not a good woman, or he wouldn't have another woman."

"Not only do you not understand yourself, you also don't understand men."

"But he does have other women."

"It was him wanting to live more fully."

"But I gave him the reason."

"He told you, did he do it because of you?"

"He didn't say anything."

"This shows that your husband is not a bad man." Kang Xun said, "I hate this kind of thing the most. A man has a woman outside and makes the woman at home bear the blame."

"Have you had many women?"

"Yes, there are a lot of names. I have to use a computer to count the names. There are too many, from Australia, Europe, and America..."

Wang Yi smiled, she reached out and messed with Kang Xun's hair, she found that Kang Xun's hair was so soft, like a woman's.

"I've had three girlfriends, and I'm not lying to you. The last one was Connie, you know."

"I have never had a boyfriend, only a husband." Wang Yi blushed as he spoke. "I've never had another man but my husband."

"In America?"

"No. I didn't even get enough sleep then. Tired. I didn't even realize there were men in America."

"It's really nice."

"Even if I found out, I wouldn't do anything to a foreign man."

"I am a foreign man." Kang Xun said.

Wang Yi was taken aback for a moment, she smiled, feeling very strange in her heart, she was not always aware of this, because she ignored this fact because of the unimpeded communication of language.

"No, don't worry about this." Kang Xun grabbed Wang Yi's hand in fear. "Don't ruin our relationship. You just have to think, we're all human. Promise me, leave it alone."

Wang Yi nodded hesitantly. "Shall I tell my husband?"

"Are you leaving him?"

"I do not know."

"I know I can't ask you for anything now. You don't know me yet. But, I think, you'd better not tell him."

"Why? Are you afraid?"

"Slow down, listen to me first," Kang Xun let out a long breath, "I have nothing to fear, you don't know me yet. Maybe you know a person who has been in prison, no matter what country he is in, leave Prison life is hard for them. In my country, I can never find a decent job, even though I can speak Chinese. So, you understand? I don’t have much, and that determines what I’m not afraid of. But, I should think about you, your husband, your neighbors, your friends, even your colleagues, they will give you a special pressure, because I am not Chinese. I know you are not strong enough to face all this now , I don’t want us to be killed before we even started.” Kang Xun suddenly blamed himself in dejection, “No, I’m so stupid, why am I telling you this now? You’ll be scared away. But since I’ve already I said it, then I will talk to the end. But I will not let you leave me, no matter how difficult the front is, I will always be by your side. You can't leave me alone. I know China more or less, it will not be easy. "

Wang Yi was overwhelmed by Kang Xun's words, when she allowed her feelings for the man in front of her to overflow, she almost didn't think about anything.

"And your daughter, how much can she understand? She loves her father, not me. Wang Yi, can you give yourself some time? Don't tell him."

"Let's stop here." Wang Yi said this sentence with tears in his eyes.

"It's too late." Kang Xun said firmly, looking into Wang Yi's eyes.

"Why? It's better to be apart now than when we're all in too deep."

"Why do you always want us to separate? Do you want to be with me just to separate?"

"What else can we do?" Wang Yi cried, "I'm too old, I can't change my life."

"But you can leave your husband, I can change my life. I can live my whole life in China."

"Why would I want you to spend your whole life in China? Everything is messed up here."

"Because you need me, I don't care about anything else." Kang Xun said excitedly, "Maybe we will spend our whole life in Africa, maybe we will spend our whole life in Antarctica. Don't mention the word "separate" again. I won't let you leave Yes, since we're together, don't do stupid things, or you'll regret it forever."

The word "regret" touched Wang Yi, and she thought of the young man who had just died.She nodded to Kang Xun.Kang Xun hugged her hard this time, and she felt smaller.From then on, the feeling of regret often chased Wang Yi, leaving her nowhere to hide.

"We must meet often." Kang Xun said.

"We can't see each other."

"Come back to the ranch with me, I'm quitting." Kang Xun's eyes suddenly shone strangely.Through this gaze, Wang Yi understood that he liked his hometown.

"It's impossible." Wang Yi shook his head.

"But I have to see you." Kang Xun said anxiously, "Should I go to my friend's place?"

Wang Yi is thinking about it.

"You've seen the house."

"I know. I'm afraid of that place."

"No, the last time you ran away from there was to escape my feelings for you, not the house."

"I don't know, let me think."

"Okay, but you know there's nothing else we can do."

"Tomorrow, please don't come to class, okay? I want to think about it alone." Wang Yi asked Kang Xun.

"No, why? You can't take away my happiness anymore. What else do I have? Now you walk out of my room, I don't know when I can hug you again, I can't even see you. This No. I can sit at the back, okay? You really don't want to see me? Don't you like me at all?"

