Chapter 5

Lin Feng's face was calm, he ignored the people in front of him, slowly raised his hand, and grasped Shen Xiong in the void.

"Don't, don't, I sincerely apologize, I just beg to spare my life, I, Shen Xiong, would like to give up all my family property, even if I can be a dog by your side."

Shen Xiong was already in panic, when he saw Lin Feng's actions that seemed to kill him on the spot, he took a step and wanted to run away crazily.

"What I need is a loyal dog, but you are not worthy!" Lin Feng exerted a little force with his fingers, and the power from the void locked Shen Xiong's neck like a magic spell, making him unable to move at all.

This was the first time in history that Shen Xiong was in despair.

"Boom boom..."

The sound of bones breaking resounded throughout the hall, Shen Xiong's face stiffened, and when his whole body softened, he collapsed on the ground and lost consciousness.

Shen Xiong is dead, and his life hangs by a thread. In Tianhai, the energy of the Shen family will be completely wiped out, gradually dying out!
Lin Feng was not a benevolent person, but he was not a murderous villain either. He wanted to crush Shen Xiong to death, but it was just a thought.

A chick like Shen Xiong is not enough to make him face each other, let him live on his last breath, and deeply feel the panic and helplessness that is worse than death, which is the greatest punishment.

Besides, his real enemy is the powerful Ye Yanluo in the imperial capital!

As Shen Xiong collapsed to the ground, Lin Feng turned around and looked down at the crowd kneeling on the ground.

Everyone present was already ashamed.

This scene frightened them.

Previously, Shen Haowen, the son of Shen Xiong, was deposed, but now one of the big men in Tianhai City, Shen Xiong, was also deposed by Lin Feng so easily?
Everyone's faces were pale and weak, and they didn't dare to look Lin Feng directly in the eyes, and they almost prostrated themselves on the ground, for fear that Lin Feng would turn his anger on their previous clamor and rudeness, and develop killing intent.

"Slap each other's mouths!" Lin Feng looked at the crowd indifferently without getting angry. How could he turn a blind eye when they humiliated him before?
Everyone dared to have any objection, it was better to do it by yourself than Lin Feng, without any hesitation, they stretched out their hands and slapped their own cheeks one after another.

"Clap clap clap...!"

In the hall, there was endless applause.

Lin Feng walked towards the hall, and wherever he passed, everyone was even more frightened and backed away.

When a strange fragrance emanated from his hand, everyone present lost consciousness instantly and fell asleep on the ground at the same time.

He is proficient in ghost valley unique knowledge, and is good at thaumaturgy in various medical fields. This fragrance does not hurt the body, but it can erase a memory of everyone.

In the lobby on the first floor, when Lin Feng walked out of the elevator, Luo Wanjun just happened to walk towards him.

"Have you finished chatting with Shen Xiong?" Luo Wanjun walked over gently, sizing up Lin Feng with her beautiful eyes.

"Well, he's useless." Lin Feng's eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth lifted into a slight smile.

"Shen Xiong is disabled?" Luo Wanjun couldn't help being startled.

Tonight, because of Shen Haowen's disrespect to her, Lin Feng stood up for her without hesitation. She was very fortunate to have a man to rely on when she was most helpless.

However, Lin Feng had already abolished Shen Haowen, and now he actually abolished Shen Xiong again, which was a bit of a big deal.

"I know you have a lot of heart for the Shen family's face back then, and I understand that most of your actions tonight are to protect me, but you shouldn't take such risks, just in case..." Luo Wanjun looked serious, There was a trace of worry in his eyes, he hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Wan, it's nothing in case. A guilty person must have something to hate. I have a sense of proportion." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Luo Wanjun blinked, indifferent.

Shen Xiong's dismissal meant that there was no more Shen family in Tianhai. She was not afraid of anything, but Lin Feng. It was a bit eye-catching to make such a big commotion just after returning to Tianhai.

"Are you worried about me?" Lin Feng scratched his head and smiled.

