The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 3 More and more shameless!

Chapter 3 More and more shameless!
Shen Xiong is here!

One of the real big shots in Tianhai City, the head of the wealthy Shen family is here!
At this moment, the eyes of everyone present were almost all focused on Shen Xiong, and no one dared to ignore his energy.

He was furious, and after seeing his son Shen Haowen lying on the ground, dying, he was furious.

In Tianhai, who would dare to touch Shen Xiong's son?
It can be said that anyone who hurts the interests of his Shen family will be completely disabled at the least, and will disappear completely in the world at the worst.

Not to mention, someone actually ignored the existence of his Shen family and severely injured his only son. This was an extreme provocation to him, Shen Xiong!

This consequence, no one can afford, is absolutely unprecedented anger!

Everyone didn't dare to look Shen Xiong directly, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body and bringing disaster to Chi Yu.

Unanimously, they quickly turned their attention to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's expression was very calm and unmoved, nothing unusual could be seen at all, and he sipped the champagne in his glass as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was surprised, speechless, and confused.

When is this all?

Lin Feng severely injured Shen Haowen, his old man Shen Xiong came, why don't you rush to apologize with death, but act like a normal person?
Luo Wanjun next to him, as Lin Feng's only friend present, felt mixed feelings after witnessing all this.

She also admitted that Lin Feng's speech and behavior at this time seemed a little conceited.

If it is said that Lin Feng left this place of right and wrong immediately after severely injuring Shen Haowen, there might still be a glimmer of life.

However, with Shen Xiong coming, there is absolutely no room for turning around this matter!
Thinking of this, Luo Wanjun finally dialed the mysterious number as a last resort.

at the same time--

"Patriarch Shen, it was him, he was the one who bumped into Young Master Shen!"

"That's right! It was that kid who didn't agree with each other, and directly slapped Young Master Shen!"

"That's right, he was disrespectful to Young Master Shen!"

"At such a young age, he is defiant, and the way he handles things is outrageous!"

Many guests present, in order to make friends with the Shen family, accused Lin Feng one after another. Shen Haowen was beaten tonight, and they were also present at the scene, so they were inevitably implicated. At this time, they must quickly tell the cause of the disaster and divert Shen Xiong's hatred.

Shen Xiong's eyes fixed on Lin Feng, showing endless coldness.

A monstrous evil spirit permeated his body, even if no one said it, based on his observation, it was not difficult to see that the murderer who hurt his son was Lin Feng who was sitting as steady as Mount Tai!
Several sharp gazes focused on Lin Feng, and the eight black-clothed men beside Shen Xiong rushed over with killing intent.

Then, Shen Xiong picked up the fainted Shen Haowen, and approached Lin Feng step by step.

"Boy, don't think about leaving this place, kneel down!" Shen Xiong stared at Lin Feng with sharp eyes.

"Old man, did I ever say that I wanted to leave here?" Lin Feng calmly raised his glass and drank it down as if nothing had happened.

Shen Xiong's eyes froze, this person's tone was arrogant, dare to call him "Old Man"?
Or an unknown junior?

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and his forehead was instantly livid.

The sound of the music on the scene stopped abruptly at this time, including the restless indignation in everyone's hearts, which was also instantly silent.

Lin Feng's speech and behavior were simply arrogant and conceited!
Beating Shen Haowen violently, and even daring to provoke Shen Xiong with words, this kind of low-level person who is as humble as an ant, this vile behavior is simply to die!
Everyone's eyes, including anger, confusion, and fear, were all focused on Lin Feng.

Really answered that sentence——

If you don't try to die, you won't die. If you want to die yourself, who can you blame?

The eight bodyguards of the Shen family kept restraining their temper. As long as their master spoke, they could immediately tear Lin Feng into pieces.

Shen Xiong didn't speak, they didn't dare to act rashly, obviously, the family education was very strict and they didn't dare to disobey.