Wang Yi blocked Kang Xun's question with his own kiss.She blamed him secretly in her heart, why did she ask such a stupid question?She didn't want to see him because she was afraid to see him, and she was afraid to see him because she liked him so much.She put her cheek close to Kang Xun's neck.She was intoxicated by the warmth and softness of his skin, leaving reason and consequences behind.

sixteen (1)
This is what happened to Yin Chushi's family this autumn. Of course, there is no result yet, but time will bring everything to everyone, including Jia Shan Wu Man, including Xiao Qiao, Kang Xun, and even Xiao Yue.

If everything is predestined, then people don't have to worry about some occasional episodes.But once these episodes happen, people will still say that if it hadn't been for this little unexpected incident, maybe it wouldn't have come to this point, and maybe it would have been a different ending.Teacher Liu, Wang Yi's colleague, not only accidentally saw something she shouldn't have seen, but also told the story of what she shouldn't have said.As a result, she brought the whole incident to light and heated up.Afterwards, Wu Man said, if there is no talkative Teacher Liu, why would this be the case.Wang Yi shook her head disapprovingly, she thought, Teacher Liu is also destined to be part of her own destiny, and everything is doomed.

The relationship between Yin Chushi and his mother is special among his peers, they can be friends.Yin Chushi's father died of illness when he was 15 years old, and his mother never remarried.She is a middle school teacher. She has a manly personality, but she is definitely considerate and tender when she treats children.Perhaps because of her personality, Yin Chushi and his younger brother did not feel any major changes in their lives after losing their father.Even when their father was alive, the brothers preferred to be close to their mother, a man of few words, whom they found easier to get along with and also trustworthy.When the boy grows up to the age where he doesn't want to talk to his parents, Yin Chushi still tells his mother what happened to him. The time is to listen to the son.

Yin Chushi felt that chatting with his mother was a very comfortable thing, which made him relax.Sometimes he didn't even want his younger brother to hear their conversation, and he had told his mother not to tell his younger brother.Later, he discovered that his younger brother also liked to talk to his mother alone, until he was admitted to Northwestern University and left home.He had never heard his mother say anything about what his brother had said to her, so he believed that she would not tell him about him.He felt that his mother was an extremely smart woman, and he would naturally say what he could say to his brother.Because their mother created such a relaxed family atmosphere for them, both Yin Chushi and his younger brother, as well as their relationship with their mother, are very harmonious.Therefore, Yin Chushi kept the habit of talking with his mother.He was surprised that his mother did not establish such a relationship with Wang Yi.She is now 61 years old and lives alone.

After Xiao Qiao clearly asked Yin Chushi to live together, Yin Chushi considered that he could live with Xiao Qiao occasionally, and he didn't want to move here completely.He hoped that Xiao Qiao could understand him.He said he was married for years and that the habits established in their shared life were sometimes more ingrained than love.He couldn't change it all at once, and even if he wanted to, it would take time.Xiao Qiao said that she could understand, but she asked Yin Chushi another question. Her question made Yin Chushi feel that she could not understand.

"Do you want to leave her in the end and live with me?"

"I have worked so hard." Yin Chushi said.

"But your hard work, hesitating, won't help. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. For Wang Yi, if you leave bit by bit, it's better to just leave. In this way, she can start her own life. .”

"She's almost 40 years old."

"People will still like her, she looks extraordinary."

Xiao Qiao's words were not pleasant to Yin Chushi's ears, but he also felt that she had made sense.He has been troubled by his own good wishes, he wants to be with the woman he loves, and he doesn't want to cause great pain to his wife.He felt that what he was doing was to ease Wang Yi's pain, take it slowly.But whenever he considered his situation, he felt that his reasoning was not justified.So he wanted to talk to his mother, he wanted to put Xiao Yue with his mother for a while, and he didn't want his daughter to feel the pain of family changes.But he was uneasy. He had never talked to his mother about his affair.However, thank God, the mother doesn't seem to like Wang Yi very much, so she won't lose her previous stable style because her son has another woman.

When sitting in front of his mother, Yin Chushi found that there was a kind of loneliness floating on her face that could not be seen by others.This expression seems to tell people that this is an old man who has lived alone for many years. She never tells people that she is lonely, but she is lonely. She often walks alone, walking long distances.This is what the neighbor told Yin Chushi.Looking at his mother's gray hair, Yin Chushi felt a bitter taste in his heart: now is the time for this old man to ask him for help and comfort, but he feels that he has not really matured yet.He poured a cup of tea for the old man and put it on the tea table beside her.He patted his mother on the shoulder lightly. He didn't know if there would be a day when his mother would pour out her inner troubles to him, just like he and his younger brother used to do.Suddenly he thought there would never be such a moment, and he believed that what a mother had to do was always have her son depend on her.So what does she rely on to support her heart?He thought that after his father died, he did not see her having a close relationship with any man, and the image of his mother suddenly added a bit of mystery to Yin Chushi's heart.Did God make him believe that his mother was a woman without pain or trouble?Thinking of this, Yin Chushi, as a son, decided not to add trouble to his mother.He wanted to take his mother out to dinner.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you staring at me stupidly?"

