The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 2 The World Is Too Crazy

Chapter 2 The World Is Too Crazy

Who do you think you are?
This sentence fell on Shen Haowen, it was really amazing!
In Tianhai City, who doesn't know the huge energy of the Shen family?

The Shen family is one of the four wealthy families in Tianhai City, and Shen Haowen is the only heir of the Shen family. His status is naturally extremely superior and admirable.

At this moment, the noisy and restless atmosphere at the scene instantly became silent, and only the melodious music continued.

"Where did you come from? You are rude! Do you know who you are talking to? He is Shen Haowen, the young master of the Shen family!" A lady with heavy make-up looked at Lin Feng and walked over with great disdain.

"It's just a cheap life, and you actually humiliated Young Master Shen? You think your life is too long!" A pretty girl pinched her waist and stared at Lin Feng, her face full of anger.

Everyone came over one after another, accusing Lin Feng in an uproar, Shen Haowen's family is very powerful, who wouldn't want to get closer or have a relationship with him?

To them, Lin Feng's unrestrained speech was completely trampling on their imagined self-esteem.

Lin Feng didn't bother to explain anything, this is the world!
"You, do you dare to say it again!" Shen Haowen stared at Lin Feng, suppressing his anger, raising his eyebrows again and again.

A poor man deserves to rob his woman?

In front of everyone, how dare a lowly person who doesn't know the so-called dare to point fingers at him and speak rudely?
He wished he could send someone to crush Lin Feng to death on the spot, because of his pride, he had to humiliate Lin Feng first, and then kill him!
"Let me tell you, what the hell are you?" Lin Feng said it again amidst everyone's astonishment.

Although it's not as bad as his family, he really wants to kill someone now!
Leaving aside the matter in front of him, three years ago, when his Lin family was killed, the Shen family was also there, and Shen Haowen's father, Shen Xiong, even made insulting remarks. He deserved it for humiliating his parents!
"Boy, you deserve to die!" At this second, Shen Haowen's expression completely changed, his eyes revealed a fierce look, revealing a strong killing intent without any concealment.

"Shen Haowen, can you save me, this incident tonight was a misunderstanding, and I will personally make amends some other day." Luo Wanjun stood up resolutely.

She never expected that she just met Lin Feng by chance, because her unwise invitation made Lin Feng implicated!

"Luo Wanjun, why should I give you face? You will not be able to protect yourself tonight, you will be rubbed hard by me, as for him? Haha!" Shen Haowen sneered, and immediately made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"You shouldn't be disrespectful to Jun Wan!" Lin Feng's long-lost anger was completely ignited. Touching the dragon's reverse scale will kill you!
Luo Wanjun is the benefactor of his Lin family, he does not allow others to be humiliated and trampled upon!

Shen Haowen looked at Lin Feng's eyes that wanted to kill someone, and he, who had been in a high position for a long time, couldn't help feeling a sense of panic in his heart.

He never expected that a seemingly ordinary person would have such a suffocating chill.

However, a person like him who is as lonely as him must stand tall in front of everyone, and will never back down half a step no matter what.

"You'd better be clear, there are some people you can't afford to offend all your life." Shen Haowen grimaced, he was not a kind person, and there were quite a few people killed indirectly from him.

Lin Feng smiled.

It's just that the look in his eyes with that smile made people dare not look directly at him, making people shudder and shudder.

"Perhaps, there is someone in this world that I can't afford to offend, but that person is definitely not you!" Lin Feng raised the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and burst out a bloodthirsty gleam.

"Boy! I promise, you will die very ugly tonight. No one in Tianhai can protect you, let alone that bitch next to you!" Shen Haowen was completely enraged. He had never suffered such an ant. threat?

The slaps were loud and clear!

A palm of Wuzhishan was clearly imprinted on Shen Haowen's face.

The audience was stunned.

Has the world changed these days?
Who would have guessed that a soil turtle ant that came out of nowhere would dare to openly slap Shen Haowen?

At this moment, Luo Wanjun's expression became more and more melancholy. She knew Shen Haowen's identity and how powerful the forces behind him were.

