The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 1 The sky has eyes

Chapter 1 The sky has eyes
The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sun is like fire.

The hot sun baked the earth, making everything in a state of transpiration.

At the pier of Tianhai City, a man carrying a shoulder bag, wearing white short-sleeved black trousers, and gray canvas shoes walked towards him with frowned eyebrows.

"After an absence of three years, I, Lin Feng, am back!"

With sword eyebrows and starry eyes, he looked imposing, looking at the city he had not seen for a long time, his fists were clenched and creaking, and his eyes were slightly squinted with blood.

The past was as before, lingering in his mind, scene after scene, as if reappearing before his eyes!
Three years ago, a man from the imperial capital invited all the major families in Tianhai City to the Wisteria Manor for a banquet.

At that time, he returned home from the army to recuperate from his injuries, so he went with his parents in a relaxed manner.

Never thought that during that banquet, his parents were strangled on the spot, and he was the only one left alive!
"Ye Yanluo! Back then you killed my parents, severed my tendons and buried me alive deep in the mountains. It's been three years. You never thought that I, Lin Feng, would come back alive!"

"Xue Siniang! The organizer of that banquet, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

The past is vivid and unforgettable!

Back then, his parents were on a business trip to the imperial capital, and when they left a reception due to some business, Ye Yanluo's daughter was dissatisfied.

The tragedy happened the day after his parents returned to Tianhai!
The Ye family is really too domineering!

He clearly remembered that at that time, Ye Yanluo's eyes were looking down on the world, and he said coldly: "The Tianhailin family is nothing but ants, and death is not a pity!"

When his parents were killed, he tried his best to save him, but he was seriously injured, and his tendons in his arms and legs were broken.

He tried his best to call for help, his voice was hoarse, the big families of Tianhai should have united with the enemy, but everyone still looked on coldly, as if ignoring it!
Some people even insulted their Lin family on the spot, committing a heinous crime and taking the blame for themselves!

"All the people who were related to this matter back then, there must be no one less, and they will all pay a heavy price for your ignorance and contempt!"

A monstrous malevolent aura permeated his body, causing the scorching air waves around him to instantly freeze and drop to freezing point, causing nearby pedestrians to experience the scorching heat and cold in an instant, making it difficult to move.

Back then, if he hadn't been rescued by an old man, there would be no bones left today!
In the past three years, he has inherited the old man's superb skills, including thaumaturgy, civil and military medicine, which is the unique knowledge of Guigu from ancient times to the present.


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and the feeling of suffocation that made passers-by nearby disappear in an instant.

He drove straight to the Xishan cemetery. After burning incense and lighting candles to pay homage to his parents, he pondered for a long time.

I heard from the master that when his Lin family was killed, a girl named Luo Wanjun disregarded his safety and took away the corpses of his parents and buried them here.

Later, Luo Wanjun entered a newly established Ankang Pharmaceutical Group and appointed the president. In three years, the market value has reached more than 50 billion.

Luo Wanjun is his high school classmate!

The two once admired each other, but because Luo Wanjun happened to enlist in the army after his family moved to the imperial capital, the two lost contact after that.

He didn't understand why Luo Wanjun returned to Tianhai from the imperial capital by such a coincidence, but he must repay the kindness back then.

This is also the reason why he didn't go to the imperial capital first to find Ye Yanluo's revenge.

In Tianhai City, he has debts to collect and favors to repay!

Yujingwan, the old residence of the Lin family.

The house is now much dilapidated, with cracks all over the walls, overgrown weeds in the courtyard, and cobwebs in the corners.

Lin Feng stood in the courtyard, looking at everything he was familiar with, with mixed emotions in his heart, he took off his coat and started cleaning.

No matter how broken this place is, it is also his home, his root, and the place where his parents return to their hometown!
"Who are you? Come out!"

"Listen, people inside, if you don't come out again, I'll call the police and arrest you!"

Outside the old house, beside a red Cayenne, a woman in a black slim dress appeared.

She has a graceful figure, a lavender long hair shawl, fair complexion, handsome facial features, with very different eyes, lingering at the door.

Lin Feng walked out from the courtyard.

"this is my house!"

They stared at each other, opened their mouths at the same time, the same answer made both of them startled.

"Who are you?" The two spoke in unison again, both with the same doubts.

"You speak first!"

Once again, their words coincided with each other, making both of them quite speechless.

Lin Feng stared at this woman, his eyes gradually softened, very similar, very similar!

The woman looked at Lin Feng, she was about 1.8 meters tall, with a bare back and a little dust.

"Luo Wanjun?" Lin Feng asked tentatively. After all, counting the time, we haven't seen each other for eight years.


The woman's face froze when she heard the other party call her name.