"Mom, you are old." Yin Chushi smiled.

"You are old, can I still be young?" said the old man.

"Yeah, we're all getting old, Mom."

"Is nothing wrong? I don't think you look right."

"It's as if I just robbed the bank." Yin Chushi sat on the sofa next to his mother, and he grabbed her mother's arm, "Mom, I invite you out to dinner."

"where to?"

"Anywhere is fine, just order."

"So generous, did you really rob the bank?"

"How about going to Sifang? The one that advertises every day on TV." Yin Chushi suggested.

When the mother and son sat in the bright lobby of the "Sifang" hotel, Yin Chushi was in a great mood.Mother was wearing an off-white silk embroidered dress with a camel-colored cashmere coat over it.She wore dark bronze wool trousers and brown moccasins.Her figure is considered tall among women of her age, 1.6 meters [-].Now when she walks, her back is always straight.After Yin Chushi ordered "Braised Prawns in Red", he handed over the menu to his mother, and he was secretly pleased with his mother's generous appearance.My mother ordered another "Qingmiao Snow Peas" and a "Tofu Casserole".She didn't keep nagging about ordering less food like ordinary old people, and she didn't mention Wang Yi and Xiao Yue either.She knew that her son was going to invite her to dinner alone today.All this made Yin Chushi happy from the bottom of his heart.He feels that such moments are the best rewards in life for men who work hard and earn money.He never thought before that going to a very high-end hotel and spending one-third of his salary to treat his mother to dinner would bring him such great happiness.Perhaps he was too easily satisfied, he thought.

"I've seen the advertisement of this restaurant on TV many times, but I never thought that one day my son would bring me here to eat. Well," the old man said in a long voice satisfied, "it's really good to raise a son."

"When the second child comes back, we will bring you here again." Yin Chushi said enthusiastically.

An old lady who was similar in age and figure to Yin Chushi's mother passed by their table. Yin Chushi saw his mother's eyes linger on the old lady for a long time.Then she said to her son, "The old ladies here are so pretty too."

Yin Chushi smiled secretly, he said he was going to the bathroom.Then he followed the old man who had just passed by until the hotel entrance.He touched the old man's arm very politely:
"Sorry to bother you."

Yin Chushi's face was filled with a sincere smile like a son.It made the old lady smile all over the place.

"What's the matter, lad?" she said.

"I wanted to ask you where you got the suit you are wearing, which I think would suit my mother very well."

The old woman didn't answer Yin Chushi's question right away, she looked at Yin Chushi's face intently, as if what Yin Chushi said just now was unreasonable.But she suddenly grabbed Yin Chushi's sleeve and said seriously, "What a pity, you are not my son."

Yin Chushi was embarrassed to hear her say that, he laughed dryly and blushed.

"Don't mind what I said, young people like you are rare these days." The old woman said, took out a pen and paper from her handbag, wrote down the brand, size and place of purchase of the suit, and handed it to Yin Chushi .

"Thank you. Maybe one day your son will stop my mother to ask for you." Yin Chushi said.

"It's a pity I don't have a son. Good-bye, young man."

She finished speaking and walked out of the glass door of the hotel.


Yin Chushi watched her back, never dreaming that the old woman who gradually disappeared from his sight was Xiao Qiao's mother.

At the end of a rich and delicious dinner, Yin Chushi asked his mother what he wanted to drink, coffee or tea. He felt that the dinner would have a complete sense of ceremony before leaving.Mother ordered tea, and Yin Chushi also decided to drink tea with her mother.

"A pot of Tieguanyin."

Yin Chushi knew that this was the tea his mother had been drinking.

"Now we can talk, Dashi," the old man leaned back contentedly, "what's the matter with you and your wife?" She still had a smile on her face, as if the topic they had been talking about during dinner hadn't changed. Talk about those memorable past events.

"Come on, Mom, let's drink tea happily, and then I'll walk back with you. If you walk a hundred steps after dinner, you can live to 99."

Yin Chushi didn't want to spoil his mother's rare happiness.

"Can't you go on?" the old man asked again.

"Mom!" The lady brought tea, Yin Chushi signaled the lady to leave, and poured tea for his mother. "Not that serious."

"You have another woman?"

