The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 14 The Ugly Epitome of the Worldly

Chapter 14 The Ugly Epitome of the Worldly World
"Which one is Mr. Lin?"

This question from the waitress made everyone slightly startled. Among the dozen or so men and women present, there was only one surnamed Lin, and that was Lin Feng.

"You should be Mr. Lin, right?" The waitress looked around, and after seeing everyone's eyes focused on Lin Feng, she understood in her heart.

"It's me." Lin Feng nodded.

"Hi Mr. Lin, a gentleman asked me to bring you a bottle of wine. He hopes Mr. Lin will have a good time tonight." The waitress smiled politely.

Then, she respectfully put the bottle of wine in front of Lin Feng, then turned and left with a smile.

"Lin Feng, what does your friend do to bring this kind of wine over, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Yeah, the bottle is quite exquisite, but it's a pity that the whole body is pitch black, not like some famous bar?"

Everyone's eyes fell on the bottle of wine, and they shook their heads in disdain, not taking it seriously at all.

Lin Feng naturally knew this bottle of wine, and he was guessing who would bring it.

"Could it be...Louis XIII?" Guo Shan's eyes kept flickering, and he muttered in a low voice.

No matter how soft his voice was, the few people nearby could hear it very clearly. After all, he was the backbone of everyone, and everyone had to think deeply about what he said.

"This bottle of wine is Louis XIII?" Sophie, who was next to Guo Shan, asked in disbelief.

"To be precise, this bottle of wine is a Louis XIII black pearl worth about 18!" Luo Wanjun got up and took the wine in his hand.

"Really, 18 a bottle?"

"Guo Shao, is this bottle really Louis XIII black pearl?"

Many people started to panic, and they all looked at Guo Shan.

Guo Shan didn't say anything.

His complexion has turned purple. His 6-plus bottle of Hennessy Eternal Cognac looks too dim in front of the 18-dollar Louis XIII Black Pearl.

Everyone waited a long time for Guo Shan's response, but their eyes quickly moved to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, what does that friend of yours do? Such a generous shot?"

"That's right, Lin Feng, a bottle of 18 yuan is just for you. Isn't the price too generous?"

"Lin Feng, don't be foolish, why don't you tell me?"

Everyone was curious and shocked, and their views on Lin Feng had changed drastically.

They were very confused, Lin Feng was an orphan now, dressed in ordinary clothes, he must have lived a poor life, but how could he have a noble friend?
"It's very easy for me to make friends. If you respect me a foot, I will respect you a foot. Is there anything unusual about having a friend give you wine?" Lin Feng's expression was very indifferent, and one sentence clarified his principles of life .

He didn't want to explain too much. The reason why everyone has changed their attitudes is undoubtedly the ugly epitome full of worldly things. This is reality!

"Lin Feng, I think everyone can't wait, this bottle of wine, please drink together?" Luo Wanjun was really happy for Lin Feng, and giggled.

"That's right, brother Feng, we're old school friends, let us taste this 18 bottle of famous wine with you!" Xiao Yao took a breath and stood up proudly.

"Okay." Lin Feng smiled.

As long as Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao are happy, he has no objections.

"Brother Lin...Feng, can I open the bar?" Someone couldn't help but excitedly asked.

18 a bottle of famous wine is a super high luxury for most of them, and it is very satisfying to drink a glass.

After the cork was uncorked and poured into the decanter, a strong and fragrant aroma permeated the air, making Guo Shan's face next to him freeze even more.

He was still wondering if this bottle of wine was fake, but after smelling this smell, he was convinced.

"Tong Jun, let's go and order. I want to order all the signature dishes of the King's Landing Club, including desserts. I'll treat each person to one!" Guo Shan said in a deep voice. If he doesn't say anything, he will lose all face today.

"Guo Shao, one serving for each person, you can't eat it at all?" Tong Jun was stunned.

"Go quickly, I heard that there is a female singer stationed here, invite her to sing a song!" Guo Shan shouted loudly.

He doesn't care about money, what he cares about is face.

Everyone stared at each other and couldn't help lowering their heads. Guo Shan was competing with Lin Feng!

They have a great premonition that there will be a war without gunpowder coming soon.

No matter what, they didn't suffer a loss, and they could still enjoy delicious food and wine, so they simply kept their voices silent.

Everyone present, except for Lin Feng, Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao who were still talking and laughing happily, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Soon, the door of the box opened wide, and a beautiful woman came slowly.

She was a third-tier female singer stationed in the King's Landing Clubhouse. She cleared her throat and started singing, "You at the Same Table".

At the same time, one after another, dining carts filled with delicacies were pushed in.

The expressions of the people were very excited.

The delicacies in the dining car include lobster and abalone from Australia, Belon oysters from France, geoduck from Canada and red hair crab from Hokkaido.

All kinds of desserts are available, all of which are top luxury famous foods from various countries.

According to Guo Shan's instructions, each person has one portion, that is, thirteen dining cars were placed in front of everyone.

This kind of generosity can be said to be full of face, Guo Shan looked at it, and finally grinned.

Although his Guo family is not a wealthy family, his father's small business has been expanding in recent years, and he is completely a rich overnight.

He will never care about this consumption.

"Everyone, we can enjoy such a rich and delicious meal and such expensive drinks tonight. Thank you very much, Young Master Lin and Young Master Guo!"

"Hmph!" Guo Shan snorted coldly.

He liked the feeling of being complimented very much, but comparing him with Lin Feng made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't care for Louis XIII black pearls, but I prefer the rare delicacies that Guo Shao entertains everyone." Sophie, who had been flirting with Guo Shan, cast a cold glance at Lin Feng.

"Hmm! That's true. Who knows if there's any medicine in the drink? I don't drink it either."

"Yes, delicacies from mountains and seas are more suitable for me."

Many people sensed Guo Shan's anger and hurriedly decided to stand in line again.

"Drink!" Lin Feng still had no emotion on his face, and together with Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao, they toasted and drank together.

"Brother Feng, why don't we go." Xiao Yao pondered over and over again before making a decision.

"Xiao Yao, if you don't want to eat such a big meal, let's fill your stomach first." Luo Wanjun smiled and started to eat.

The same is true for Lin Feng, if it comes, it will be safe, why not eat it?
Xiao Yao seemed to understand something, so he simply gobbled it up and ate it.

Listening to the live version of the music, everyone drank three rounds of wine, tasted five flavors of food, and when they were full and looking for topics, the door of the box opened again.

"Hello, excuse me, who will pay for the banquet tonight?" A middle-aged man walked up and said with a polite smile.

Everyone looked at Guo Shan.

"We haven't finished eating yet, so we won't pay for the time being." Guo Shan grinned and said coldly.

"Oh, sir, please listen to my explanation." The middle-aged man came to Guo Shan and was about to listen to him.

"What are you whispering about? Say something quickly!" Guo Shan became a little impatient.

"Sir, your meal tonight is estimated to be more than 250 million. I would like to ask if you need any other services?" The middle-aged man said word by word.

Everyone present, except for Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun whose faces were as calm as water, only Tong Jun who just went to order food was also in a calm state.

For the rest of the people, their brains went blank.

A meal, more than 250 million?
This expense is extravagant enough.

"Tell me, how much is it?" Guo Shan was stunned.

"To be precise, it is 250 million and 250. If you don't need other services, we won't charge you a fraction. We will charge you [-] million. You can use credit card, transfer or cash." The middle-aged man put the menu on Guo In front of the mountain.

"You seem to have made a mistake, right?" Guo Shan's face changed instantly, extremely gloomy.

【Continue tomorrow】

(End of this chapter)

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