The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 126 Our Future [Final Chapter]

Chapter 126 Our Future [Final Chapter]

The deep night, in the blink of an eye, turned pale.

At this dawn, the Ye Family has almost become as cold as Shura's hell.

Lin Feng and Ye Yanluo stood facing each other.

The two have deep thoughts in their hearts.

Even Ye Yanluo, who is proud of the world, has to admit that the little trash who was worthless in his eyes back then has now turned into a character that he has to deal with with all his strength.

Lin Feng's intrepidity also made him feel regret that he had never felt before!

Back then, if he hadn't shown his intention to play tricks and killed Lin Feng with one blow, he wouldn't be in such a critical situation now!

He made a decision at this moment, to strike with all his strength in order to remain invincible.

As for Lin Feng, his state of mind had undergone an earth-shaking change at this time.

He wants to leave Ye Yanluo behind and bring him back to Tianhai, his parents' grave!

"call out!"

"call out!"

The thoughts of the two seemed to be very long, but for people with their combat power, it was only a split second.

The two made their own decisions, and launched their respective attacks at a distance of less than three meters.


An indistinct huge ripple, like a mushroom cloud in the Ye family courtyard, burst into the sky.

At this moment, the sky in the east is completely white, and the red sun shines on the earth, piercing through the scattered dust.

When the dust fell to the ground, he saw the shadows of the two still standing in place in a trance.

The surrounding buildings collapsed at this moment, and began to collapse, shatter, and splash in all directions!

The two of them still stood in place, letting the stone chips splash, without changing their faces.

However, Ye Yanluo's eyes revealed a sense of powerlessness, while Lin Feng's eyes were as dazzling as the rising sun.

"This is your strongest blow? It's nothing more than mediocre!" Lin Feng let go of his breath, calm and composed, like an ordinary person.


Ye Yanluo opened his mouth, his face was bloodless, and finally he was exhausted and knelt on the ground.

Then, slowly, his body began to tilt, and slowly, slowly fell to the ground, panting...

He lost!
After being hit by Lin Feng, all the veins in his body were broken, and the unspeakable in his heart could not make him spit out another word. Only the remaining breath made him feel a little bit, he was still alive.


In the next second he will turn into a corpse!
Then, his eyes met the rising sun.

He knew that he was about to fall into the dust, and at this moment he cherished every minute and every second he was still alive.

"In six hours, you can still be alive, cherish it!" Lin Feng stepped closer in front of Ye Yanluo, grabbed Ye Yanluo's hair with one hand, and walked towards the door step by step as if dragging a wild dog.


The moment Lin Feng dragged Ye Yanluo out of Ye's house, a huge wave from behind Lin Feng swept across the Ye's manor, instantly reducing all the destroyed buildings to dust.


This was Lin Feng's strongest blow, and it was the strongest blow he released when he almost exhausted his whole body's true energy.

So far, Yejia, the imperial capital, has completely disappeared from people's sight.


"Brother Feng!"

"Little Lord!"

Outside the door, King Kong, Ye Ying, and Jiang Yan flew over.

They saw everything in front of them, and when their hearts were shocked, they hurriedly supported Lin Feng who was physically exhausted.

"Brother Feng!" Seeing that Lin Feng was about to fall into a faint, Ye Ying hurriedly reached out and hugged him.

"Send me back to Tianhai!"

"Including, this dog..."

Lin Feng fell into a coma.

His mission, his revenge, are all accomplished at this moment.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Xishan Cemetery in Tianhai City.

From a distance, a group of people dressed in mourning and mourning were kneeling in front of a tombstone, burning incense and lighting candles.

"Dad, Mom!"

"Xiaofeng is not filial. He only caught Ye Yanluo's bastard today. Now, the boy has brought him. You two elders, let's rest in peace under the Nine Springs!"

Lin Feng, dressed in white, kowtowed heavily, his eyes were filled with tears, hot and falling.

"Ye Yanluo, you are doomed to perish forever. It is your good fortune to die in front of my parents' grave."

After a long time, Lin Feng still knelt on the ground, pinched Ye Yanluo's neck with one hand, and pressed it in front of the tombstone.

Ye Yanluo has long been out of his mind, his body is rapidly disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a pile of dust...

"Bang! Bang!"

At this time, on a sunny day, two thunderclaps spread across the wilderness.

A thunderstorm hit the face.

Lin Feng knelt in front of the tombstone unmoved.

"Brother Feng, uncles and aunts have died in the spirit of the sky, you are injured, let's go back." Ye Ying couldn't bear it, stepped forward to hold Lin Feng.

"Boss, condolences." King Kong came forward.

"Young master, my condolences!" Jiang Yan also persuaded.

"Brother Feng!"

"Brother Feng!"

Lin Feng's childhood brothers Xiao Yao and Mo Bei also stepped forward together.

Everyone dressed in sackcloth and filial piety and gathered around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng waved his hands slowly.

The thunderstorm continued, and Lin Feng didn't get up until dusk.

"Everyone! I, Lin Feng, feel very honored to have you brothers and sisters. Today you put on sackcloth and mourning for my parents, and Lin Feng will always remember them in his heart!"

"Now, my parents' vengeance has been avenged, and I will be away for a while, everyone take care!"

Lin Feng bid farewell, looked at Ye Ying, King Kong, Xiao Yao, Mo Bei, Jiang Yan and others, and left slowly.

However, everyone followed one by one.

Until, Lin Feng arrived at the Yujingwan villa area on foot, in front of his old house of the Lin family.

Previously, the old house of the Lin family was burned down in a fire, but now it has been renovated and rebuilt, and it is still the same as he remembered!

"Da da da da..."

At this moment, a helicopter hovered over the old house of the Lin family and landed from far to near.

Qin Long and Mo Sen jumped off the plane and walked towards each other.

"Grandpa, Senior Mo." Lin Feng looked back and smiled.

"Xiao Feng, Huang Qian is dead." Qin Long walked over with kindness in his eyes.

"Stinky boy, the secular world has nothing to worry about, it's time to go." Mo Sen strode forward.

Lin Feng nodded heavily, and looked back at his brothers and sisters again.

"Brother Feng!"


"Little Lord!"

"Brother Feng..."

Ye Ying, King Kong and the others looked at each other with reluctance.

"Everyone, I really want to leave. You go ahead and cherish it. When I make a name for myself, I will definitely come to welcome you to go with me. Remember, our future is the sea of ​​stars!" Lin Feng said, striding forward. On board the helicopter.

Destination, Kunlun in the Western Regions, the secret place of the entrance.

[Thank you for the support of the Eagle Spreading Wings, and thank you all book friends for your rewards, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets for your support. At this point, the story of the first volume of this book is over, and it is also the chapter of this book that has to be completed.

Here, Mo Wu Qingfeng, I am very grateful to the book friends who have supported me all the way to the present, thank you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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