"How do you know?" The son was surprised.

"You are my son," said the old man, "it's written all over your face."

Yin Chushi immediately covered his face with one hand, as if to hide the secret of his life.

The old man stretched out his son's hand covering his face, put it on the table, and held his son's hand with his own warm hand.

"Divorce?" the old man asked.

"Maybe." Yin Chushi didn't withdraw the hand covered by his mother, and used his other hand to hold his forehead. "I'm very annoyed, in my heart..."

The mother took her hand away and looked at her dejected son."People abandon people every day," she said.

Yin Chushi looked up at his mother, he was surprised by her mother's words.He saw his mother's face became serious, so he also understood her mother's mood when she used the word "abandoned".

"That's what it says in the book," said the old man.

"You don't need to read books at such an age. I didn't abandon her. Mom, you can't say that."

"But that's how things are done." The old man said, "Dashi, don't think about what to say to me. Tell me, do you have to get a divorce?"

"I don't know, maybe..."

Yin Chushi looked at his mother in confusion.

"There are so many men like you who haven't lost their families."

Yin Chushi looked at his mother in surprise again. He felt that her ideas were sometimes more advanced than his own.

"You don't have to look at me like that. The fact is that these men find other women and keep their wives."

"Do you think that's right? As if wives were private property."

"No, but it's better than divorce."

Yin Chushi thought, if he told his mother that he had lied to his wife in the same way, what would his mother say?
"Why are you so against divorce?"

"If you get divorced, you won't have another chance."

"What chance, Mom?"

"You're definitely not just looking for another woman now, right?" The mother said and looked at her son, Yin Chushi nodded with difficulty, "So you made a mistake a long time ago, if you don't get a divorce, you still have a chance to redeem yourself, treat him well My wife, make up for my mistakes."

When Yin Chushi heard this, he finally found that his mother still returned to the common problem of the elderly. When discussing marriage and family, they almost without exception refused to face feelings, or love.This made Yin Chushi suddenly lose his enthusiasm for talking.

"What can I help you?" The wise mother noticed the change in her son's mood.

"I want Xiao Yue to stay with you for a while. During this time, Wang Yi and I have a lot to deal with."

"How old is that woman?"

"Mom?" Yin Chushi was not happy.

"Okay, don't ask." The old man sighed, "Son, I always have a hunch that divorce will bring you bad luck."

"Do it yourself." Yin Chushi said mockingly.

"That's right. When talking to Wang Yi, don't forget to set your conscience right. Dashi, no matter what, it's your fault."

What his mother said made Yin Chushi feel very comfortable.He wished his mother would scold him severely.

"Mom, you don't seem to like Wang Yi very much."

"A little. But it doesn't affect my opinion of her."

"You never told me what you thought of her."

"She suits you well."

"I'm very surprised, how can you keep your mind in one way? How should I put it? Keep a kind of vitality?" Yin Chushi hopes that his wife can be as sensible as his mother.

"It's not difficult, just don't keep chatting with the old ladies at the gate." The old man said.

"Thank you, Mom." Yin Chushi shook his mother's hand on the table.

"Dashi, I know that the world is going from bad to worse now, and I don't agree with those men's actions at all. Divorce is at least a serious attitude. But when it's your son's turn, it's very narrow. Being different from others, you will suffer a lot. Bitterness, this is obvious. Don't blame me for being confused, it seems that there is no standard of right and wrong, I have. I just feel sorry for my son." The old man cried here.

Yin Chushi's nose also started to feel sore, so he hurriedly asked the lady to pay the bill.The young lady looked at the mother and child who had a sudden emotional change, not only giving birth to a bit of regret.

"Xiao Yue doesn't know yet?" Mother asked.

"No. I don't want her to know yet."

"She will be angry that you kept it from her, and she is not young anymore."

"Then I don't want to let her know now, and I will give her a realistic explanation in the future."

"Who is the child with?"

"It's better to follow me, so that it will be more convenient for Wang to solve personal problems again and again."

"Don't decide yet, she is the mother, you should let her decide."

"Okay, but I want to convince her."

"Who proposed the divorce?" Mother suddenly changed the subject.

"It's not important." After paying the bill, Yin Chushi left the "Sifang" hotel with his mother.

When Yin Chushi stated his thoughts about his daughter to Wang Yi, Wang Yi immediately raised a key question: whether such a short stay will also affect the child's future belonging.Yin Chushi had to admit that his idea was that his daughter lived with him.

"With that woman?" Wang Yi asked.

Yin Chushi was silent.He found that he already had a public sore spot, and if Wang Yiyi touched it, he had to shut up, no matter what nature they were arguing about.

