The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 6: One Dragon, Three Tigers

Chapter 6 One Dragon Three Tigers

"You are Lin Feng?"

The wild man stared at Lin Feng with indifferent eyes that were as sharp as a knife.

"That's right, it's me!" Lin Feng's expression was calm. What was the meaning of this man who was full of wildness and military temperament in front of him?
"Disappear from my eyes in three seconds, and don't get close to my sister in the future!" The feral man's voice was deep and powerful, and became more and more cold.

"Wan Jun is your sister?" Lin Feng suddenly realized.

He clearly remembered that Luo Wanjun had an older brother when he was studying in his youth. At that time, he was introverted and taciturn, and he didn't attract everyone's attention.

But now, the change of this man can be described as earth-shaking, a completely changed person.

"That's right, I'm Wanjun's elder brother Luo Tian, ​​I still remember you." The feral man said coldly.

The atmosphere was a little delicate for a while.

Luo Wanjun hurriedly stepped forward to round things up, first she smiled awkwardly at Lin Feng, then looked at Luo Tian, ​​her eyebrows slightly frowned, and said, "I said before, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, so let's go."

"Mr. Wan, I came here as soon as I received your call. There are some things I have to figure out before I can leave." With a straight face and a tone that could not be refused, Luo Tian stared at Lin Feng again.

"Mr. Wan, men's affairs are for men to solve. You should back off first." Lin Feng smiled slightly, and gently pushed Luo Wanjun away with his hand.

Then, he looked straight at Luo Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "If I don't leave, no one can drive me away."

"Whoever I want to drive away, I will definitely be able to drive away!" Luo Tian's tone was unusually domineering, his arms bulging like horned dragons, and he walked towards Lin Feng.

"Although you are also a soldier, if you want to drive me away, you are far from qualified." Lin Feng's tone was still indifferent, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

Luo Tian is Luo Wanjun's elder brother, he should be more polite, but the other party seems a little unreasonable, so he naturally has to confront him.

"Are you also a soldier?" Luo Tian couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard that, Lin Feng's words were very metaphorical.

"As expected, you should be a soldier with the prefix 'tiger', right?" Lin Feng squinted his eyes, still standing where he was and chuckling.

At this moment, Luo Tian's steps stopped in place. He didn't understand why Lin Feng could reveal his identity in one word.

As a soldier, he is very familiar with Hua Guo's special forces. The top teams are the four teams of "one dragon and three tigers"!

He is a member of the Huya Special Forces, and every fighter is the elite of the elite.

However, there is only one special team with the prefix dragon, and it is the most mysterious, highest-level, and strongest individual combat team in the legend, none of them!

Generally speaking, in the special forces, the fighters of each sub-unit are the kings of soldiers, all of them are super-capable and perverted existences.

These secrets are secrets. Since Lin Feng can reveal his identity in one sentence, it is obvious that he is not inferior to him.

"You can't be... a soldier with the prefix tiger, right?" Luo Tian's expression changed, he was extremely curious about Lin Feng's identity.

In an instant, he shook his head abruptly and rejected what was in his mind.

As a soldier with the prefix tiger, he had to participate in the Special Forces' martial arts competition every year. It had been eight years, but he had no impression of Lin Feng at all.


"Could it be that you are a soldier with the prefix dragon?"

Luo Tian's eyes widened, and he took a step back in disbelief.

"It used to be." Lin Feng didn't deny it, and immediately sighed softly.

He joined the army at the age of 17 and spent five years on the bloody battlefield. He was covered with scars and served the country with all his heart. He wiped out thousands of enemies. Unfortunately, he encountered an ambush, and he watched six teammates die beside him...

It was also that time, when he was seriously injured, he resolutely took off his military uniform and returned home. He vowed that after he recovered, he would find out the reason for the failure of that mission and avenge the sacrificed teammates.

