The most powerful evil god of war

Chapter 12 Isn't Lin Feng dead?

Chapter 12 Isn't Lin Feng dead?
In Tianhai City, there are two major biopharmaceutical companies.

One is Ankang Bio-pharmaceuticals founded by Luo Wanjun three years ago, and the other is Baicao Bio-pharmaceuticals which was founded less than half a year ago.

Only when there is competition among peers can there be motivation. As a pharmaceutical company, its purpose is to provide protection for the health of ordinary people.

However, if a conspiracy to annihilate humanity is produced for self-interest, it will be a disaster for the health of ordinary people.

"If this matter is a conspiracy by colleagues, there is only Baicao Pharmaceutical in Tianhai." Luo Wanjun said slowly while pondering.

"Hmm! We can't rule out colleagues from other regions." Lin Feng made a rational analysis.

Before finding out the truth, he doesn't need to take any action, it's still the same sentence, but he will personally do everything that hurts Luo Wanjun, and he will not hesitate.

"Fortunately, you came here." Luo Wanjun smiled happily, looking at Lin Feng with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Mr. Wan, why didn't you stay in the imperial capital, but chose a small place like Tianhai to start a company?" Lin Feng changed the subject, he had always had this doubt.

"The imperial capital, the competition is too great." Luo Wanjun hesitated for a while, and gave a seemingly reasonable explanation.

She couldn't say that because of the marriage contract, she made a three-year contract of tens of billions with her father, could she?
Three years ago, she chose to come to Tianhai to do business, and it happened to coincide with the time when the Lin family was exterminated. She did not hesitate to restrain the corpses of Lin Feng's parents.

For her, this may be the arrangement of fate!

"When I change my clothes, go to the class reunion?" Luo Wanjun's complexion returned to normal, she smiled sweetly, and walked towards the elevator.

"Then I'll wait for you in the lobby on the first floor." Lin Feng didn't continue to ask, Luo Wanjun didn't want to say, there must be some difficulties, he didn't force it.

After Luo Wanjun left, Lin Feng looked around and saw a coquettish and fashionable woman walking towards him.

She has long hair shawl, hair hanging on the snow-white collarbone, charming eyes, sexy lips, exuding the charm of thousands of styles.

"Are you the new assistant to the president?"

"Wheat-colored skin, sharp facial features, and a beard around the lips, it's full of masculinity."

"My name is Yang Li, the director of the public relations department." The coquettish woman introduced herself and looked Lin Feng up and down.

"Is there something wrong?" Lin Feng said calmly.

"Oh, why are you so cold and cold? Are you interested in having a drink together at night?" Yang Li walked up to Lin Feng coquettishly, showing a tendency to not give up until she reached her goal.

As the director of the public relations department, she has her own way of dealing with men, and she is full of confidence in conquering the man in front of her.

"No interest!" Lin Feng turned around. Such a self-righteous woman is not worth his time.

He didn't deny that this Yang Li was indeed pretty, but she wasn't his type.

"Oh, I sprained my ankle, it hurts so much..." Yang Lijiao was annoyed, and she was about to hug Lin Feng with both hands.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Feng turned sideways slightly, Yang Li lost her center of gravity and fell directly to the ground.

"Assistant to the president, is it that great? You really don't know good and bad, and you don't know how to be compassionate and cherish jade, it's your loss!" Yang Li became furious and stood up.

Lin Feng is not a cold-blooded animal, he has iron bones and tenderness, and knows how to be compassionate and cherish the jade, but he will not be kind to this kind of woman.

"You are the director of the PR department, right?" Lin Feng turned around suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

"Changed your mind?" Yang Li's eyes kept flickering, she knew that she had never failed to strike up a conversation with a man on her terms.

"Someone came to make trouble before. As the director of the public relations department, you can be regarded as the leader of the company. Why weren't you there and where did you go?" Lin Feng looked at this unreasonable woman, slightly annoyed.

"Our company has a lot of female employees, those rough men come to make trouble, who would dare to take the lead?" Yang Li lowered her voice a lot.

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Luo Wanjun came to the lobby on the first floor with a small bag.

She wore light makeup, and her snow-white and supple skin shone with halos, making her very charming.