Seeing that Yin Chushi didn't speak, Wang also felt that he had made a slip of the tongue just now.She calmed down the atmosphere. "So we should be getting ready for a divorce."

"Didn't you say so?"

"What did I say?"

"You said we were completely separated."

"Yes, let's separate completely." Wang Yi said, "I agree to let Xiao Yue go to grandma first, but you can't decide other issues in advance now."

"Okay." Yin Chushi agreed.

"Will you open a letter of introduction tomorrow?" Wang Yi asked.

"What did you say?"

"A letter of introduction for divorce."

Yin Chushi suddenly hated Wang Yi very much. When he saw these critical and fatal technical terms, she said them first, forcing him to face them.

"as you like."

The phone rang, and Yin Chushi and Wang Yi looked at each other for a long time.In the end, Yin Chushi picked up the microphone, and then put the microphone next to the phone, "I'm looking for you."

Wang Yi timidly grabbed the receiver, wishing he knew who it was before he heard the voice. "Hey."

"It's me, Wu Man. Can you come up right away?"

"You're back?" Wang Yi was surprised.

"What's wrong?" Wang Yi asked again.

"You can talk about it when you come up." Wu Man hung up the phone.

Wang Yi came to Wu Man's house and found that Jia Shan was also there.Wu Man didn't allow any arguments, grabbed Wang Yi's arm, and immediately pushed Wang Yi into an awkward situation, "Wang Yi can testify for me."

"What do you want me to prove?" Wang Yi was very annoyed by Wu Man's actions.

"Proves that she is both a whore and an archway?" Jiashan said sarcastically.

"Prove that I didn't go to another man!" Wu Man yelled like announcing the rules to the zoo, and kicked the floor heavily.

Wang Yi shook Wu Man away in disgust, and left without saying anything to Jia Shan.Back in the bedroom, she found that Yin Chushi had put a few changes of clothes into the travel bag.

"Are you going on a business trip?" Wang Yi asked lightly.

Yin Chushi lived with Xiao Qiao for nearly a week. On the afternoon of the sixth day, he wanted to go home and have a look. Although he left Wang Yi with Xiao Qiao's phone number, Wang Yi never called. At least he and Xiao Qiao both I haven't received it.

When he left the office and walked home, Yin Chushi realized that he didn't want to see Wang Yi again, even though he couldn't help but think of her many times these days, more often in a flash.He rang the doorbell first, and waited at the door for a while, making sure that no one was at home before he opened the door with the key.During the time he was standing at the door, he really thought about whether something embarrassing him would happen after opening the door.But then he laughed at himself: Not everyone is like him.

There is no one at home, and everything is the same as when he left.He used to put his backpack in front of the refrigerator, and when he bent over to take off his shoes, he saw a pair of very fashionable new-style women's shoes. He didn't expect Wang Yi to buy such expensive brand-name women's shoes, because Xiao Qiao had recently bought the same pair of shoes. Tell Yin Chushi that the price is 750 yuan.

He walked into the bedroom, the bed was neatly made, and Yin Chushi felt drowsy and exhausted reflexively.He took off his coat and got into his bed. He wanted to sleep well. Maybe this was the reason for the longing to come back, he thought.In Xiao Qiao's place, his sleep has always been bad. Even though there is always love that makes him crazy and extremely tired, he occasionally wakes up suddenly from a late night dream alone, and then he stays motionless in order not to wake Xiao Qiao up. Lie on the ground for a long time before falling asleep again.Before falling asleep again, his thoughts were extremely chaotic, and a person he hadn't seen in more than ten years would suddenly appear in front of him.He recalled that when he lived in the hotel with Xiao Qiao, he always slept well.Maybe he was sober then and knew he was on a tryst.Maybe he was only used to trysts, and he had a vague sense of dread at the thought of the possibility of living with Xiao Qiao forever.It seems that Little Joe's house is only suitable for trysts.

When Yin Chushi woke up, it was already 06:30 in the evening.He put on his clothes and re-made the bed, trying to keep it the same as before, so as not to let Wang Yi find out that he had slept here.He waited a while longer, and when it was close to seven o'clock, he called his mother.He asked Wang Yi if she was there.

"She didn't come," said the mother.

"Xiao Yue hasn't finished school yet?"

"She's playing outside."

"Wang Yi to see Xiao Yue?"

"Come here often."

"Does she live with you all the time?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" the mother asked her son.

"Mom, I'm just asking casually."

"I live here sometimes."

"Did she say to go to your place today?"

"No." The mother seemed a little disgusted with what her son was doing now. "Where are you?"

"I'm outside." Yin Chushi said vaguely, then hung up the phone.

Xiao Qiao wore a black wool dress, also with a large round open neck, revealing her bright white neck.

