The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 13 Lin Feng is Disappointed!

Chapter 13 Lin Feng is Disappointed!
Lin Feng is here!

"Sorry, I'm late." He stood at the door, looking around at his old classmates.

In the private room, the area was about fifty or sixty square meters. More than a dozen men and women were sitting or standing. The moment they saw Lin Feng, their eyes froze.

For a while, there was complete silence in the box!

"Lin Feng?"

"It's Lin Feng!"

"It's really him!"

All the people present, except Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao, were terrified as if they had seen a ghost, and took a few steps back one after another.

They knew that something happened to the Lin family three years ago, and no one in the family survived.

Everyone's face was very stiff, and they couldn't help but wonder, what is the situation?
A person who should have died three years ago actually stood before them alive!

"Lin Feng, didn't you die three years ago?" Guo Shan held his chin, his face full of astonishment and doubts.

"I'm living a good life, did I disappoint you?" Lin Feng smiled meaningfully, looked straight at Guo Shan, and then glanced at everyone.

"This... it's good to be alive." Guo Shan was at a loss for words for a while, but then his face darkened, and his eyes showed a fierce look.

An imperceptible smirk appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he took a step forward without further studying Guo Shan's rude words to him.

He behaved generously and gracefully, standing next to Luo Wanjun.

Logically speaking, Lin Feng came back from the dead, and the old classmates present should have been grateful, sympathetic, and happy.

However, Lin Feng's sudden appearance caused mixed feelings in their hearts, and they had no choice but to retreat.

The reason is that Guo Shan is not happy now!
There were quite a few people present, some were due to the power of the Guo family, some had received favors from Guo Shan, and some, like Guo Shan, had thoughts about Mr. Luo Wan, so they had to choose to side with Guo Shan at this time.

"Hey, I said everyone should stop standing and sit down." Xiao Yao stood up with a smile to smooth things over, pulled Lin Feng and pressed him on the seat.

He was the one who invited Lin Feng to tonight's reunion of old classmates. The current situation is severe, and he didn't want Lin Feng to be rejected by everyone because of him.

"Xiao Yao, what are you?" Guo Shan was full of anger, everyone including him was still standing, but Xiao Yao was the first to sit down presumptuously!

In terms of status, in terms of status, if everyone wants to take a seat, he, Guo Shan, should be the first to sit first!
"That's right, Xiao Yao, Young Master Guo hasn't sat down yet, it's impolite for you to ask Lin Feng to sit down first!"

"Xiao Yao, you don't think about Lin Feng's identity, can you let him sit down first?"

"Lin Feng, you don't know what's good and what's wrong, do you? Stand up quickly!"

Everyone was discussing and looking unhappy. In order to please Guo Shan, they accused Xiao Yao of his lack of manners and Lin Feng's ignorance of good and evil.

"Guo Shan, we are all old classmates after all, why make it so embarrassing?" Xiao Yao stood up abruptly with a complex expression on his face.

Everyone humiliated him, he could bear it, but he couldn't help humiliating his good brother Lin Feng.

He admits that his status is not as good as Guo Shan's, but tonight's reunion of old classmates, we must save some face!
"Xiao Yao, sit down." Lin Feng sternly pressed Xiao Yao on the seat, and stretched out his hand to signal Luo Wanjun to sit down too.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

What they said was very clear, but Lin Feng didn't know what to say!

"Lin Feng, since you're not dead, you should cherish your present life. It's really inappropriate for you to sit down before Young Master Guo sits down!" A muscular man came out from behind Guo Shan.

"Tong Jun, what do you think?" Xiao Yao suddenly felt bad when he saw this person, and when he was about to get up, Lin Feng pressed him on the seat again.

"Xiao Yao, I'll take care of it." Lin Feng gave Xiao Yao a reassuring look, then sighed softly.

Today he reunited with his good brother Xiao Yao, and he wanted to narrate the past and get drunk.

