Chapter 11
"You deceive people too much!"

Luo Wanjun saw the man with shoulder-length hair approaching with malicious intentions, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Your company's birth control pills are fake. My brother's woman almost died twice. We came to ask for an explanation. Why did we bully you?"

"I'll say it one last time, there is no evidence, and everything is out of the question. If you continue to chatter and domineeringly, regardless of whether it is black or white, I, Luo Wanjun, will accompany you to the end!" Luo Wanjun laughed back angrily. Showcasing the demeanor of a strong woman.

The man with shoulder-length hair couldn't help being speechless for a moment, he had heard that Luo Wanjun was an elite business woman.

But he didn't hear that this woman got angry, and the aura between the lines made him startled.

He pondered for a moment.

"Then let's spend our time here! Before dark, I won't see 500 million, and this matter will spread on the Internet. You Ankang Pharmaceuticals, just wait for the closure!" The shoulder-length man sneered, He wasn't afraid of a woman, so he sat down again calmly.

Luo Wanjun suddenly felt that the situation was serious, and his eyes were slightly red with anger.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, if it is maliciously added to the Internet by these people, and it will have an extremely bad impact on her company, then the three-year contract of tens of billions that she and her father made will stop. before.

Leaning against the door frame, Luo Wanjun was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

"Mr. Wan, don't worry, everything is up to me."

At this time, Lin Feng strode over and took Luo Wanjun's trembling little hand.

After he came to Ankang Pharmaceutical, the security here didn't stop him, but avoided him as if he was avoiding the plague god. He was chattering about something, and he suddenly felt bad.

"Lin Feng." After seeing Lin Feng's sudden appearance, Luo Wanjun felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart.

After the two chatted briefly, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, took a look at the reception room, and couldn't help but sneer.

He was well aware of this matter, and it was clearly a medical incident of blackmail.

"Oh, it's going to get dark soon. It seems that I need to exercise my muscles and bones." The shoulder-length haired man moved his limbs, his bones and joints cracked, and he wanted to tell others that he was an exerciser.

"The compensation of 500 million, are you sure?" Lin Feng had a tricky smile on his lips, walked into the reception room, and looked down at the group of men with shoulder-length hair.

"Very sure." The shoulder-length haired man raised his legs and his face darkened.

"Cash, check, or transfer?" Lin Feng smiled calmly with squinted eyes.

"Cash, of course." The man with shoulder-length hair threw away his cigarette butt and stood up.

"Then we agree." Lin Feng nodded.

His words were like thunder on the ground.

"Lin Feng, this..." Luo Wanjun, who was standing next to her, was very worried for a moment, with a dazed expression on her face.

She didn't care about money. If she did this, she would virtually admit to her company's drug fraud, which would cause immeasurable damage to the company's reputation.

"This buddy is still refreshing! But, who are you, do you have the right to make the decision?" The shoulder-length haired man thought for a while and asked suspiciously.

"Never mind who I am, just give me the money." Lin Feng stood in front of the man with shoulder-length hair and stretched out his hand.

Give money?
Lin Feng's words were so intriguing that everyone was stunned on the spot.

Give money, who will give money to whom?
"What do you mean?" The man with shoulder-length hair froze, and suddenly felt as if he had been tricked.

"You trespassed on Ankang Pharmaceutical, disturbed the company's performance, affected the company's reputation, and even smashed up the reception room, paying 500 million yuan in compensation. Do you have any objections?" Lin Feng said seriously, his eyes showing sharpness.

"You..." The man with shoulder-length hair was speechless for a moment.

"Don't talk nonsense, give me the money!" Lin Feng was also discussing the matter, and did not bully others.

Wicked people have their own troubles. These little guys think they are very smart, and they just want to blackmail them if they just get involved in a drug incident. They want money and want to go crazy!

Luo Wanjun pursed her lips and smiled, she was instantly relieved, and finally understood Lin Feng's intentions.

Although Lin Feng's actions seemed tyrannical, it was the best way to deal with the unreasonable people in front of him in this way of tit for tat.

"You want to meddle in other people's business? Hmph! It's best to find out first, we are the ones who came to collect the debt!" The shoulder-length haired man was angry, feeling like being played by someone, very uncomfortable!

The brothers behind him also showed ferocious eyes, and after a lot of gearing up, they were about to step forward to deal with Lin Feng.

"There is no excuse for the more serious crime!"

"I'll take care of Ankang Pharmaceutical's affairs." Lin Feng smiled calmly. The hype that these people said was also nonsense!

To put it bluntly, Luo Wanjun's business is his business, and no one can shake this.

"It's up to you? What right do you have to meddle in my affairs?" The shoulder-length man stopped talking nonsense, and with a big wave of his hand, seven or eight strong men threw their thick arms at Lin Feng.

A coercion instantly spread from Lin Feng's body.

Before the shoulder-length haired man and the others rushed to Lin Feng, they suddenly felt heart palpitations that they had never felt before. A layer of cold sweat covered their bodies, and they all froze in place.

They are afraid, what kind of momentum is this?To prevent them from moving their legs?
In the next second, their right arms were snapped off by Lin Feng on the spot.

"Am I qualified to take care of your affairs now?" Lin Feng said coldly, ignoring the wailing of these people.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The man with shoulder-length hair and others all knelt on the ground. They never imagined that seven or eight people were so powerful in combat, but they were wiped out by a seemingly ordinary man with a wave of his hand!

"Go away." Lin Feng waved his hand, these people are guilty, and the crime does not deserve death, so it is still useful to keep them.

The man with shoulder-length hair and the others were terrified, and thanked them again and again, if they didn't leave, I'm afraid my life would be here today.

After they left in a panic, Lin Feng looked at the obedient security guards at the door, and whispered, "How many people are in your security team?"

"36 people." Lu Jinwei, the security captain, hurriedly responded after seeing that Lin Feng had crippled the arms of the man with shoulder-length hair and others with a few moves.

"The security force of 36 people can't even stop these people, what use are you for?" Lin Feng walked towards Lu Jinwei slowly without getting angry.

"This...they are gangsters. If our security guards stop them, they will inevitably suffer malicious revenge from them..." Lu Jinwei was terrified when he thought of Lin Feng's methods, and responded submissively.

"I could have stopped it, but Captain Lu warned me that if I make a move, I will be fired."

At this time, a security guard named Liu Fei came out. He was muscular, with very different eyes, and said with his hands clasped in displeasure.

"Liu Fei, what are you talking about!" Lu Jinwei turned pale with shock and scolded.

"never mind."

Luo Wanjun waved his hand suddenly, and said, "Captain Lu, take someone to clean up the reception room."

"President Luo, don't worry." Lu Jinwei nodded, turned around and gave Liu Fei a glance, and then led them into the reception room.

"Liu Fei, I have a mission for you." Lin Feng walked to Liu Fei's side and whispered, "Follow those guys and find their mastermind."

"Why should I listen to you?" Liu Fei bluntly refused. Although he also admired Lin Feng's methods, he would never obey when called around by a stranger.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn't mind. His tone was a bit overwhelming, so he turned his head to look at Luo Wanjun.

"Liu Fei, his name is Lin Feng, he is my assistant, do as he says." Luo Wanjun walked over and gave Lin Feng a temporary title.

He didn't deny Lin Feng's decision. In fact, she also had this thought in her heart. It's impossible for these people to come and make trouble without a reason. Maybe someone really instigated it.

"How many pharmaceutical companies are there in Tianhai City?" Lin Feng suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Could it be..." Luo Wanjun suddenly realized that if there is competition among peers, there will naturally be conflicts.

[Recommended tickets go for a wave]

(End of this chapter)

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