"Lin... are you Lin Feng?" Luo Wanjun's eyes widened, she looked at this young man in disbelief, and was completely stunned.

"It's me." Lin Feng grinned.

"You..." Luo Wanjun was at a loss for words for a moment, the man who had his tendons severed and buried alive in the mountains was standing in front of her alive today.

It's hard to imagine what Lin Feng has experienced in the past three years?
In the past three years, Luo Wanjun had brought people into the mountains more than once to find the buried Lin Feng.

She just wanted to move Lin Feng's body to the Lin family's parents.

However, the mountains are endless, ravines are everywhere, and thorns are overgrown. She has been searching for three years, but she has not been able to find it.

He secretly felt that Lin Feng might not be dead yet.

Sure enough, heaven has eyes!
"Mr. Wan, back then my parents threw their corpses into the wilderness, thanks to you, thank you!" Lin Feng's eyes were bitter, and his tone was extremely sincere.

"Lin Feng, we are old classmates, don't say thank you." Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and said softly.

Lin Feng nodded meaningfully. He had already decided that this kindness must be repaid.

After a brief silence.

"By the way, do you have time? I have an important reception, come with me?" Luo Wanjun looked at the time and hesitated slightly.

She was passing by here, and she was surprised when she saw the door of Lin's house, which had been covered in dust for a long time, suddenly opened in all directions, so she stopped the car.

She never expected that she could meet Lin Feng again today. She could have turned down the reception, but this reception meant a lot to her, and she didn't want to lose this opportunity.

"Will you be your male companion? It's my honor." Of course Lin Feng would not refuse.

Luo Wanjun nodded a little shyly. It is undeniable that Lin Feng's appearance surprised her, and more importantly, she was pleasantly surprised.


Welcome hotel.

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun arrived and walked into the hall on the sixth floor together.

A smell of alcohol mixed with the fragrance of flowers filled the entire hall. The decoration here was bright and luxurious, and the melodious music spread to every corner.

The appearance of Luo Wanjun made the eyes of the men nearby sparkle, revealing a state of obsession.

Where the two of them passed, Lin Feng keenly noticed that there were too many strange eyes sizing him up, many of which were hostile.

"Lin Feng, it's not for nothing. Look, there are all beauties here." Luo Wanjun smiled lightly.

Lin Feng nodded. All the women in the hall behaved dignifiedly and elegantly, with fair complexion and beautiful appearance. Under the influence of alcohol, they looked even more charming.

"No matter how beautiful they are, they are dull around you." Lin Feng smiled resolutely, and his words were just right.

After hearing this, Luo Wanjun pursed her lips, lightly brushed the broken hair on her forehead, and lowered her head shyly.

"Mr. Wan, you are finally here!"

At this time, a man in a white suit, with aloof eyes, strode forward with vigorous steps, exuding the aura of a high-class person, striding forward.

Luo Wanjun raised her head and glanced at the person who came, her figure couldn't help trembling, her face became extremely complicated.

Shen Haowen, the man she least wanted to see!
"Wan Jun, who is this?" Shen Haowen approached gradually, and when he saw Luo Wan Jun holding Lin Feng's arm, his expression froze and his mind exploded instantly.

"Shen Haowen, you and I haven't gotten to know each other enough to call me by my name, call me Luo Wanjun." Her face was cold, and she turned sideways.

"Luo Wanjun, you should come to my side!"

Shen Haowen's face showed arrogance and indifference, and his tone could be described as domineering. After another contemptuous glance at Lin Feng, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Of course he knew that Luo Wanjun came from the imperial capital and was not easy to mess with, but this is Tianhai, his territory!

He wanted to take Luo Wanjun as his own, but he missed an opportunity once, and he came prepared tonight, so he won't miss it again!

The atmosphere at the scene was a little delicate.

Luo Wanjun seemed to have thought of something, hesitated for a while, and finally gradually let go of Lin Feng's arm.

Shen Haowen is a well-known playboy, extremely lonely, arrogant and domineering to extremes, and will be punished for every wrongdoing. She doesn't want to implicate the innocent Lin Feng.

"Mr. Wan, you are very knowledgeable. I will forgive him for being disrespectful to you for the time being. Come with me to the private room. I have a lot to tell you!" Shen Haowen looked at Lin Feng coldly, and immediately stretched out his arms to hug Luo Wan Jun.

"What are you?!" Lin Feng stepped sideways, and took the initiative to hug Luo Wanjun into his arms, with cold eyes, he approached Shen Haowen.

[The new book is released, the blood is running, please collect the bookshelf, please recommend the ticket support]

 [The new book is released, the blood is running, please collect the bookshelf, please recommend the ticket support]


(End of this chapter)

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