Unfortunately, misfortunes never come singly, not long after he returned home, he encountered a devastating blow from Ye Yanluo from the imperial capital during the banquet at the Wisteria Manor.

Now, his body has fully recovered, and the path he will take is to avenge his brothers and avenge his parents!
"You guys, what are you talking about?" Luo Wanjun next to her was puzzled and dazed.

She couldn't understand the content of the conversation between Lin Feng and Luo Tian at all, and she was worried that they would fight again if they disagreed, so she walked over immediately.

"Mr. Wan, don't interrupt."

Luo Tian was eager to ask for proof, so he waved his hand to prevent Luo Wanjun from approaching, then he approached Lin Feng and whispered: "I heard that the soldiers at the head of the dragon were disbanded for some reason three years ago... "

Lin Feng nodded. His mind was filled with the scene of the tragic death of his teammates. His eyes were moist, and he unintentionally exuded a murderous intent.

For a moment, Luo Tian's face was startled. Just as he was about to take precautions, his figure staggered unsteadily. The whole person took a few big steps back before he could manage to stabilize his figure, but his heart couldn't calm down like a stormy sea.

His guess was right!

When someone shows their killing intent, there are very few people who can't get close to him and retreat a few steps, and Lin Feng's aura makes him feel timid, that aura that can only be found in the bloody battle field. Very familiar, it should be the soldier with the prefix dragon.

The Dragon Team is the ultimate yearning of all soldiers in Huaguo!

Huaguo's top team, all members are extremely mysterious, low-key, few people know, but can complete the most advanced tasks without a trace, it is a legendary team in the Huaguo military world!
"Lin Feng, if you can stay by Wanjun's side, I will feel at ease." Luo Tian pondered thoughtfully, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

He was sure that Lin Feng's identity would not be false!
Then, he raised his eyebrows and smiled, unable to conceal the enthusiasm in his heart any longer, he stepped forward and gave Lin Feng a big bear hug, obviously already extremely excited.

"This..." Lin Feng was slightly at a loss. Why is Luo Tian so excited?

"Tonight first, I have to return to the station overnight." Luo Tian calmed down his excitement, obviously aware of his gaffe, and smiled wryly.

"Are you sure you don't want to drive me away?" Lin Feng patted Luo Tian's shoulder and said with a teasing smile.

"Lin Feng, I apologize to you for my previous recklessness." Luo Tian was full of embarrassment. He was not a person who followed suit, but it was related to the happiness of his younger sister. As the elder brother, he had to investigate clearly.

"Brother." Luo Wanjun saw that the two had suddenly become more harmonious, and walked over with joy on his face.

Fortunately, the two did not fight each other.

"Wan Jun, you haven't called me brother for half a year."

With a straight face, Luo Tian sighed softly, and said earnestly, "If Lin Feng will accompany you in the future, it will not be difficult for you to complete the ten billion promise with your father."

"En." Luo Wanjun nodded lightly, a trace of melancholy flashed across her eyes.

Three years ago, she brought one billion in working capital and vowed to reach the ten billion share on the agreed date. If not, she would marry a mentally handicapped child!

Calculate the date, there is still one month left before the appointed time!

"Lin Feng, come and meet me for a drink at the military station when you have time." Luo Tian looked at Lin Feng with excitement in his eyes, turned around and pedaled away.

After Luo Tian left, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun looked at each other in unison.

"Sorry, my brother speaks without thinking and is more direct, don't mind." Luo Wanjun smiled apologetically.

"Actually, he's straightforward and doesn't play tricks, which suits my temperament very well." Lin Feng didn't mind, it's quite normal for a brother to give his sister a head start.

"Then let's go in." Luo Wanjun hesitated to speak, and opened the door first.

"You live alone?" Lin Feng walked into the house right after him. The house was quite big and the layout was very cozy.

A flash of shyness flashed in Luo Wanjun's eyes, she pursed her sexy lips and said, "What's the matter, do you want someone else to live here?"

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(End of this chapter)

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