When Yin Chushi came in, Xiao Qiao was standing by the dining table setting chopsticks.She glanced at Yin Chushi and said nothing.The dining table was newly bought, and they used to eat on the coffee table.Yin Chushi walked towards Xiao Qiao, grabbed her shoulder, and kissed her lightly on the lips.Turning around to look at Xiao Qiao's cooking, he whetted his appetite, reached out and picked a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth.

"This is the end? I worked so hard to buy the dining table today, and you just kiss me so lightly?"

Yin Chushi looked at Xiao Qiao with a smile. He was sure that Xiao Qiao was not wearing any clothes under her wool skirt.Her pointed toes can be seen protruding through the fur skirt.He swallowed the meat in his mouth and hugged Xiao Qiao into his arms again.He kissed her exposed skin passionately and thought, this is the real woman who cooks for you and waits for you at the table in sexy clothes.He sucked her saliva, reached her back with his hands, lifted her fur skirt, and threw it to the ground.His hands immediately ran like two runaway horses on Xiao Qiao's delicate rolling grassland.He held Little Jo's firm part in both hands until she moaned, until he carried her to the bedroom cushions, until he felt all the passion poured out, until he felt the unforgettable agitation again, and his hands didn't get out of there.This firm, elastic and small part is like the love between him and Xiao Qiao, which is on the verge of breaking out, but it is not like his relationship with Xiao Qiao, which seems to be looking through the fog.

"Oh woman, I'm hungry."

Yin Chushi said.

"Unfortunately, man, the food is already cold."

Little Joe said.

"Go and heat up the dishes, woman."

"Okay, man."

Xiao Qiao got up and went to the outside to put on the skirt just now to warm up the dishes. Yin Chushi also got up to look for his own clothes. He seemed to see another face of life coming one after another. Under this face, he was not just a man.

It's not the first time Yin Chushi has tasted Xiao Qiao's craftsmanship, and he doesn't particularly appreciate it.He felt that if Wang Yi and Xiao Qiao had anything in common, their cooking skills were both so-so.

"Who cooks delicious food, me or your wife?"

"It's half a catty."

"You should say I cook deliciously."


"Because I haven't developed the habit of cooking for you every day, I need encouragement. One day, I develop the habit of cooking for you with all my heart, and then you can tell the truth."

"You don't have to get into the habit of cooking for me, I love you too."

"I'll cook for you wholeheartedly."

"You bitch, put the word "resolutely" aside. I can't eat anymore." Yin Chushi swallowed his food forcefully, "I never asked any woman to cook for me, and I owed nothing to anyone. Whose, why do people cook for me?"

"I want you to support me," Xiao Qiao said jokingly.

"I can't afford to support people."

"Then you support me. I will quit my job and stay at home, cook full-time, and sleep with you in my spare time."

Yin Chushi looked at Xiao Qiao and couldn't help laughing.He said he couldn't afford Little Joe.Xiao Qiao said, "The standard is not high. Three meals a day are simple and light. Get a few rags to wrap a woman's private parts."

"Then if you go to the market to buy vegetables, you have to follow a fire brigade, otherwise all the men will be caught on fire."

"It's not necessary," Xiao Qiao said, putting a large group of fans into his mouth, "The servant can buy vegetables."

"Let me resign first." Yin Chushi put down his chopsticks and picked up his own bowl, "I'll start cleaning the bowls for the working people right now."

Xiao Qiao grabbed Yin Chushi's bowl and smacked him on the face, "Don't be afraid, coward, I will never be supported by you."

"I'm really scared." Yin Chushi said.

"Put the bowls in the sink, and I'll wash them tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Xiao Qiao quickly packed up everything. She asked Yin Chushi to fold up the new dining table, and then walked into the inner room with fruit, "Come in." She called to Yin Chushi.

Yin Chushi and Xiao Qiao snuggled up on the cushion and watched TV.Xiao Qiao kept changing channels with the control board in one hand, and handed Yang pears to Yin Chushi's mouth in the other hand.Yin Chushi stuffed a thick cushion behind his back and leaned on it comfortably. Xiao Qiao also waited for the opportunity to put his feet on his lap, and then fixed a channel, "Watch Christie's TV series, they are all murderers." Xiao Qiao Said and fell back on the mat.

Yin Chushi lit a cigarette, and his comfortable laziness made him satisfied. What more could a person ask for?He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.It's a pity he realized this too late.When he was at home, Wang Yi always liked to wash the dishes immediately after eating. When she cleaned up everything in the kitchen, he was already fascinated by a certain TV show.He thought that when he and his wife watched TV together, it was very peaceful, but there was no feeling of relaxation and relaxation. It was not a kind of enjoyment, like now, but a habit.He felt a little annoyed.If he knew Xiao Qiao before he got married, maybe he wouldn't have another woman, and he wouldn't get divorced.Is it too late now?He didn't dare to think deeply.

