The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 15 Want to Eat Overlord Meal?

Chapter 15 Want to Eat Overlord Meal?
"Labor service fee, 100 million?"

Guo Shan looked at the menu, and the price of various delicacies totaled more than 150 million. He could understand, but the 100 million labor fee made him very unhappy.

When he spends money, he wants to be heard, and when he spends money to buy enjoyment and happiness, he will never say anything else.

In other words, no matter how rich his family is, they can't spend money unclearly.

"It's nothing more than a 100th-tier star, but it's worth [-] million yuan in labor fees? Can't you treat me, Guo Shan, as a fool?" Guo Shan raised his head, stared at the middle-aged man, and said very displeased.

"Sir, please pay attention to your wording. All the celebrity artists stationed in our King's Landing Club have identities. If you want to make a complaint, you can just contact me. My surname is Li!" The middle-aged man's face darkened, his eyes Differently scolded.

"You... so it's Manager Li. It's easy to say." Guo Shan narrowed his eyes, thinking that this is the King's Landing Club, realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly forced a smile and said: "Then swipe the card."

This King's Landing clubhouse has a huge background, and the Guo family will definitely not be able to provoke it, so why not keep a low profile?

What's more, he promised the big guys that he will not go back on his promise when he treats guests tonight, otherwise Guo Shan will be ashamed if the news spreads.

Moreover, sitting here was Luo Wanjun, whom he wanted to own, and Lin Feng, whom he hated so much. Tonight, he would definitely make the scene stand up!
However, Lin Feng and Xiao Yao were chatting like a fire, and Luo Wanjun was listening. The three of them were talking and laughing, and they didn't pay attention to Guo Shan, even for a glance.

Seeing everything, Guo Shan angrily took out his card bag, randomly drew a card and handed it to the middle-aged man, Manager Li.

Manager Li had been prepared for a long time, took out the handheld POS machine, and started to operate it familiarly.

"Guo Shao will do what he says, I admire him, he really is rich and powerful!"

"That's right, among our old classmates, apart from Goddess Luo, no one else can match Guo Shao's status, right?"

"Young Master Guo, you're the one who is more open-minded. The meal fee of 250 million won't even blink!"

Everyone flattered and flattered everyone, which made Guo Shan very proud.

"250 million? I don't feel comfortable, so let's pay 280 million!" Guo Shan said quite proudly.

250 million, isn't it two hundred and fifty?
Guo Shan was naturally not happy.

"Sir, are you joking?" Manager Li's voice suddenly turned cold, "I swiped three times, but all of them resulted in the same result, and the balance was insufficient."

"Insufficient balance? Impossible!" Guo Shan's face darkened of course.

"Sir, do you think Li is lying to you?" Manager Li threw the card to Guo Shan with a serious face.

"Then change to another card." Guo Shan took out another card.

"Insufficient balance."

"What? Then change another card!"

"Still insufficient balance!"

Guo Shan changed three cards in succession, all with the same result, the balance was insufficient.

"Manager Li, there must be something wrong with your POS machine!" Guo Shan suddenly came to his senses and said word by word.

Manager Li was slightly taken aback, obviously aware of this, and immediately called and sent five POS machines directly.

The result made everyone feel ashamed, and the balance was still insufficient!
This time, Guo Shan almost cried.

Should not be!

He was carrying three secondary cards with at least 600 million yuan, so why was the balance insufficient?

"Sir, since the establishment of the King's Landing Club, you are the first to tease us. You should be very clear about the consequences." Manager Li said solemnly.

"No, no, no, Manager Li, don't get me wrong, I'll make a call first." Guo Shanqiang tried to calm down, walked to the corner, and dialed his father's cell phone.

When the phone was connected, Guo Shan couldn't wait to say: "Dad, my three secondary cards..."

"Oh, Xiaoshan, don't worry, Dad's working capital is a little tight, I transferred it yesterday, don't worry, I left [-] for you..."

Transfer money away?
He only has [-] left...

