The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 17 Death is not a pity!

Chapter 17 Death is not a pity!

Lin Feng hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

His brother Xiao Yao was quite happy after seeing this extremely rare card. He didn't want to disturb his brother's interest by refusing it.

"Little brother, Feng is very grateful for protecting your little girl Lulu last night. This King's Landing Club will permanently free you from the bill." Feng Ze said with a hearty smile.

"Mr. Feng, you are polite. If there is nothing else, we should leave." Lin Feng stood up, smiled politely, and did not exchange too many pleasantries.

Earlier, he had received a call from the security guard Liu Fei. At that time, he had already established a fact about the identity of the mastermind behind the group of people who came to Ankang Pharmaceutical to make trouble this afternoon.

"Alright, I will definitely entertain you when you come to the King's Landing Club frequently in the future." Fengze did not force him to stay.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and with Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao, the three turned and left.

He didn't want to have too many interactions with people in the underground circle.

It is even said that one day in time, he might manage the underground circles in Tianhai City with his own hands, and give the world a bright future.

The three left the King's Landing Clubhouse and went straight to the parking lot.

"Brother Feng, what have you been up to these past few years?" Xiao Yao was extremely curious about Lin Feng's experience in the past few years, and finally asked.

"Xiao Yao, I can only say that in the past three years I have experienced devil training that ordinary people can't even imagine." Lin Feng was prevaricating. He didn't want to hide it from his brother, but he thought that telling the truth would definitely cause an uproar.

"Brother Feng, as long as you live a decent life, even if you betray the world, you will still be my Xiao Yao's brother!" Xiao Yao said with a serious expression.

Who in this world has not had a hard time?
As a brother, how could he recklessly uncover the deep scars in Lin Feng's heart?

After a brief silence, Lin Feng and Xiao Yao looked at each other and smiled, chatted briefly, and Xiao Yao drove away first.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun stepped onto the red Cayenne.

"I've known Lulu for more than half a year. I never thought that her father is Fengze." Luo Wanjun, who had been silent all this time, held her forehead and smiled wryly.

"Feng Lulu is hiding it from you too?" Lin Feng was also a little surprised, the two girls live under the same roof, so they should be best friends who talk about everything, right?

"Perhaps, she also has difficulties?" Luo Wanjun let out a long breath, and looked at Lin Feng affectionately, with a pun intended.

"Humans all have emotions and desires, and it's reasonable to have difficulties." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not answer directly, his eyes were shining brightly.

The atmosphere in the car was very subtle, the two had their own thoughts along the way, and soon arrived at Luo Wanjun's residence.

After a short pause, Lin Feng drove alone to the address given to him by the security guard Liu Fei.

He didn't tell Luo Wanjun that the group of people who came to make trouble today, the mastermind behind them is indeed the person in charge of Baicao Biopharmaceuticals, Wei Haichen!

Three years ago, the Xue, Wu, Shen, and Wei families had humiliated his parents bottomlessly, and his resentment was indelible!

Now, the Shen family is gone!
At this time, he was still looking for revenge, but the Wei family happened to hit his gun, so he naturally wanted to go and visit in person!

The night is as cool as water, and the bright moon is in the sky.

At 10:30 in the middle of the night, XC District Fu West Road.

A burly man, leaning against an off-road jeep, seemed very casual, but his eyes were extremely sharp. It was Liu Fei, the security guard of Ankang Pharmaceutical.

Five hours ago, under the orders of Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun, he followed the group of men with shoulder-length hair all by himself, and finally came here.

He is a native of Tianhai and a scout. Through some means, he learned the details of the other party. He also checked the terrain of Fuxi Road in detail. He has been quietly waiting here for Lin Feng's arrival.

Not long after, Lin Feng's figure appeared in Liu Fei's sight.

"Lin Feng, a hundred meters ahead is the villa of the Wei family, the person in charge of Baicao Biopharmaceuticals. This is a topographic map of the vicinity I hand-drawn." Liu Fei stretched lazily and handed it to Lin Feng.

He and Lin Feng didn't interact much, and tonight he followed the shoulder-length man alone, all because of Luo Wanjun's orders, so his tone towards Lin Feng was lukewarm, which was normal.

"Haven't you eaten yet?" Lin Feng walked over with a smile, he didn't care about anything, and took the hand-painted drawings.

"I can't take things that Mr. Luo ordered lightly. If I don't eat a meal, I won't starve to death." Liu Fei said lightly.

Although he had seen Lin Feng's extraordinary skills, it was not worth it for him to respect him.

In other words, he's not bad either.

Lin Feng smiled, his eyes stayed on the hand-painted drawings, and he handed them to Liu Fei, "Very well done."

"Since it's good, why not keep it? Didn't you say that there will be a big move tonight?" Liu Fei was slightly startled.

"It's just the Wei family, it's not enough for me to sneak in cautiously." Lin Feng smiled.

However, his smile made Liu Fei feel unspeakable heart palpitations. Behind this kind of smile is complete confidence!
"Don't you want to go in through the main entrance openly and aboveboard? Then discuss with the Wei family who is right and who is wrong?" Liu Fei scratched his head, speechless for a moment.

Isn't it asking for trouble for one person to face a family?

"Liu Fei, wait for me for 10 minutes, and come back to treat you to supper." Lin Feng gave Liu Fei a meaningful look, his pace quickened instantly, and he traveled more than 20 meters away in an instant.

Liu Fei's face froze, and his brain was a little confused.

Lin Feng's speed far exceeds the limit of normal human speed, he is ashamed of himself!
Invisibly, he froze as if he had been enlightened.

This is after breaking the limit of one's own strength and speed, the inner strength is generated in the body, just like a warrior who has stepped into the martial arts!
He was in a daze for less than five seconds, and Lin Feng's figure had disappeared under the light of the street lamp, and he walked straight into the Wei family compound.


Wei's villa.

In the huge courtyard, there were more than a dozen people standing, all of them were full of indignation, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive.

"Luo Wanjun's people are really rampant, their attacks are so vicious, they are extremely rampant!"

The Patriarch of the Wei Family, Wei Haichen, looked in his 40s, with a full beard and small eyes, but showing a menacing look.

As soon as he came back from drinking outside, he learned that there were seven or eight people under him, all of whom had lost an arm, which made him furious.

"Master Wei, put the fire away first, Luo Wanjun doesn't know that it's your subordinate who went to find them today, so we still have a chance."

A man with a flat nose, with a sinister look in his eyes, hurriedly bowed over and said.

"Hmph! What is she, Luo Wanjun! No matter how smart and capable she is, she is still just a woman, and she is still an outsider!" Wei Haichen squinted his eyes, and they opened suddenly.

"Continue to punish her, to kill her, I want to get the news that Luo Wanjun's Ankang Pharmaceutical has closed down within three days!" Wei Haichen's eyes showed monstrous anger.

"Master Wei, please don't worry, I have a hundred ways to kill Luo Wanjun." The man with a snub nose immediately assured him with confidence.


Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking resounded in the Wei family villa.

In the next second, the man with the snub nose, who was still confident just now, tilted his head and died.

"You ants, dare to disrespect Jun Jun? Death is not a pity!"

Lin Feng's figure was like an iron tower, and without warning, he stood beside the dead body of the man with a flat nose.

(End of this chapter)

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