"Mutilate him first, and then feed it to the dogs!" Shen Xiong snorted coldly, his eyes were ruthless, those who hurt his son must die terribly before they will give up!

In an instant, the eight people around him approached at the sound, swung their thick arms and smashed towards Lin Feng.

"Shen family, you're getting more and more shameless!" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, turned sideways slightly, kicked his left foot forward, and danced his hands at the same time.

Everyone could only see his afterimages criss-crossing.


The eight men with big arms and round waists flew upside down and landed on the ground almost at the same time, wailing in pain.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng dealt with the eight members of the Shen family, and everyone on the side couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

It's effortless to pick eight with one.

Luo Wanjun next to him, his expression changed, and he felt a little unspeakable.

So far, Lin Feng was enough to protect himself, safety should not be a problem, but how could the Shen family give up so easily?
"Old man, your bodyguard's body is much, much weaker than I imagined." Lin Feng smiled lightly and approached Shen Xiong one step at a time.

Subconsciously, Shen Xiong took a few steps back.

He really didn't expect that his bodyguard would be so vulnerable in front of Lin Feng even though he had an A-level combat power!
"Boy, you'd better stop in moderation, otherwise, I don't mind letting you die tonight!" Although Shen Xiong was shocked, he was not afraid of Lin Feng.

"The old man is late!"

Just at this moment, a loud voice suddenly reached everyone's ears.

This voice came from an old man in his seventies. He walked at a strange and fast pace, with his hands behind his back, and he came in an instant.

His name is Liu Jiang, he is tall and thin, with a strong waist and a gray coat.

For the Shen family to be able to sit in this position today, with him behind them to shock the world, it can be said to be a great hero.

"Brother Liu, let's take a look at Haowen's injuries first." Shen Xiong's gaze was extremely heavy, the most urgent thing was to save his son first, as for Lin Feng in front of him, he would definitely die tonight without a place to bury him!
"Young Master Shen, half of his mouth is broken, his breastplate bones are broken in many places, and he needs to be treated in time." Liu Jiang inspected it carefully and came to a conclusion, then turned his gaze to Lin Feng who was nearby.

In the scene, only Lin Feng's aura made him unable to figure it out.

"Brother Liu, please get rid of this bastard immediately!!!"

Shen Xiong's voice was as loud as a cannon shot into the sky, he looked at Lin Feng coldly, waved his hand suddenly and said: "No, let him stay for a while, and after my son wakes up, I will kill him bit by bit!"

After his words, everyone felt palpitations again.

It is the luck of the victim to kill a person and die happily, but to die with a little bit of torture is a way of death that cannot survive and cannot die!

Lin Feng stared at Shen Xiong with a calm expression, without any fear, and just happened to light a cigarette, before casting a slight glance at Liu Jiang.

The back of this old man's hands is densely covered with calluses, and his generosity is different from that of ordinary people. He can be sure that the external training of muscles, bones and skin has reached the extreme.

Just based on the breath of this old man, it is obvious that he has entered the category of Ming Jin's early stage.

"Boy, you've gone too far!" Liu Jiang looked at Lin Feng indifferently, his eyes were extremely sharp.

Although he couldn't see through Lin Feng's aura and was worried, but the other party's words and deeds were unscrupulous and too arrogant!
He was born in the Iron Sect, and he has traveled the rivers and lakes for decades in the wind and rain. Who dare not sell him some face when he mentions his name "Liu Jiang"?
But now, in the eyes of a junior tonight, he was ignored!
"Old man, have I done it?" Lin Feng was calm and composed, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Rampant and ignorant!" Seeing Lin Feng's calm appearance, Liu Jiang became even more furious in an instant.

A young junior, shouldn't show an attitude of looking down on the world in front of him!
He moved, his figure was like a hungry wolf preying on food, he extended his hands into palms, aiming at Lin Feng's heart with a murderous intent!

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(End of this chapter)

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