The clothes were changed into a lavender shoulder-length skirt, with a unique blue bow tied around the waist, and the proportions of the body showed an S shape, which was particularly exciting.

Even Lin Feng was slightly absent-minded at this moment.

"It's nothing." Yang Li lowered her head, cast a sinister glance at Lin Feng, and left resentfully.

"She wants to make friends with me." Lin Feng prevaricated with one word.

"Yang Li, you'd better not get too close." Luo Wanjun knew Yang Li's character very well, and she advised Lin Feng that she didn't want any ambiguity to arise.

Lin Feng naturally understood, and the two drove straight to the King's Landing Clubhouse.

As night falls, the lights are on.

In Beicheng District, the 37-story Junlin Clubhouse is definitely a landmark building.

The decoration of the clubhouse is extremely luxurious, and the decoration in the box seems to be another style, full of ancient style and ancient charm, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Outside the 006 box, Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun came together, and happened to meet Xiao Yao.

"My God, brother Feng, you can do it, you actually brought Luo Wanjun here!" Xiao Yao was very surprised.

As Lin Feng's good brother, he knew better than anyone else what happened between Lin Feng and Luo Wanjun when they were in high school.

It's just that they haven't seen each other for eight years. He doesn't know if the relationship between the two of them is still the same.

"Xiao Yao, long time no see." Luo Wanjun walked over with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yao is Lin Feng's close buddy, and she knows it all too well.

"Mr. Luo, I'm so happy to see you and Brother Feng coming together, as a brother!" Xiao Yao told the truth, hurriedly greeted and walked into the box.

Coincidentally, Lin Feng's cell phone rang.

He motioned Xiao Yao and Luo Wanjun to go in first, and then connected the phone.

Xiao Yao didn't think too much, and took Luo Wanjun into the 006 box.

"Old classmates, take a look, who is this?" After Xiao Yao entered the box, he clapped his hands to quiet down the few people present.

Then, Luo Wanjun walked in.

"Boss Luo?"

"Luo... Luo Wanjun!"

"Goddess Luo, sit here!"

There were about a dozen men and women in the box, and after seeing Luo Wanjun's sudden appearance, they all stood up, quite enthusiastic.

Luo Wanjun is pretty, and she is also the boss of a company. They were very excited to find time to come to the party.

Especially several old male classmates, after seeing Luo Wanjun's charming appearance, their hearts were suddenly turbulent.

"Mr. Wan, drink more today. If you don't get drunk, you won't come back. Come and sit here." Guo Shan smiled seriously with a very gentlemanly look.

"It's okay, everyone can sit down wherever you want." Luo Wanjun declined Guo Shan, and was quite happy to see the old and middle-aged classmates present.

"Mr. Wan, we haven't seen each other for eight years, are you so disrespectful?" Guo Shan turned serious, and stepped forward to pull Luo Wanjun.

Guo Shan, with a gracious family background and a prominent background, is incomparable to everyone present except Luo Wanjun's identity.

After his words, the atmosphere in the box became quiet, and everyone was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Guo Shan, don't tell me, Boss Luo just arrived, let's just sit down and chat casually." Xiao Yao blocked Guo Shan without hesitation.

Luo Wanjun is Lin Feng's favorite woman, no matter who wants to use their brains, Lin Feng is not around, as a brother, he must stand up and stop it.

"Xiao Yao, you dare to block me?" Guo Shan raised his eyebrows, very unhappy.

Xiao Yao took a step back subconsciously, but Lin Feng's figure appeared in his mind, and he took another step forward in a daze.

"Guo Shan, Luo is always Lin Feng's favorite person, you'd better not reach out." Xiao Yao said firmly.

"Who does Lin Feng like?"

"Hahaha! Isn't Lin Feng dead? What's the point of teasing him now?" Guo Shan was startled, and then laughed out loud.

The rest of the men and women who were stalking Guo Shan also roared with laughter.

"Guo Shan, where Jun Jun sits is her freedom, don't force her." At this moment, Lin Feng's voice sounded, and he was already standing in the box.

[Thank you for your votes and support, Qingfeng is very motivated to code]

(End of this chapter)

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