"If you weren't someone from me, why should I worry about you?" Luo Wanjun pouted and raised her head, observing Lin Feng from the corner of her eyes.

Lin Feng opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

After he learned that his parents' corpses were restrained by Luo Wanjun, he knew in his heart that Luo Wanjun still had love for him.

It's just that it's still too early for him to have a big revenge and talk about love.

Tonight, he tried his best to stand out, one is to protect Luo Wanjun, which is naturally mixed with the two people's previous emotions.

And then, for revenge.

Love and resentment were mixed with him, and he had no reason not to act tonight.

"Okay, no matter what, I still want to thank you for everything you have done for me tonight. It's getting late, let's go home quickly." Luo Wanjun took a deep breath.

"Shall we... go home?" Lin Feng asked with a meaningful smile as he eased his knots.

"Of course I went back to my house." Luo Wanjun lowered her head, her eyes were slightly sad. Lin Feng really didn't understand her thoughts or pretended not to?
She looked up at Lin Feng, and said softly, "Your old house is a dilapidated house and cannot be lived in. I, an old classmate, will reluctantly take you in."

"Alright, then I'll stay here for a few days." Lin Feng nodded with a smile and did not refuse.

At present, he still needs to stay in Tianhai to resolve those grievances and hatreds from back then.

The two left the hotel, took a red Cayenne, and disappeared at the end of the brightly lit street.

"In the future, what are your plans?" Inside the car, Luo Wanjun supported the steering wheel with one hand, brushed her hair on her forehead with the other, and looked sideways at Lin Feng, with a charming smile in her beautiful eyes.

The speed of the car was not fast, and the breeze blew through Luo Wanjun's somewhat messy hair, exuding waves of intoxicating fragrance.

She was wearing a slim skirt tonight, and she had a panoramic view of her slender legs. From Lin Feng's perspective, there was a fatal temptation.

"I will stay in Tianhai for a while, and then I will go to the imperial capital."

Lin Feng forcibly turned his gaze away. After all, the woman in front of him was not only his first love, but also his benefactor, so please do not despise her.

"To the imperial capital?" Luo Wanjun looked at Lin Feng with a bright expression on his face.

"Well, some people have something that needs to be done." Lin Feng's eyes were filled with blood.

"Revenge for uncle and aunt?" Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, Luo Wanjun seemed to have guessed something. Of course, she also knew something about the reason for the collapse of the Lin family.

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"Emperor Ye's family has great power. Before you are fully sure, I advise you to stay in Tianhai first and don't provoke him." Luo Wanjun's face changed, clearly worried.

"If you can't afford it, you have to provoke it. The enmity between parents is irreconcilable." Lin Feng is not overheated, he has this confidence.

Since he inherited Guigu's unique skills, in order to protect the country and protect the family, there is no one in the world that he can't mess with!
Luo Wanjun didn't know about it, and was worried in her heart. She felt that it was necessary to try to keep Lin Feng in Tianhai.

Along the way, the two had their own thoughts and were silent.

Soon, the two arrived in the DC area, and the car stopped in front of Villa No. [-], Shengcheng Jiayuan.

"Jun Wan, is he Lin Feng?"

Beside an army green Dongfeng armored car, a young man walked up. He was muscular, with sharp eyes, a scar at the corner of his eye, showing a wildness. He stared at Luo Wanjun and Lin Feng who got out of the car.

"Didn't you leave? Why did you come to my house?" Seeing this person, Luo Wanjun looked very nervous, and hurriedly stretched out her arms to block Lin Feng.

This person is the owner of the mysterious number she dialed. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings when the two of them met, she deliberately sent him away, but they still ran into each other in the end.

"Mr. Wan, I'll handle it." Lin Feng stepped forward calmly, he would not let a woman face unknown dangers.

He could feel that the feral man in front of him had a sharp aura, exuding a sharpness unique to a soldier, as if the visitor was not kind.

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(End of this chapter)

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