He agreed to Xiao Yao to come to this class reunion, which inevitably mixed with his friendship with his old classmates.

He originally thought that it is a good thing for classmates to connect with each other, at least they can help each other.

He inherited the unique knowledge of Guigu, and he has too many resources that ordinary people can't imagine. If anyone needs it, he will not refuse.

However, from the current point of view, this so-called classmate friendship is too cheap!

Lin Feng was very disappointed!
He was also too lazy to compete with these former classmates.

But the premise is that he, Luo Wanjun and Xiao Yao will no longer be hurt!

This can be regarded as a last favor for this group of old classmates!

"Lin Feng, I'll warn you one last time. You are not welcome at the reunion of old classmates tonight. Don't force me to do it!" Tong Jun approached.

"You can try it." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Tong Jun calmly. He would not show mercy if he made further progress.

Tong Jun had stayed in Shaolin Temple for a few years, and he was an unscrupulous frenzy since he was in high school. Lin Feng still had some impressions.

"Forget it, we are all old classmates, please sit down!" Luo Wanjun's voice sounded faintly.

Everyone was so rude to Lin Feng and Xiao Yao, she wanted to tell them to leave quickly, but considering everyone's extreme views on Lin Feng, she felt it was necessary to stay.

Because, she believed that Lin Feng could properly handle the accusation of rudeness tonight, so that everyone would change their views.

After all, at last night's reception, Lin Feng had no fear in the face of the aggressive Shen family father and son, and the Shen family had disappeared from Tianhai City today.

This is enough to show Lin Feng's personal energy.

"Forget it, since Jun Wan has spoken, I'll give you this face." Guo Shan pressed Tong Jun's shoulder, his eyes resting greedily on Luo Wan Jun.

He was arrogant and suspicious by nature, and he never gave up easily. Tonight, Lin Feng made him suffer, he was very angry!

How dare an orphan who was wiped out pretend to be a boss in front of him?
Good show is behind!
It would be a pity if Lin Feng was just coaxed away like this. Give Luo Wanjun some face and be a favor, and he can still win Luo Wanjun's attention!

After Guo Shan sat down, everyone began to take their seats.

"Lin Feng, do you know how much this bottle of wine costs?"

A gorgeous woman held up a bottle of wine with a label full of foreign language letters with a half-smile, and looked at Lin Feng deliberately.

"Sophie, Young Master Guo brought this bottle of wine specially. Lin Feng's taste is far from that of Young Master Guo. How could he know?" Another woman gave Lin Feng a contemptuous look and smiled jokingly. road.

"Oh...that's true, I'm to blame for being abrupt, the price of this bottle of wine, I'm afraid he might not be able to afford it even if he has to struggle for a year?" Sophie smiled, the teasing in her eyes was undisguised.

Suddenly, everyone in the box roared with laughter.

"Sophie, you can't say that. Lin Feng was also the young master of a wealthy family. He didn't drink any famous wine?" Guo Shan patted the table and said angrily.

"Guo Shao's lesson is that it's all because of Sophie's talkativeness." Sophie gave Guo Shan a flattering smile.

Then, she looked back at Lin Feng, giggled and said, "Lin Feng, thanks to Guo Shao, we can all taste the value of this bottle..."

"This bottle is Hennessy Eternal Cognac worth around [-]. It is produced in Charente, France. It is undoubtedly a famous wine, but it doesn't suit my taste." Lin Feng interrupted Sophie, and talked eloquently.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone was startled.

It may be a coincidence that Lin Feng knew this bottle of wine, but he arrogantly said that it was not to his taste, this is too self-righteous!


At this moment, the box door knocked.

"Excuse me, who is Mr. Lin?" A waitress opened the door and walked in. There was a bottle of wine on the tray in her hand. The color was as black as ink, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

[Brothers and sisters who have recommended tickets, please support a wave]

(End of this chapter)

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