"Hey, tell me, would it be okay if we built this kind of life?" Xiao Qiao kicked Yin Chushi's arm, and Yin Chushi saw that she was facing the ceiling and didn't watch TV. "We go to work during the day, work hard at work, and leave work behind when we get home. We can cook in the kitchen while talking about my unit and your unit. We can talk about others Bad words, anyway, in my own home. After dinner we watch TV, you have to let me next to you while watching TV, it's okay like now. It's been a long time, we can't always be as intense as we are now, I know the heat of love It will cool down slowly, but our love won't disappear, don't you think? We don't make love every day. To strengthen our love, I will mend your socks and watch you fall asleep sometimes. If ..." Xiao Qiao hesitated at this point, "If Xiao Yue can live with us, I will make her like me, sincerity is as good as gold and stone. I don't believe that I can't move her. I will call on her to follow me. Love you together. When she is admitted to university, it will be the two of us again. We can often go out for a walk with the help of our arms. Xiao Yue comes back from school to visit us, and we will cook a delicious meal. If she goes to see Wang Yi , let's go out and watch a movie." Xiao Qiao stopped talking.Yin Chushi didn't speak either, he stared at the TV with wet eyes.

"Can we have such a life?" Xiao Qiao's voice was so soft that she seemed to be only asking herself.

Yin Chushi couldn't answer, he and Wang Yi had already lived the life Xiao Qiao described.He picked up the phone, dialed his home number, and after five rings, he put it down.He looked at the quartz clock on the wall, it was quarter past nine, and there was no one at home.

"Is there no answer?" Xiao Qiao asked.

Yin Chushi discovered that this was Xiao Qiao's cleverness.It would upset him if she asked him directly who to call.Asking this way can contain that kind of meaning, but it is easy to accept because it is gentle.

"Do you really want that kind of life?" Yin Chushi asked.

"Yes, I want it." Xiao Qiao took his feet away and put his head on his lap.

"Don't you want a baby of your own?"

"Do not."

Xiao Qiao replied resolutely, which surprised Yin Chushi somewhat.

"Why don't you want your own child?" Yin Chushi was interested in this for some reason, maybe because he didn't want to have a child at all.

"If you don't want it, you don't want it. There is no reason. I like other people's children."

"It's like liking someone else's husband."

"Okay, you hurt me!" Xiao Qiao jumped up to tickle Yin Chushi.Yin Chushi raised his hands and shouted to surrender.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" Xiao Qiao stopped attacking, "If you don't tell me, I will continue to make it difficult for you." She said and stretched her hands towards Yin Chushi's armpits.Yin Chushi grabbed her hands and pulled her into his arms.

"Two dozen." Yin Chushi said.

"Lie! Tell the truth!"


"Count me in?"

"Not counting."

"Your wife?"

"It doesn't count."

"When did the first one start?"

"Marry for two years." Yin Chushi was happy to confess himself to a woman easily. "But it's no big deal."


"A little bit. She has a husband. We just eat and talk sometimes."

"At most touch the face, shake hands or something?"

"Almost." Yin Chushi slapped Xiao Qiao.


"Later she went to another city."

"Didn't make up lessons before leaving?" Xiao Qiao said obscenely.

"Smelly girl, there are crooked ways in her head."


"No. I never touched her, but the relationship lasted five years."

"What about the second one?" Xiao Qiao interrogated.

"The second? The second is serious."

"When did it start?"

"When Wang Yi was in America."

"The results of it?"

"It turned out that the woman married someone in a fit of rage."

"Maybe Wang Yi also has a young man in America."

"Unlikely. I know her."

"You think you understand."

"Don't be so mean."

"Okay, man. Where's the third?"

"The third one is in the field, for a short period."

"Are you stuck?"

"A little bit. But I know I don't love her."


"Why? Maybe because she eats too fast. Eating with her is like going to war. I don't like women who eat too fast."

"Such women are often unhappy when they were young."

"You see it that way?"

"Floyd said it." Xiao Qiao reached out to touch Yin Chushi's face. "Have you told Wang Yi about this?"


"Okay," Xiao Qiao jumped up, "Now the responsibility for the breakdown of your marriage rests on my shoulders."


"However, I am willing, man." Xiao Qiao went to kiss Yin Chushi.

"You like men, don't you, my woman?"

"Yes, man." Xiao Qiao put her nose against Yin Chushi's eyes so that he could not look at her. "You know something like cocoa powder?"

Yin Chushi nodded.

"Cocoa powder tastes good only with milk, nothing else. I'm like this cocoa powder. Only when I'm with a man can I shine."