Guo Shan hangs up the phone weakly, what should he do next?
The 280 million meal expenses, but he just promised himself, can't he slap himself in the face, right?

"Guo Shan, if you have any difficulties? Lin Feng can help you solve it." Luo Wanjun turned around gently, with a smile on her eyes. Her purpose was to make Lin Feng the home team tonight!

"Can Lin Feng help me? I can't afford his help. Besides, I can solve it myself." Guo Shan hesitated. If Lin Feng were to help him, his prestige would no longer exist.

Moreover, everything he did tonight was aimed at Lin Feng, and it was impossible for him to bow his head.

At this moment, the door of the box opened, and a sturdy bald man walked in, with a height of 1.9 meters and a fleshy face, which made people shudder.

"Flower...Brother Leopard!"

When Guo Shan saw the visitor, he breathed a sigh of relief. Huabao was an upper-level figure in the King's Landing Club, and he was relieved and pleasantly surprised.

"You are..." Hua Leopard frowned, and had no impression of Guo Shan in front of him.

"Brother Leopard, my name is Guo Shan, my father is Guo Qifa, and we are good friends with you." Guo Shan was so excited that he reached out to hold Leopard's hand.

"Guo Qifa? Oh, so it's Guo Laohei's son." Huabao had a slight impression.

"Yes, yes, my father is nicknamed Guo Laohei." Guo Shan smiled and bowed respectfully.

Huabao nodded slightly, didn't say much, turned around with a wave of his hand, and continued to walk forward.

Guo Shan followed him one step at a time, and his heart sank completely. There was a leopard to speak for him, and it would be absolutely fine tonight.

Involuntarily, he turned his attention to Lin Feng.

"Hahaha! Lin Feng, Lin Feng, my friends in Guo Shan are all big shots, what do you compare me to? Do I still need your help?"

"I'll just expose you. You're obviously a weasel giving chicken New Year's greetings. You have no good intentions!" Guo Shanmu showed disdain and smiled happily.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold, he had already given Guo Shan a death sentence with a reprieve, and the friendship between classmates was completely wiped out!

"What do you mean?" Huabao stopped walking when he heard that, and looked at Guo Shan with a gloomy face.

"Brother Leopard, it's like this. I'm treating guests to dinner tonight. I didn't bring any money. My old classmate Lin Feng is an orphan. He still wants to help me. How ridiculous!" Guo Shan smiled awkwardly, not forgetting to humiliate him. Lin Feng said something.

"At the King's Landing Club, want to eat Bawang's meal?" Hua Bao immediately shouted without giving Guo Shan any face.

"No, no, special circumstances. Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I will bring the money. Please Brother Bao, for my father's sake, help me accommodate?" Guo Shan bowed his waist and tried his best to accompany the smiling face.

"Your father Guo Laohei, does he have any face?" Hua Bao raised his arm and slapped Guo Shan.

"Brother Leopard..."

Guo Shan staggered and fell to the ground, his mind went blank.

Everyone present, looking at the scene in front of them, couldn't help feeling panic and uneasy.


Hua Bao stepped forward and slapped Guo Shan again.

"If, with a humble attitude, you are more polite, respectful, and respectful to Mr. Lin, I, Huabao, may save you some face!"

"However, you are unscrupulous, arrogant and conceited, and you even speak disrespectfully to Mr. Lin, even if you pay ten of you Guo family, it is not enough!"

The leopard's eyes were fierce and loud, and the metaphors between the lines made it difficult for everyone to understand.

They were extremely confused, especially Guo Shan, whose mouth was full of blood and his cheeks were swollen, his whole heart was ashamed, as if he had fallen into an abyss, trembling unceasingly.

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry that you were insulted in our King's Landing clubhouse. Please punish me." Hua Bao knelt on one knee beside Lin Feng.

In the hearts of the people, it was like a stormy sea, which could never be calmed down.

Mr. Lin... Lin Feng!
What kind of existence is their old classmate Lin Feng?How did he make Huabao humble and kneel down?
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(End of this chapter)

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