Chapter 16 Apologize
In the whole box, after Huabao's words and deeds, there was silence, like a chilling cicada.

No one expected that Lin Feng, who was supposed to have died three years ago in their eyes, would grow to such a status that they could not even reach them today.

In Hua Leopard's eyes, he didn't even bother to be as expensive as Guo Shan, but his compliment to Lin Feng was enough to explain everything.

After a long time.

"Hua Leopard, did you bring that bottle of wine?" Lin Feng asked calmly with gentle eyes.

"Yes, I bumped into Mr. Lin last night, and I didn't have time to apologize in person. This bottle of wine is for expressing my heart. I wonder if Mr. Lin is still satisfied?" Huabao raised his head slightly, with a bitter smile on his face.

Earlier, when Lin Feng came to the King's Landing Club, he happened to see it not far away. In order to make friends with him, he hurriedly sent a bottle of Louis XIII Black Pearl.

"Get up and talk." Lin Feng stretched out his hand.

When he was guarding Feng Lulu last night, he happened to have some friction with Hua Bao and the others, it was nothing.

With a grateful expression on his face, Huabao quickly stood up, clasped his fists with both hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, for letting go of the past."

"Well, you seem to have other things?" Lin Feng saw the expectation in Huabao's eyes.

"Yes, a friend wants to make friends with Mr. Lin, so I specially asked me to invite you." Huabao said immediately.

"If you want to make friends with me, why doesn't he come over in person?" Lin Feng said calmly.

"! It's my negligence, Mr. Lin, please bear with me, I will come as soon as I go."

Hua Leopard hesitated to speak, was at a loss for words, and backed out falteringly.

When he reached the door, he stopped in his tracks, and his eyes locked on Guo Shan who was still in shock.

"Boy from the Guo family, for the sake of Mr. Lin, you will be exempted from the meal expenses tonight. Remember, you are no longer welcome at the King's Landing Club, including anyone from your Guo family!"

"Also, I would like to advise you to apologize to Mr. Lin quickly, and maybe you will be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life."

After Huabao finished speaking, he turned his attention to the others, and said loudly: "Everyone, you should be very grateful to have an old classmate with the status of Mr. Lin, so let's go slowly."

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded at first, and then nodded heavily.

The order to evict guests is issued, how can they stay with the cheek?

Moreover, in order to please Guo Shan, they had unknowingly bumped into Lin Feng more than once, and they were ashamed to stay here any longer.

"Lin Feng, tonight's banquet is very sumptuous, thank you for your hospitality, then let's go first."

"Old classmate Lin Feng, it's getting late, let's go first."

Everyone's attitude was turned upside down. They all squeezed out a smile and didn't dare to slander Lin Feng any more. It was enough to make Lin Feng not jealous of them.

The last one, when he staggered to the door, turned back again, his face was full of melancholy, his eyes showed horror, it was the miserable Guo Shan.

Even though he was aggrieved in his heart, he still thought of the advice Hua Bao gave him, and he had to bow his head at this time.

"Lin Feng... Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I'm the one who sees people as inferior, so I blame me, blame me..."

Guo Shan knelt in front of Lin Feng, and stretched out his hand to slap his own cheek with a crackling sound.

Lost, totally lost.

He also once had an idea that he wanted to pinch Lin Feng to death, and he could do it with just moving his fingers.

Moreover, at tonight's banquet, he had provoked Lin Feng more than once for the sake of the woman he dreamed of and his own identity.

It never occurred to him that Lin Feng completely ignored his provocation, and the audience remained calm, without even moving a finger, and let him lose completely!
Leaving aside the matter of tonight's dinner fee, just saying that Lin Feng could make Hua Bao respectfully kneel on one knee already made him terrified.

He was wrong, very wrong!
"Guo Shan, if I knew today, why did I do it in the first place?" Sitting beside Lin Feng, Xiao Yao looked at Guo Shan who was in a mess like a dog in water, feeling relieved.

"Being a human being should be reserved, so that we can meet each other in the future, Guo Shan, you did too much tonight." Luo Wanjun's voice was faint, but very crisp.

"Let's do it!" Hearing the loud slaps, Lin Feng looked at Guo Shan indifferently.

Guo Shan almost crawled out of the box.

"Brother Feng, just let Guo Shan go like this, it's not fun." Xiao Yao smiled and looked at Lin Feng, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

He also didn't expect that Lin Feng, his good brother who played with him since he was a child, has such a noble status now.

"Xiao Yao, don't look at me with your little eyes, I feel flustered." Lin Feng joked and laughed.

"Hahaha, panic, I'm a straight man of steel, I'm not interested in you, if I am, I can't help it." Xiao Yao grinned.

"Let's talk about serious topics, you two are just talking nonsense." Listening to the conversation between the two, Luo Wanjun couldn't help but blushed, pursed her lips and chuckled.

"By the way, Xiao Yao, what do you do now?" Lin Feng changed the subject.

"I'm in the People's Hospital, an orthopedic doctor." Xiao Yao shrugged, with a smile on his face.

"When you were young, you wanted to be a doctor. Your childhood dream has come true. Congratulations, brother." Lin Feng was happy for Xiao Yao, and they each patted their shoulders.

"You determined to join the army and serve the country since you were a child, and you have realized it." Xiao Yao chatted about the past, feeling very cherished about that memory.

At this moment, the box door opened.

The leader was the Leopard who had left and returned again. With a smile on his face, he quickly stood aside after entering the door, and then a middle-aged man strode in.

His face was rosy, his eyebrows were open and his eyes were broad, his eyes were bare, and he had a mustache around his lips, giving people a deep and down-to-earth feeling.

"Mr. Lin, this is Feng Lulu's father, Mr. Fengze."

Huabao looked at Lin Feng with a smile, then turned his gaze to Fengze, and said, "Master Feng, he is Lin Feng, Mr. Lin who protected the eldest lady last night."

"Little brother, I, Fengze, listen to my subordinates. You are very skilled. Are you interested in working by my side?"

He didn't expect that the 20-year-old Lin Feng in front of him could make his two generals, Hua Bao and Qiu Long, fearful with just his momentum and eyesight, and his desire to attract was inevitable.

"Not interested." Lin Feng bluntly refused.

Let him work for the king of the underground world?This is impossible!
"Little brother, don't refuse so quickly. This is my business card. If one day you figure it out, give me a call." Feng Ze had a smile on his face, facing an extremely low-key master like Lin Feng, There must be enough patience and sincerity.

Just as Lin Feng was about to wave his hand, his good brother Xiao Yao curiously took it for him.

"Brother Feng, Master Feng is sincere, so let's keep the business card first." Xiao Yao suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Master Feng"'s name was like thunder, if he could make friends, it would be great.

He flipped through the black business card that glowed with gold, and found a string of numbers on it. Only then did he realize that this was not only a business card, but also a bank card.

Including Lin Feng, they didn't know that in the entire Tianhai City, only one person could get this UnionPay business card.

[If you have a book friend with the ability, please give a reward and support, so that Qingfeng can be more motivated to code words]

(End of this chapter)

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