"Okay, my brilliance, what kind of man would you drink better with?"

"Same as a cow."


"Why is it a cow!" Xiao Qiao jumped up again to tickle Yin Chushi.

"Cows have milk." After Yin Chushi finished speaking, he picked up the phone again. He pressed the redial button, but still no one answered.He looked at his watch, usually it was time for Wang Yikuai to go to bed.Yin Chushi became alert.

The next day, Yin Chushi first called his mother to confirm that Wang Yi did not spend the night there, and then went home.The last time he called Wang Yi last night was one o'clock in the night, and Wang Yi was not there.He went home and looked around, and the pair of shoes were still by the door, the same as when he saw them yesterday.The bed was neatly made, and he wasn't sure whether Wang would come back to sleep here after one o'clock in the middle of the night.

He left a note to Wang Yi, which said: "Wait for me at home when I get back, I have something to do!" He found that his hands were trembling when he wrote.He read the note again, satisfied with his tough tone.I want her to know that I am angry!he thinks.

Yin Chushi went to the department to find Wang Yi.A lesbian wearing glasses told Yin Chushi Wang that he had no class in the afternoon, and went out after speaking.Another female teacher who stayed in the office, Yin Chushi, looked familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Are you Wang Yi's husband?" Teacher Liu asked Yin Chushi.Yin Chushi glanced at her expression and immediately felt that he didn't like this woman.

"Yes, I am."

"Wang Yi may be working abroad!" When Teacher Liu spoke, he had a look to check Yin Chushi's reaction. "She doesn't have classes in the afternoon, but I see that she often goes to the foreign affairs office. Maybe someone needs to make up lessons."

"Thank you." Yin Chushi left the department office, the anger in his heart had been fanned by Mr. Liu.If he hated Wang Yi's sudden and mysterious whereabouts, then he also hated the other woman's weird way of speaking.

He hurriedly walked towards the foreign affairs office.When he was about to walk out of a newly planted grove, he saw Wang Yi through the sparse trunk.

Leaving Kang Xun's arms, Wang just wanted to be alone for a while.When she was about to go home, she didn't want to go home, so she entered the forest park.Under a cypress tree deep in the park, she found a place where the grass was starting to dry and sat down.Is this where Jasan hugged that woman?Thinking of this, she smiled.

It was the first time for her to sit on the ground leaning against an old tree in Forest Park.She didn't understand why she hadn't done this before, at most she sat on a bench.She felt the warmth from Kang Xun's body lingering around her. This warmth could not only be felt, but even smelled.She thinks it brings a smell, walking on the street, it is mixed with the smell of dust and car exhaust; in the forest, it also smells of trees.No matter what the scent was mixed with, that warm and peaceful smell was always around her.She knew that she couldn't tell what it tasted like, but who could tell what warmth was like.But she didn't know what else she would do to surprise herself.

It was the first time, for her, that she had slept with a man outside of the premise of marriage.The sexual relationship with Yin Chushi also started after marriage. It was not that they were conservative before, but there was no suitable place.That's probably why they got married so soon.she thinks.Is this the extramarital affair that others often talk about?Or call it adultery.That's right, I have already entered such a situation.Extramarital affair, she didn't know what these three words meant to other women, but to her, she felt that it was a swift and violent flood, which washed away all her blocked senses and thoughts in the past.She really wanted to sigh quietly in a corner alone: ​​God, people can love each other like this!It can make even a curly hair full of meaning.

At the same time, she easily understood her husband: why he went to another woman, why he said that he loved himself after finding another woman, why he could feel that he was in love with two women...

Because the emotion between her and Yin Chushi is not love, not the kind of love Yin Chushi experienced with another woman, nor the kind of love she experienced with Kang Xun.If it must be called love, it includes the love of parents for their children, the love of brothers and sisters; the pure love of close friends, even the affectionate love of colleagues; the understanding love of neighbors.Maybe this kind of love is bigger, more solid, and more touching than love, but it is calm, and it will never bring burning enthusiasm and crazy indulgence to two people; it will never be able to touch the most secret string in the heart .She suddenly wanted to see her husband and tell him what she understood at this moment.Of course she can't.She can't make childish mistakes because she doesn't live in a vacuum.

She looked at her watch. It was still many hours before three o'clock in the afternoon.When she thought of three o'clock in the afternoon, her heart skipped a few times strangely.When they broke up with Kang Xun, they agreed to greet each other by chance at three o'clock in the afternoon near the porch in front of the foreign affairs office, and chat about something casually.She still remembered the eagerness and longing in Kang Xun's eyes when he asked her so. "We have to meet, say hello, say hello

(End of this chapter)

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