Chapter 125 Ye Yama


At four o'clock in the morning, the door of Ye's house was kicked to pieces by Lin Feng.

In the courtyard of the Ye family, the lights suddenly became abnormally transparent, and there was one person in ten steps, and the security was tight, comparable to ancient official residences.

It can be seen from this that the Ye family has already arranged everything for Lin Feng's arrival.

Just like what Lin Feng's grandfather Qin Long thought, the Ye family had a motive and a purpose, which is the so-called invitation to enter the urn.

They had already expected that Lin Feng would come back tonight, so they had already arranged everything.

Lin Feng had to be prepared for everything the Ye family arranged, but he just smiled and lit a cigarette casually.

"Hahaha! Lin's son!"

In the foyer, a man in his fifth decade, tall and broad, with a ring of beard stubble on his cheeks, walked towards him with his hands behind his back.

At this moment-

Lin Feng's eyes were red and bleeding.

The domineering man in front of him is Ye Yanluo who ruined his family!
"This old man really didn't expect that a little trash whose limbs were severed and buried alive in the mountains, not only survived the catastrophe, but after three years, he has grown to the point that this old man has to deal with you himself!"

Ye Yanluo said to himself, and an invisible aura began to spread from him.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng stood where he was, and because his own aura had already shown signs of returning to nature, Ye Yanluo did not let Ye Yanluo see his current strength.

You know, his combat power is so strong that he can fight two levels higher!

There is some infinite anger and indignation in his heart, and he can kill Ye Yanluo quickly!

But he didn't.

Because he wanted Ye Yanluo to understand what kind of catastrophe it was to kill his parents back then!
He wants to make Ye Yanluo regret the past, he wants Ye Yanluo to see with his own eyes what it feels like to lose a family!
"Ye Yanluo, you ruined my family three years ago. You will never be able to estimate the debt!" Lin Feng walked over step by step with a loud voice.

"Hahaha! It's just a small Lin family. If the old man kills him, he will kill him. Why can't he be immeasurable? Laugh out loud!" Ye Yanluo snorted coldly.

"You bastard who regards human life as worthless, not only has no intention of repentance at all, but also slanders my Lin family like this. I have to say that your arrogance has already made you lose your heart. I will treat him in the same way as others I will destroy your family!" Lin Feng looked up at the night sky, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Hehehe! Lin Feng, you killed my younger sister Wen Bilan, the master of Death Valley, and killed the heads of the four great families in Tianhai. Now you are talking nonsense in my Ye family. Your courage is not ordinary fat!"

Ye Yanluo was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Dad! Is this Hundan that little bastard from the Lin family?" At this moment, a woman in a red tulle nightgown walked lightly to Ye Yanluo's side.

"Xiuyue, it's this little bastard!" Ye Yanluo laughed wildly.

"Bah, bah, it's really disgusting. You come to our Ye family in the middle of the night to find fault. Let me ask you, who gave you the courage?!" Ye Xiuyue gave Lin Feng a look of extreme annoyance.

"Ye Xiuyue!" Lin Feng's eyes were icy cold.

"Is this lady's name so taboo that an ant like you can shout about it? Damn it!" Ye Xiuyue pinched her waist with both hands and stomped her feet.

"call out!"

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot. After a hundredth of a breath, he stood up again, but there was an extra person in his hand, and it was Ye Xiuyue who had been chattering before.


Not far away, Ye Yanluo froze and froze in place.

Lin Feng's speed was too fast!
His daughter was only one step away from him just now, and when he sensed the uneasiness, his daughter had already fallen into Lin Feng's hands.

He also had to admit that Lin Feng's strength could compete with him, perhaps a little bit stronger than him.

It's only a little bit stronger, and it's not enough to be afraid of!

"Little Lin Feng, let go of my daughter, I will fight you fairly!" Ye Yanluo said slowly, without showing any trace of worry.

"Let her go? Give me a reason?" Lin Feng said coldly, holding Ye Xiuyue's neck tightly with one hand.

" me..." Ye Xiuyue's face was extremely pale, her feet were off the ground, her limbs were swaying weakly, her eyes stared at Lin Feng, and the whites of her eyes began to show signs of drooping.

"Reason? To leave you with a dead body!" Ye Yanluo finally couldn't hold back his restless emotions.

"Hmph! It's ridiculous!" Lin Feng sneered, "Ye Xiuyue, you are such an arrogant young lady of the Ye family!"

"Back then, my mother's name was just the same as yours, and you made me want to kill her. A vicious femme fatale like you, with such a narrow mind, letting you live would be an injustice to the world, and the heavens will not pity you. The only way to apologize is to die!"

"do not want!"

Ye Yanluo's body speed reached the extreme, and he wanted to save Lin Feng's daughter before he could do anything.


"Boom" sound!
Let him stop in the middle of the road for an instant, and his mentality exploded directly.

Lin Feng had already broken Ye Xiuyue's neck in an instant.

"Leave a whole body for your daughter!" Lin Feng waved away Ye Xiuyue's body.

"Bang" sound!
Ye Xiuyue's body fell in front of Ye Yanluo, and he was completely in extreme rage, and he didn't even respond to his daughter's body.


"Moon repair!"

"My dear daughter!"

Ye Yanluo's mind went blank.

Ye Xiuyue is the apple of his eye!

He vowed to spoil his daughter to the limit!

"Lin Feng's son!" Ye Yanluo quickly picked up Ye Xiuyue's body, grinning and staring at Lin Feng, those bloody eyes had begun to become extremely ferocious.

"Ye Yanluo, your clamor is worthless in front of me!" Lin Feng walked slowly.

"Little waste! Something is coming at me! Why do you want to kill my daughter!!!" Ye Yanluo roared completely.

"Ye Yanluo! When you covered the sky with one hand, you brutally killed my parents, severed my tendons and buried me alive in the mountains. Did you ever have a trace of mercy? You came to you? Of course!" Lin Feng walked slowly.

However, in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in front of Ye Yanluo.

The two were so close, only one meter away from each other, whoever launched a violent blow would most likely die tragically on the spot.

However, the atmosphere at this time is very delicate!

Lin Feng and Ye Yanluo didn't do anything, they just looked at each other.

"Hmph! Hahaha! Lin Feng! Do you really think that you are so powerful, that you want to turn your hands into clouds and rain in front of this old man?"

"Tell you! Your thinking is extremely stupid!" Ye Yanluo hugged his daughter's body, turned around gently like this, and walked backwards until Ye Xiuyue's body was placed on a stone table steadily. Turning around slowly, his eyes locked on Lin Feng.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng didn't move at all!
He was thinking very fast, thinking about bringing Ye Yanluo's body back to Tianhai, before his parents' graves!

(End of this chapter)

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