In Tianhai, if Shen Haowen wanted to touch Lin Feng, she might really be powerless.

She was very anxious and regretted that she hadn't been able to stop Lin Feng from doing it just now, and the current situation was completely out of her control.

"Go, go, go, go as far as possible, go fast!" Luo Wanjun pushed Lin Feng violently, she knew that since Lin Feng made a move, tonight would definitely be a dead end, if he didn't go, no one could save him Got him.

However, she didn't push Lin Feng away, instead Lin Feng stretched out his arms and hugged her into his arms.

"I'm leaving, what do you do?"

Lin Feng stretched out his fingers, gently lifted Luo Wanjun's chin, and said with a smile: "Besides, tonight's good show has just started, so how can I be willing to leave?"

"You..." Luo Wanjun didn't expect that Lin Feng would be so courageous in the face of danger at this moment, and would act flirtatiously towards her in public.

This scene left everyone dumbfounded.

When is this all?

Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun are still flirting?

"Come on, come on!"


Shen Haowen's eyes were wide open, his head was numb, and his cheeks were swollen with pain. After watching Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun's actions, he finally came back to his senses.

Got beaten!
This is the first time in history to be slapped in public!
Moreover, the actions of these two people in front of him are completely unprecedented provocation and humiliation to him!
The endless anger made his eyes red and bloody, and the veins on his neck bulged, making him extremely ferocious.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Four black-clothed men with big arms and round waists suddenly rushed over from the corner. Their eyes were like sharp swords, focusing on Lin Feng.

Then, just as the four of them took out their swinging sticks, before they could make a move, a phantom of extremely fast lightning floated past their eyes.

And then, these four people had all fallen to the ground, vomiting blood wildly, their bodies convulsing endlessly.

Lin Feng's move completely shocked everyone.

Because, before everyone could see clearly, Shen Haowen's bodyguard fell to the ground vomiting blood, completely losing his fighting power.


Just as everyone was staring with bated breath and all kinds of suspicions arose in their hearts, another slap sounded, waking them up from their astonishment.

This time, Shen Haowen was directly slapped to the ground by Lin Feng, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and then spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth.

"Hundan! You can't touch me! My dad will be here soon, and he will kill you without a place to bury you!"

Shen Haowen prostrated on the ground, his heart was cold and angry. Following Lin Feng's approaching steps, his face was ashen, and he kept backing away.

"That old man Shen Xiong, do you really want to come?" Lin Feng was quite pleasantly surprised when he heard that, this way, it saved him the time to go to Shen's house for revenge.

After he pondered briefly, his complexion became turbulent, and he stepped on Shen Haowen's chest.


Shen Haowen gushed out a mouthful of blood, and immediately tilted his head, lying on the ground recklessly.

Afterwards, Lin Feng returned to Luo Wanjun's side under the astonishment of everyone, found a seat to sit down, and leisurely toasted and drank champagne.

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the hall could never be calmed down.

Who is this young junior?
Unscrupulously slapped Shen Haowen, stomped his foot fatally, and shouted arrogantly, old man Shen Xiong?
The world seems so crazy!
"You..." Luo Wanjun was very anxious. Lin Feng's actions tonight made her extremely uneasy.

If I want to leave now, I'm afraid it's too late!

She pondered, took out her mobile phone, and was about to dial the number she had never wanted to dial.

Right at this moment-

"A good reception, why is it so quiet?"

A man in his fifties came striding from the foyer, and he was followed by eight men in black.

His temples are slightly white, his eyes are like torches, and there is an aura of superiority in his gestures and gestures. He is Shen Xiong, the head of the Shen family, one of the four wealthy families in Tianhai City.

Everyone was still calming down the panic in their hearts, and there was no response for a while, but Shen Xiong looked around and locked his eyes on Lin Feng.


He walked quickly.

"Who can tell me why my son Haowen is lying on the ground in such a mess?!"

Shen Xiong's eyes showed soaring anger, his body was filled with murderous aura, he turned around and looked back, where his gaze made everyone miserable and extremely depressed.

[Seeking collection, asking for recommendation ticket support]

(End of this chapter)

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