The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 4 The Lin Family's Son

Chapter 4 The Lin Family's Son
The battle is imminent!
In the blink of an eye, Liu Jiang waved his iron palm with one hand, and a gust of wind was already approaching.

However, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, his right arm was naturally slightly bent, a surge of true energy suddenly rose from his body, gathered in his right arm, and he clenched his fist to meet him.

He waved this punch very casually, and it didn't seem to have any lethality at all.

"That junior actually wants to resist Liu Lao's iron palm?"

"Too conceited! Too conceited!"

"He shouldn't have ignored Liu Lao's existence!"

"Death deserves more than guilt, who made him anger the Shen family? How can he be so unscrupulous when he knows he made a mistake?"

At this moment, the guests present were staring at Lin Feng with deadly eyes, showing mischief in their eyes.

"The mantis arm is just a car!" Liu Jiang showed his murderous intent, and after seeing Lin Feng's palm that he wanted to block with his fist, his eyes showed contempt.

There are only a handful of people who can live under his iron palm, let alone a nobody.


Under the attention of everyone, the two collided with each other with palms and fists, making a loud noise.

Suddenly, a wave of air was stirred up, creating a dazzling halo.

"Boy, whoever dares to resist my palm with bare hands, you are No. 1 in Tianhai!" After Liu Jiang slammed with a palm, he showed bloodthirsty excitement, and there was a ferocious ruthlessness in the excitement.

"Is it difficult to catch your palm?" Lin Feng remained calm, smiled lightly, and slowly withdrew his fist under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

"This, how... how is this possible!"

Liu Jiang's complexion changed drastically, and he was shocked and speechless that he hadn't seen for a long time.

After he slapped him, Lin Feng didn't move at all, and his arms were able to stretch freely?

Shouldn't it be that his arm was broken, he flew upside down and spurted blood, and then died?

" could it arm!"

The tearing sensation from Liu Jiang's right arm made him unbearable, and the pain that moved his whole body caused him to kneel directly on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, his entire right arm collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin began to crack, dripping with blood!

He had to admit that Lin Feng was one of the strongest masters he had ever encountered in his life, and his strength was far above his Ming Jin early stage, and he was probably already a master above Dark Jin.

Moreover, he was still a young junior who was dozens of years younger than him, which shocked him quite a bit.


After a few seconds, Liu Jiang's body convulsed and he fell to the ground unconscious.

" could this be?"

"Old Liu..."

"This shouldn't be the result!"

Shen Xiong next to him, his cheeks were shaking constantly, and he mistakenly thought that his vision was wrong.

But it turns out that this is the result!

A big man like him, who was as lonely and arrogant as him, had to show a look of horror at this time, and his mood was extremely unspeakable.

Liu Jiang, a master who stepped into the early stage of Ming Jin, has already stepped into martial arts, and in time, he will be able to stand at the top of the food chain in the secular world!

However, after being attacked with a punch, just...

Invisibly, his mentality was completely messed up.

Next to him, Luo Wanjun stared at her beautiful eyes, unable to calm down the shock in his heart for a long time.

In her eyes, Lin Feng is just an ordinary veteran. The reason why she still admires him is because she cherishes her first love in high school.

It was really hard for her to imagine that after only eight years of seeing Lin Feng, Lin Feng's changes had turned upside down, which made her admiring.

After being shocked, she felt surprise and relief in her heart. No matter what, she no longer needed to worry about Lin Feng's safety.

Everyone at the scene was stunned and stunned, and finally realized from the scene in front of them, they really couldn't figure it out, a martial arts master as strong as Liu Jiang fell to the ground after being defeated by one punch.

Their eyes were focused on Lin Feng. Who is this young man?
How could there be such a terrifying fighting power?
They completely missed it!

This man who can ignore the Shen family, who can destroy Liu Jiang with one punch, is by no means something they can easily provoke!

They retreated cautiously, wishing they could put on a pair of upper wings and fly away from this place of right and wrong.

"Shen Xiong, relax, come here." Lin Feng's voice was very faint, but it reached Shen Xiong's ears like thunder.

Shen Xiong's face changed drastically.

Why did you bring him up again?
"My friend, it was Gouzi Haowen who ran into you arrogantly before, but now he is dying and has been punished as he should."

"As for me, it seems that I have no enmity with you, right?" Shen Xiong tried to maintain his composure, trying to argue with reason.

"You don't deserve to be my friend." Lin Feng ignored Shen Xiong, the ugly faces from back then resurfaced in his mind, making him extremely disgusted.

"Uh... Maybe there should be some misunderstanding between us?" Shen Xiong forced a smile on his face, changed his previous aloofness, and looked like a helpless lamb.

He understands that if he should bow his head, he must bow his head, and he must not make fun of his wealth and life!

He was just thinking, when did his Shen family provoke such a villain?
He was particularly perplexed by this matter, and extremely disturbed.

"I'll go out first." At this moment, Luo Wanjun walked up to Lin Feng's side, hesitating to speak.

"Alright, you go out and wait for me first, don't go far away, I'll chat with Patriarch Shen about home affairs." Lin Feng smiled and warned,

Three years ago, his parents were killed, his limbs were cut off, and he survived by luck!
Today he came back with the hatred of burning the sky, and happened to meet one of the enemies, so naturally he couldn't leave.

"Hmm! Then... I'll be back in five minutes." Luo Wanjun turned around and hurried away with a complicated expression on her face.

Before Lin Feng was in trouble, she had no choice but to dial the emergency number. Now that Lin Feng has the power to protect himself, there is no need to let that person go upstairs.

She must go downstairs immediately to prevent that person from coming!

Otherwise, when everyone meets later, there will definitely be some unexpected frictions, and even life and death are not impossible.

"Patriarch Shen, let's talk about the past." Lin Feng's face was calm, and there was a look of desolation in his eyes.

"You, you and I don't seem to know each other, so where do we start talking about the past?" Shen Xiong was miserable, and forced out a smile with difficulty.

"Shen Xiong, three years ago, in the Wisteria Manor, your words and demeanor were outrageous." Lin Feng's tone turned cold, each word was forceful.

Shen Xiong's face froze, his eyes widened.

The scene at the Wisteria Manor three years ago was deeply in his memory, lingering and quite shocking.

Back then, that man from the imperial capital was so powerful that he reached out to control life and death. He had witnessed the destruction of a family with his own eyes.

Thinking about it now, he still has lingering fears, and he can't help being afraid.

" are that kid from the Lin family, Lin Feng!"

"Didn't you be buried alive with severed did you survive..."

Shen Xiong was dumbfounded, staring at Lin Feng's facial features, his heart skipped a beat, he suddenly realized.

No wonder, he always felt that the appearance of the man in front of him seemed familiar.

Everyone present also had different expressions. They suddenly came to their senses and all looked at Lin Feng.


The Lin family that was wiped out back then!

This incident was once rumored throughout Tianhai, but now that the word "Lin family" was mentioned again, how could they not be surprised?

"That's right, I am Lin Feng, the son of the Lin family!"

"Back then, you had no bottom line. You watched my Lin family fall and pretended to ignore it. You even uttered nonsense, insulted my parents, and called me a waste!"

Lin Feng stared at Shen Xiong, his eyes were sharp, and he approached step by step.

Shen Xiong moved back with difficulty, his mentality completely collapsed.

There are many strange things in this world, the son of the Lin family unexpectedly came back to life and came to seek revenge on him!

He has been in a high position for many years, and he has long been used to the fate of overriding others, but tonight, his fate was controlled by that little trash back then!

In three years, that waste who was seriously injured and unable to protect himself has now become a super expert that he dare not look directly at!

"Lin Feng, I have something to say, I think we still have something to talk about." Shen Xiong knew that a disaster was imminent tonight, so he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Plop plop..."

After Shen Xiong knelt down, all the people present also knelt on the ground.

Lin Feng's fighting power made them fearful, even the big men who were stronger than Shen Xiong knelt down. They had cursed Lin Feng before, and they regretted it to death. How could they still stand in front of Lin Feng?

[Seeking support from the collection bookshelf]

(End of this chapter)

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